Title: Dreams And Proclamations
joatexPairing: Akame
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama, Romance
Warning: None...I think... (-_-U)
Disclaimer: No.... the boys aren't mine, sad.... but true (T^T)
Summary: It's been years after a nuclear war broke out, and a group of survivors created a small city. One, in which, Kazuya lives in. But when he runs across an Outcast in the Wastelands, there is a change brewing in the winds.
A/N: Enjoy (n_n)
A million thanks to
harajukyuu for the awesome banner (n_n)
Previous Chapters:
03 Kame POV: Pink
Jin POV: Red
Chapter 4: Helping Hand
The elderly couple I was working for allowed me to leave early after I finished cleaning the shelves. I had gotten done around early afternoon, and they were kind enough to ask if I would join them for lunch. I took them up on their offer, not wanting to snub them in their own house.
The lunch was good; it was some kind of soup the old woman had made while I was working on the shelves. We sat and talked for a little while after that. They were really nice people, which was kind of hard to come by in the city. Maybe it was because of their age.
The elderly man held out several folded dollars to me. "Here's your pay for the day." I took it, and counted the money. The amount that was in my hands would have taken Reiko and I weeks to make. "Thank you." I folded the dollars back up, and tucked them away in my pocket.
The woman asked, "Will we see you tomorrow?" I stood up, straightening the wrinkles in my shirt as I did so. "Of course," I responded back to her. For one thing, they were nice people. And another thing was that they paid generously.
I thanked them for the work and money, then told them good-bye. Since I was let off early, Reiko would still be thinking that I was working. So, I took this opportunity to walk around the city. I mainly wanted to see how many Officials actually had been placed by the fence.
I walked along the dirt road, occasionally sneaking glances at the Officials. It seemed like for every one there had been, there were now three more to take his place. I could hardly see the fence behind them. I felt more caged in than I ever had before, and I didn't like it.
Something wasn't right. I kept on walking past the Officials, and made an unnoticed way towards the dead part of the city; the area that not even the Officials would go. From across the street, I stared at the hole in the fence. It was one thing when I went through there at night, but it was completely different during the daytime.
I could easily be spotted by one of the many Officials that had been added on guard. Why was I even thinking about doing something this stupid and dangerous? Something told me that it had to do with the Outcast I met last night.
Maybe I wanted to warn him about the increase in Officials so he wouldn't try to slip back through the fence and get hurt. I took a deep breath, and darted across the street and through the opening in the fence. Without stopping, I ran through the Wastelands until I felt as though I was well out of sight from any Official.
How was I even planning on finding that Outcast when the Wastelands were so wide open? He couldn't have been too far off from the city, because I doubted that he'd carry that stolen bag of food for a very long distance. Unless he truly was that desperate for something to eat.
I stopped walking for a moment to catch my breath, and out in the distance I saw what looked like a small cluster of houses that were similar to the one that I lived in with Reiko. That had to be the place that the Outcasts stayed at.
I had gone back to my room to lay down after my conversation with Hana that morning. In the room with the others, I could hear some of the kids asking her what was wrong with me. Her answer was telling them that I was just tired. There wasn't any reason to make them worry.
I could feel my fever starting to grip my body tighter and tighter. And without any medicine or treatments to help break it, I was fully at its mercy. Hana then walked in my room. "Feeling worse?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah. Just a little bit." I noticed that she had brought in a small bowl with her.
When she stepped closer to me, I saw it was filled with water and a cloth. She had most likely gotten the water from one of the temporary streams that ran through the Wastelands. They were just little holes in the ground that would fill with water after a rain.
But we hadn't gotten any rain in months, and the water was starting to dry up more and more each day. She dipped the cloth in the water, and wrung out some of the excess. Then, she placed it on my forehead. "It's all I can do to try and help you break your fever."
I closed my eyes. The cool water did feel good, but I knew it probably wasn't going to do much for my fever. Hana then got up and walked out of my room, leaving the bowl of water on the floor next to the bed. I pulled my covers up to my shoulders, and tried my best to fall asleep.
I walked into the little cluster of houses unnoticed. People were standing around, talking and laughing while kids ran around the dead trees and played. It was almost like it was back in the city. I compared my clothes to theirs, and knew that I would stand out greatly among them.
This was not a place that I could blend into. Plus, I was sure they'd notice somebody they had never seen before. How would they react though if they saw somebody from the city suddenly appear? I pushed that out of my mind and went back to searching for the Outcast boy.
