Power Struggle - Part 2

Jan 12, 2007 02:47

Title: Power Struggle Part 2

Author: Jo19844 (of jo to my friends)

Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto & the rest of the gang tag along.

Rating: Oh i dont know... bad language... 18 (it will need it later)

Spoilers: Through to countrycide.

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood... believe me... if i did Jack and Ianto would walk around in nothing but tight pants (and a tie for Ianto) The BBC own it. so as much as i love it i don't own it :(

Summary: A power struggle in more ways than one. When the power starts to drain from the basement Ianto and Jack go to check it out.

A/N: just my first Jack/Ianto fic... so let me know what you think but be nice... :D (yep i used a smilie hehe.) have fixed typo's now i think... stupid computer keys.


Owen shoved a slice of pizza into his mouth and looked around the table in the board room where they were eating. Gwen was staring down at her food; to the untrained eye she may have seemed to be concentrating on eating but the hand that rubbed up and down his thigh was telling a different story. Toshiko was looking down at her hand-held blackberry with concentration; he should be able to put his hand on Gwen’s thigh without Tosh noticing and giving him the evil eye.

He looked over to Jack and Ianto who were sitting opposite each other; Jack gave Ianto intense looks and Ianto returned them subtly, or so he obviously thought. A smile came to his lips and his eyes narrowed with mischief hidden deeply inside of his glare. He was thinking of something, something in particular, something Owen didn’t even want to picture.

“Jack?” Owen asked suddenly with a full mouth and waited until Jack looked up at him until he spoke again, “if you had to screw anyone at this table who would it be?”

“Owen!” Gwen gasped, removing her hand.


“You can’t just ask him that!”

“Why not?”

“It’s private!” Gwen said shaking her head, “how would you like it if Jack asked you that?”

“Jack can ask me that, I don’t care.”

“Okay,” Jack smiled, putting down his pizza and wiping his mouth, swallowing hard, “can we clarify, by ‘at this table’ do you mean who’s around it or actually on it?”

“Both,” Owen sniggered, “Tosh?”

“I really don’t want to play Owen, I’m busy,” she mumbled as she played on with her hand-held device.

“So you would like to screw me then,” Owen smirked and Tosh gave him a look of pure hatred.

“Fine, I would shag Jack or Ianto because they’re not you; in fact I may just shag them both if it meant I didn’t have to do you,” she spat. “Happy?”

“No, but I bet Jack and Ianto are,” he sniggered, bypassing Gwen and moving onto Jack, “So Jack, who would it be?”

“Okay I’ll play.” Jack cooperated, leaning back in chair and putting his arms behind his head, “Well, I have to take this all into consideration; looks best, sounds best, smells best, kisses best…”

Everyone waited, looking at Jack as he thought.

“Ianto,” he said finally. “He looks cute in a suit, has those beautiful welsh vowels that make me melt, he smells like coffee and expensive aftershave and he tongue like a snake .”

“I knew all that sexual harassment had to mean something,” Tosh said with a smile.

“And I win the bet,” Owen laughed, “Jack is gay.”

“Oh for gods sakes,” Jack sighed, “you people and your categories.”

“Excuse me,” Ianto said leaving the table uncomfortably.

“Ooh someone’s embarrassed by the man crush,” Owen laughed.


“What are you doing?” Jack asked Ianto as he watched him filing from the doorway.

“Filing, sir.”


“It’s my job,” He told him, freezing when he felt Jack behind him.

“Maybe you need some more duties then,”

“I have enough to do thank you, sir,”

“Are you mad at me?” Jack asked turning him around by his arm to face him. “Have I done something?”

“No, sir,” Ianto responded, “everything is fine.”

“You’re lying to me.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are,” Jack advised him, walking over to the door and locking it, closing the blinds. “Talk to me.”

“There’s nothing wrong,” Ianto assured him.

“Ianto,” he warned.

Ianto stood still for a moment, toying with whether or not to say what he was thinking. He stared at Jack for a moment and looked into the deep eyes that followed him around the room.

“You have to stop Jack; stop looking at me like that, I cant handle it.”

“I thought you could; I thought you had all the power,” Jack said moving towards him, “I thought you could hold it.”

“My problem isn’t me Jack, my problem is you and the way you look at me.”

“I look at you the same way as I always have,” he told him, moving Ianto towards the back wall of his office.

