Title: He Tries To Speak (And Can't Begin To Say)
joe_pike_junior Characters/pairings: House/Wilson friendship, House/Cuddy, mentions of House/Stacy. Members of the old and new teams make an appearance.
Warnings: Major character death, strong language and themes.
Summary: He tries to tell himself that this doesn't feel like atonement. House remembers
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Comments 20
This is really ... gah. Yeah, this is House, and how House would cope, or not cope. I read it yesterday and couldn't get my brain in gear to say anything, but it's an outstanding story and I think your present/past switching structure works really well. It's as if we're living in the present with House but also remembering with him, unable to get out of those moments of realization and horror and ultimate death.
That has more effect in person.
Oh, thank you. I really liked the idea of House talking to someone, but that had to be for a reason. And what better reason than the fact that he was feeling just a little bit unstable, that he couldn't get this out of his head? I kept thinking back to what we've seen in the past season as I wrote this.
I wanted to write House in real pain without going OTT, and I think that worked.
So, thanks. :)
I like my writing to be "unencumbered", although this doesn't trend particularly in that direction. There are parts of it I could have taken out, but didn't.
As far as taking out anything, I feel it was just right. A serious subject about two friends dealing with a long, debilitating illness. That's what made it so good. You took the time to hit all the correct notes along the way.
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