My favorite day in Virginia each year...

Mar 03, 2008 21:43

The first warm day of the year! Every March I look forward to it, and how suddenly it arrived this year! Last year this miracle happened on a weekend, and inspired a little mystical lyricism from me. I've never seen such a cold February around here. Brr--good riddance. That makes this year's new burst of life feel all the more blessed. Last night I was in a horrible mood, what with my frustration at looking for work and wondering why no one ever calls. Today I got an e-mail inviting me to a dream job interview, so along with the beautiful springlike weather my mood rose upward quite steeply. Something about the first warm day each year in Virginia carries a unique quality for me that reconnects me with the blessedness of all existence and lifts my spirits like nothing else. Welcome back, earth energy!

My dear friend rupertrouge joined LJ today, please extend a warm welcome and help Rupert feel at home here. This evening, invisone took me to dinner at a new Thai place named Busara, and treated me to perhaps the finest vegetable green curry (แกงผัก gang pak) I've ever tasted. She's always so good to me. :) One more goodie came through today--George Franklin is starting Reclaiming Quarterly back up again and is finally publishing the article I sent in almost three years ago! What a day it's been...

This year I have successfully negotiated such a profound personal transformation in my whole life, I'm still in the first flush of constant wonder and gratitude at every moment of life. It felt like a reprieve from a death sentence, and every flower blooms in brighter colors now, every sunrise is like the creation of the world, as I imagine one must feel after a close brush with death. Life itself feels so miraculous now, after having struggled for years through such pain and despair to get to this point. Even at my advancing age, to be able to still feel with pure intensity the same blessedness that has been a divine gift in my life ever since childhood seems to be the finest blessing of all. Thank you :)

spirit, virginia, earth, nature

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