“But now it has context; now those looks mean something and I cant handle it.” Ianto’s breath caught in his chest as Jack approached him and pulled him by his tie lightly, never taking his eyes from him. “Jack stop it.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Jack!” Ianto warned weakly, hardly able to control his shallow breaths.

“Ianto,” he said soothingly, looking at him with an intensely sexy stare “It’s okay,“ Jack said closing in on him and moving his lips to the other mans neck, kissing it softly, gently letting his tongue graze over his jaw. He could feel Ianto’s excitement pressing against him as his hands gripped his shoulders and released uneven heavy breaths.

Jack felt his control go as Ianto tilted his head to meet his lips, kissing him deeply, taking command of the situation, holding him closely, finding himself breathless with every touch.

Ianto turned on Jack, pressing him against a filing cabinet; he removed the braces from Jack’s shoulders and felt hands unzipping his trousers. Jack’s hands moved down his body, going inside his underwear, rubbing his arousal.

The telephone rang in the office and Ianto pulled away suddenly, zipping his trousers and putting his hands on his lips. Without another word he left the room dishevelled and breathless.


Ianto sat opposite Brian, a dull, although quite attractive, estate agent from Splot. They had been eating for an hour and a half and nothing interesting had come up yet; he had made it past the dreaded question of what he did for a living by telling him that he worked in police administration, and now they were talking about sexual partners. He couldn’t help thinking of Jack; Jack’s hands, Jack’s lips, Jack’s body against his in the hot office.

“I’ve not really had that many boyfriends,” Brian told him, taking a drink of his wine, “I was in a serious relationship for a long time.”

“Look,” Ianto interrupted the man and leaned closer to him, pushing his empty plate to the side, “I’m not really looking for a serious relationship at the moment.”

“Why’s that?”

“I recently came out of a relationship, you could say it was a messy break-up. And my work is very demanding of me, my boss expects a lot from me so I don’t really have the flexibility to--”

Brian held up his hand and stopped Ianto’s speech immediately, “that’s fine, what is it that you do again?”

“Police,” he answered, “Special Ops.”

“What kind of special ops?”

“I’m sorry, that’s classified,” Ianto told him, “If I told you I’d have to wipe your memory.”

Brian laughed loudly and Ianto covered his eyes at the embarrassment, everyone in the place seemed to be looking at him and the laughing man. Ianto had been serious.

“So what are you looking for exactly Ianto?” he asked him, watching Ianto as he stared directly into his eyes and leaned in closer.

“A little meaningless sex.” he admitted.

“Okay,” Brian sighed, straightening his tie, “then I think we should probably just settle up here and go.”

“Can’t we at least finish the date?” Ianto asked, leaning forward in his chair and staring at the man in the suit, for once Ianto wasn’t wearing one, he was in a strictly casual mood.

“I was thinking we could finish it back at your place.”


Jack sat in the bar with Gwen, Tosh and Owen staring into his glass of water; Cardiff was especially quiet for a Friday night and there was no alien activity to keep him occupied and no Ianto either. He had tried talking to him but Ianto wouldn’t allow it; life seemed a little dull without the adrenalin buzz .

“Where’s Ianto tonight?” he asked suddenly.

“He’s got plans apparently,” Owen answered, “My guess is that he’s masturbating to a jar of kenko.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Toshiko interrupted, “He just wants to be alone I bet; I’m worried about him.”

“He’s a big boy,” Jack told them and smirked to himself, “he can look after himself.”

“But he just seems so closed off since Lisa,” Tosh replied with a frown.

“He’s just not a social animal,” the captain told her. “It’s not about Lisa.”

“Well I’m not a social animal either but I come out.”

“Maybe you should talk to him,” Gwen offered and Jack noticed all the eyes on him.

“Me? Why me?”

“You’re the boss,” she told him

“I’m not exactly flavour of the month,” Jack confessed, “He wouldn’t even talk to me when he left tonight.”


“This is a nice place you have here,” Blond-haired Brian said as he entered Ianto’s living room, “Nice central location, good view, decorated perfectly for the modern market.”

“It’s close to work, I generally only eat breakfast and sleep here to be honest,” Ianto told him, removing his jacket and pouring out two glasses of whiskey. They sat on the sofa together, slightly facing, only the dim light of the table lamp illuminated the room. Brian was no Jack Harkness, he was a little short, a little boring and a little too conceited for his liking.

