Title : Laura's song.
Song/artist. Annie's song. John Denver.
Author ;
jo_sirisPairing: Adama/Roslin.
Spoilers: up to and including 4x15
A/N For
redoren Happy Birthday xxxxx
Youtube and MU links
Let me drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms )
Comments 22
I started to watch and I swear, I had quickly hit pause before my head exploded!
That'll teach me to watch without paying attention to song!
It's actually one of my all time faves.
But I'm sure it's a great video and I know the song goes well with the show.
Also, seriously... I wonder if that kiss will ever stop my knees from shaking. (I hope not.)
thanks hon, xx
BEAUTIFUL! ♥ I loved the choice of clips, and that you didn't go with the obvious for 'lay down beside you', instead using it at the end where it felt like the completion to the vid. :)
Great work, hun!
Maybe the next one will be more peoples taste.
The 'obvious' but was NEVER going to be in the lay down beside me slot.
I really did not enjoy making this vid. MM on vista is not user friendly at all.
You have any more in mind (aside from KQ)?
Proof that you are not an amuture vidder. *miaow* Lol
Well extra cookies for perservering. It certainly paid off! :)
It all depends on whether i can force myself to try and use movie maker again.
I would install vegas but I am not sure how long it would take me to learn it, if i even can. cos, hello, shiny.
it was touch and go on the finishing, let me tell you.
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