Terms of Use

Nov 01, 2007 10:17

[1] Kindly read every point carefully to prevent misunderstandings. By participating in my spree, you have deemed to agree to these terms and condition.

[2] Orders come on first come first serve basis, in the order in my ibank account. Your order is considered void when no payment is made. Delete and repost if there's any changes(also inform me about it).

[3] Please post order and payment details in a single comment. I want the thread to be really neat. Use your lj nick when ibanking. No atm/interbank transfers unless stated otherwise. Or else, I won't help you order plus refunds will be made 1 year later.

[4] Please make sure that your orders are complete (include alternatives, etc.) and correct. Place your items in the shopping bag to check that it is in stock before you post. Include your name, lj nick, email and bank account number(omit dashes).

[5] I will not be liable for any lost or damage or wrong items sent. I will also not be liable for mistakes made on my part. Rest assure that all items will be handled with care and consideration, and I will have reconciliation done with the merchant for any wrong items sent by them. If not, cost of lost items will have to be shared and split amongst the spree-ers(if items are lost before items are sent out). I do not make any profit from spreeing, so if something goes wrong, I won't refund you. Spreers are therefore taking a risk when they join my sprees.

[6] Please abide to the CAP. Count the previous posts before ordering, do not post after the CAP has been reached. Otherwise you would get your refunds 1 year later.

[7] If there is a need to call the merchant over the telephone to verify any details, the cost will be split by the number of participants.

[8] There will be no exchange rates refunds if the actually rate deducted from the bank is lower.

[9] A handling fee of SGD$0.50 will be charged for each package that is opted to be sent by mail with brown paper envelopes and SGD$0.70 will be charged if I use standard white envelopes because the envelopes cost $0.50 itself, all are basically charges to cover stationery costs. In addition, if package is too large/fragile, the spreer will have to cover the cost of the item (Please inform me whether you want your items in these before I send out the items).
  • Postpac Cartons
    • Corrugated cardboard cartons ideal for packing of bulky items
    • Size 1 (20 x 15 x 10cm) $1.63
    • Size 2 (31 x 25 x 12cm) $2.24
    • Size 3 (40 x 25 x 15cm) $3.16
    • Size 4 (50 x 30 x 20cm) $3.77
    • Size 5 (60 x 40 x 30cm) $6.42
  • Postpac Envelopes
    • Specially-padded with plastic air bubble sheets to cushion your documents, gifts, etc from damage
    • Size 1 (133 x 190mm) $0.71
    • Size 2 (203 x 280mm) $1.22
    • Size 3 (304 x 406mm) $1.73
    • Size 4 (324 x 458mm) $2.55
    • Size A4 (240 x 330mm) $1.43

[10] Once items have reached me, I will reserve your items for only up to 2 weeks(from the time I email you). Uncollected items/items with no topup done will not be released.

[11] Spree may take up to 1 - 3 month or more to complete. I will update if there are updates. If you are a spreer who always bugs spree organisers for updates, do not join this spree. If you email me and I ignore your email, it means that there isn't any updates.

[12] I assume no responsibility once items has been sent out. So to be safer, do registered mails. Click here for the singpost rates. There will also be no meet ups or home collection, unless stated otherwise.

[13] I reserve the right to cancel the spree with any reason I deem fit and i will also have the right to make decisions for the spree.
[14] I will not tolerate any threats or impoliteness or bugging(I don't like people emailing me for updates within 2 weeks of the last update) from spreers. And spreers are suppose to take initiative, I am not a babysitter and I don't and won't feed you with every information.

[15] There will be no changes or cancellation of items once order has been made. If you want to cancel your items, you initial payment will be forfeited.

[16] I may change the terms of use without any prior notification.
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