Title: Good Intelligence
Author: JoelTheCat
Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jenny Shepard/Brenda Leigh Johnson
Genre: f/f, m/f
Warning: phone abuse
Spoilers: NCIS through season 5. Whole run of The Closer, which may well have aired by the time I'm done :-)
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Author Notes: Timelines totally skewed in the quest for quality femslash and because Gibbs likes redheads.
Summary: The danger from Brenda's past may not have nearly the impact on her life as the old friend who shows up to protect her.
Word Count: 655
Once they had the phones, Provenza drove two exits south down the Barstow Parkway and paused for Chief Pope to make his call.
"They got the kid on video," Pope said when he came back. He passed the phone around so everyone could look at the picture as they rolled back toward the north. Agent McGee did something to the phone, and the photograph appeared on his laptop.
"Good," said Chief Johnson. She took the phone and tossed it out a window onto the freeway. "Let them figure out what cell tower that's in range of."
"The boy's not Arab," said Fritz.
"Not obviously," said the Mossad girl.
"He's too young," said Chief Johnson. "He probably wasn't even born when all this was happening."
"He's blond," said the Scottish doctor.
"That don't make him any older," Chief Johnson said.
"It's genetic," said Gibbs.
"Or chemical," said Captain Raydor. "I used to be blond."
"Yes!" said Gabriel. "Pay me, Julio!"
"Not if it's not natural!"
"Sorry, David" said Chief Johnson. "Natural redhead." The interior of the motor home got very quiet. "What?" asked the Chief. "I showered with her, for Heaven's sake!"
"You know," Raydor said with acid in her voice, "I actually prefer people who want to know what parts of my body are real to ask."
"Sorry," said the chief in a subdued tone. "I thought you were still out."
"Sorry for looking?" asked Chief Pope. "I thought you were helping her bathe. Wasn't it kind of obvious?"
"Different parts," said the Chief.
"Oh!" said DiNozzo. "Those! Are they real?"
"Oh, yeah." said the Chief.
"Yes!" crowed Provenza as both Sanchez and Flynn went for their wallets. Raydor crossed her arms under the blanket and burrowed closer to Fritz Howard. His hand started to move under the covers. She slapped it, and he pulled it outside the bedclothes.
"I was just...."
The Captain glared at him and crawled back into the bed. The NCIS director tossed her a coverlet.
"So," said the doctor, "we have Rahim Zaid Ali Tamim passing Pakistani rubies to a man with yellow hair, and mentioning the same in an interrogation some decades ago. We have this yellow-haired fellow disappearing into a US facility, presumably with the rubies. We have Israeli suggestions that the US was mounting an operation in the theater. Twenty years later, chatter suggests the interrogator has become a person of interest to some former Soviet agents. An attempt is made on her life by a boy, also with yellow hair."
"And the US Intelligence Community," said Fritz, "pulls all kinds of strings to get at the interrogator, but it takes an unofficial operation to protect her."
"You know, Brenda," the NCIS director told the Chief. "Somewhere in your mind is the answer. That's the only way any of this makes sense."
"When do you call Taylor again?" Chief Johnson asked Chief Pope.
"Like I'm stupid enough to give him a firm time so he can be ready to trace?" Pope said. "I'll call him when I call him."
"Well when you do, ask him to check with the National Cemeteries and the VA about military funerals in the few weeks before the chatter started."
"Might be," said McGee. "I can get those records without asking. Find a burger joint with wifi."
"Brenda," asked Fritz, "did you ever ask Ali what became of those rubies?"
The chief shuffled through the transcript of her memories.
"What language did he answer in?" the Israeli girl asked.
"He... he answered me in English," the Chief said. "He said the man passed most of them on."
"Most of them?" asked the director.
"Don't get excited, Jen," said Gibbs. "He could have been spending the rest locally."
"On what?" asked the chief, tapping her thumbs together. "Who would take raw rubies in exchange for anything?"