Epic Oldman picspam is [hopefully at least somewhat] epic. :D
Nov 30, 2009 23:12
Okay ... sorry for the double-post today, but I just, FINALLY, finished this picspam that I've been plotting out for aaaaages (I think it was over the summer sometime when I asked you guys who I should spam, and I picked Gary?) and had to post it now! I hope you enjoy it! :D
"I don't think Hollywood knows what to do with me."
"Any actor who tells you that they have become the people they play - unless they're clearly diagnosed as a schozophrenic - is bullshitting you."
"We're given a code to live our lives by. We don't always follow it but it's still there."
"I would imagine that when it comes to romantic comedies, my name would be pretty low down on the list."
[Had to put the two yummy sweater photos together. XD]
"I had this idea of myself as a shy, kind, sweet chap...my passion and energy get mistaken for anger."