Beg pardon, I was poking around the LJ settings pages for ten minutes straight at work the other day when I first saw this post, but just now I figured out what it is to make entries appear on those clean pages instead. XD
Mouse over the "journal" tab on your LJ homepage, select "journal style" at the bottom, and then find "customize your theme" in the box at the top right. When the page loads, you should automatically be in the "display" section (on the sidebar); scroll down to "basic options", and for "Disable customized comment pages for your journal", select "yes" from the drop-down. Then hit save, and your journal style will only display for the journal itself - individual entries will show up with the clean page. :D
Uh, regarding the magnificent spring-iness, this bit is truly wonderful: once the ten together were a feather of foam bubble, a chrysanthemum whirl speaking to silver
And I can't get over the kinds of resources that exist in little corners of the internet, omg. :D
Gosh, I feel as though I would have actually bought and read newspapers in 1930. Indeed :)
It's a very springly poem indeed, thanks for sharing! And I thoroughly envy you your fair weather, if colourless, since here we're not yet rid of snow, and it'll take a few weeks of dirt yet before there is anything like pretty about.
My central coast CA area will later get the "Grey May" and "June Gloom," so perhaps you will be able to frolic while things are dismal here later in the year. ♥ What area do you live in, again?
Comments 7
Beg pardon, I was poking around the LJ settings pages for ten minutes straight at work the other day when I first saw this post, but just now I figured out what it is to make entries appear on those clean pages instead. XD
Mouse over the "journal" tab on your LJ homepage, select "journal style" at the bottom, and then find "customize your theme" in the box at the top right. When the page loads, you should automatically be in the "display" section (on the sidebar); scroll down to "basic options", and for "Disable customized comment pages for your journal", select "yes" from the drop-down. Then hit save, and your journal style will only display for the journal itself - individual entries will show up with the clean page. :D
Uh, regarding the magnificent spring-iness, this bit is truly wonderful:
once the ten together were a feather of foam bubble, a chrysanthemum whirl speaking to silver
And I can't get over the kinds of resources that exist in little corners of the internet, omg. :D
Indeed :)
It's a very springly poem indeed, thanks for sharing! And I thoroughly envy you your fair weather, if colourless, since here we're not yet rid of snow, and it'll take a few weeks of dirt yet before there is anything like pretty about.
I'm on a different continent though - Moscow!
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