He didn't appear to be anywhere outside, so perhaps he was in one of the small houses. There were maybe six or seven houses that were the same size as the one that I lived in with Reiko. I snuck peeks in the windows. He wasn't in the first several houses.
I kept on looking, and finally found him in one of the last houses. He was laying in a bed, and a woman that didn't look much older was putting what looked like a cloth on his forehead. I then remembered that when I first met him, he looked sick. He had claimed he wasn't, but that was kind of hard to do now.
The woman moved, and I ducked under the window so they wouldn't see me. I didn't want this Outcast to die. It wouldn't be right to let him die of illness while I had a full bottle of medicine that could save him. I decided that's what I would do. I snuck back out of the little town, and ran back through the Wastelands.
I slipped back through the hole in the fence and ran back home. Reiko was still at the kitchen table. How was I going to explain to her why I was taking our medicine? "Kazuya, you're back." I had to remind myself that she thought I had still been working for those people instead of wandering out in the Wastelands.
"Yeah. I'm back." I opened the cabinet, and grabbed the bottle of antibiotics that were pretty much a standard issue to everyone in the city. But not the Wastelands. Reiko was looking at me take the bottle. "Are you feeling sick?" I slipped into a panic as I tried to think of an explanation.
I knew saying that I was going to take them because I was feeling sick, wouldn't work because Reiko would make me stay at home. And if that happened, then how was I going to get the medicine to the one who really needed it.
"Tat-chan and his family need some extra and I said that we could spare some. Is that okay?" I played with the bottle in my hands to try and calm myself. Would Reiko understand what I was doing if I told her the truth? I didn't want to find out. "Of course it's fine."
I let out a sigh of relief. "Alright. I'll take these to them now." She nodded, and I was about to run from the house when I remembered the pocketful of money I had with me. I quickly dropped it in our savings jar, and ran from the house. I ran back to where the hole was in the fence, and slipped through unnoticed.
The gray sky was showing that it was creeping up on the evening, which meant that I would have to work quick so nobody back home would wonder where I was at. I retraced my steps back through the Wastelands, and arrived back at the town the Outcasts had built.
I remembered which house the boy was in, and walked up the old steps. I lifted my hand up, still clutching the medicine in my other, and knocked on the door. The woman who had been treating the boy, answered the door. "Who are you?" I held out my hand and showed her the bottle.
She took the bottle and looked at it. This had to be strange for her; seeing a complete stranger show up at the door with medicine. "These are antibiotics," she said, not quite able to figure out what was going on. "Yeah. The guy in there, he needs them, doesn't he?"
She nodded her head slowly, not taking her eyes from me. "Yes. Uh, how did you know?" I asked, "Can we get him that medicine before I go into details?" I didn't mean to sound pushy, but I was on a tight schedule. The woman looked around and said, "You're right. Please, come in."
I walked in the house behind her. The house appeared to be inhabited by more than just this woman and the Outcast that I had come looking for. "Can these pills be added in water and taken? Cause I don't think he's going to take medicine that just magically appeared," she said while holding up a cup with a little bit of water in it.
"I think you can. I don't see why not," I replied. She nodded, and dropped two or three pills into the cup of water. The woman then walked into the other room, leaving me to myself until she would come back. I looked around, examining the insides of the house.
My home back in the city would be like the upper class compared to this one. I felt sorry for them having to live in these conditions. The woman came back, an empty cup in her hand. "I was able to get him to drink the water." She handed me back the bottle of pills, but I pushed them back to her.
"No. I think you need them more than I do." She stared down at the bottle and said, "Why would you help us out? We're Outcasts." I nodded and said, "I know. I'm helping because it's the right thing to do." The woman gave me a sad smile, and put the bottle away in a small box, which looked like it was filled with the food that the Outcast took.
"Thank you," she said softly. I said back, "It's no problem." The woman looked at me and said, "You knew that Jin was sick. How?" That was his name? It certainly was different. "I ran into him in the Wastelands the other night. After he had taken some food from the market."
She blinked a few times before saying, "You knew he had snuck into the city and didn't turn him in?" I shook my head. "Why would I do that? I'm sure if I was hungry and desperate enough, I would have done the same thing." This woman wasn't sure what to think of me, that was for sure. She asked me once more, "Who are you?"
A/N: Hope you liked it (n_n). There's also an
update to The Shadow of Death.
Chapter 5