NEWS - Chankapaana PV & Making of

Dec 30, 2012 18:56

Originally posted by rockthecliche at this is a, "news! kiseki okose!" kind of post

news - chankapaana
pv & making of
I, uh, already ripped this by the time I saw that someone else had ripped it. It feels kind of a waste to not post it, though, so. 8D?

Same rules, etc: mirrors would be nice, comments are also nice but not necessary, etc, etc.

screencaps for quality, dl links, whatever else )

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Comments 3

katrinasacay January 1 2013, 15:31:08 UTC
hi. i would like to ask if you have gotten permission on posting these stuff from the original poster? coz i think that's kind of rude to repost everything without their consent. reposting direct links can also affect the bandwidth of their accts.


joha_chi January 3 2013, 07:31:36 UTC
Hi Katrina, I'm Hana on facebook Dx. So sorry I didn't think sharing a post that was share before, was bad =(. Now is so hard find new things about News to download, that I thought I was a good idea sharing this for the fans... =(
(sorry for my english too T_T)


katrinasacay January 3 2013, 07:37:28 UTC
hi hana. >.<
i think your aim is good, but it would be better if you get their permission first, or maybe make this post private. :)
there are some uploaders who are quite strict and may not like this if they find it out. D:


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