“Where is it that you work?”

“In the centre; sort of,” Ianto said nervously sipping at his drink and Brian laughed a little, “what?”

“Nothing, you just seem like some kind of secret agent. You’re so secretive, but I like it, it’s sexy… to a point,” he smiled, “So come on tell me more about this job.”

“It’s boring.”

“Make it exciting then.”

“Okay,” Ianto smirked and turned to face him, “I work for a secret organisation that monitors and controls alien technology and protects the public from such threats; we protect and monitor the time rift on which the City of Cardif is built.”

Brian took a moment and stared at Ianto before laughing, burying his face into Ianto’s sofa, hysterically laughing unable to talk, hitting the material with his hand. “Now that’s sarcasm!”

“My job isn’t interesting,” he lied, “I don’t talk about it because it’s so dull; all filing.”

“I bet you wear a suit,” he said, moving closer.

“I do indeed,”

“And I bet you look good in it too,”

“Jack calls it the cute suit,” Ianto smirked.

“Who’s Jack?” he asked.

“My boss,” Ianto told him, trying to even out his voice and moving closer to him, “he’s always sexually harassing me.”

“I can see why,” Brian told him, moving closer to his lips and kissing him softly; the kiss gained heat and Ianto pulled him closer, lying down on the sofa. A vibration in his pocket broke the moment and he sat up, gently pushing the blond estate agent off him.

“I have to answer it,” he told him, when Brian tried to remove it from his hand, “hello?”


“Jack,” Ianto said, sitting up and perching on the edge of the sofa, “What can I do you for?”

“That is a very dangerous question to ask Ianto,” Jack smiled, leaning back in his chair as he spoke to him.

“That’s harassment, sir,” Ianto reminded him, trying to hide the smile from the blonde boring estate agent who was currently unbuttoning the buttons on Ianto’s casual blue shirt.

“No its not, harassment would be…”

“Then it was implied harassment,” Ianto said, cutting him off mid-sentence which made Jack chuckle.

“Am I being a bad Jack?” he chuckled.

“You’re being a very bad Jack, sir.“


“How can I help?”

“I cant find the weevil report from yesterday.”

“Paper or electronic?” he asked


“Its filed,” he told him, trying to fight off Brian a little as he talked.

“Under A for attack?” Jack asked with a silent grin as he pulled out the filing cabinet from his seat, making no attempt to look inside.

“No Jack,” Ianto sighed, he knew what he was doing, “Under W for Weev…” Ianto stopped himself and stood up, moving away from his date, “Weevil,” he whispered.

“Oh I see,” Jack said playing dumb shuffling some paper on his desk, “I cant find it.”

“It’s definitely there.”

“Are you busy?” Jack questioned.

“Not yet,” Ianto responded, moving away from the hands of Brian towards the other corner of the room, “why?”

“Would you mind coming in to help me find it?”

“Certainly, sir,” Ianto replied, “give me ten minutes to change and I’ll be right there.”

“What are you wearing?”

“What am I wearing?” Ianto asked in bemusement, turning away from Brian who was pouring himself another drink and settling himself on the sofa.

“Yeah,” Jack smiled as he teased him, ”are you wearing the cute suit?”

“No, I‘m not wearing the cute suit.”

“Oh are you in a waistcoat?” Jack asked, sitting up in excitement, “I love your waistcoats, is it unbuttoned just a little?”

“No sir. Jeans, and half a shirt,” he told him referring to his unbuttoned shirt.

“Then come as you are,” he ordered.

“Rightio, sir, I’ll be right there.”

Ianto put his phone back in his pocket and buttoned his shirt back up; he fixed his dishevelled hair in the mirror and walked over to the table, he poured another drink, adding something extra to it.

“You have to go,” Ianto told him, picking up his Jacket, “I’m needed at work.”

“At this time?”

“Jack was very insistent,” he told him handing him the drink, “here, have another drink; it’s the least I can do seen as I’m kicking you out.”

“I can wait here,” Brian suggested, taking the drink and downing it.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“I could wash up those glasses,” he suggested, walking towards Ianto who was next to the door with his keys in his hand and his casual green jacket zipped up, “I could keep the bed warm for you.”

“Maybe another time; I could be a while.”

“Okay,” he sighed.

“It could have been fun,” Ianto replied, kissing him softly on the lips.

“Well, call me sometime.”

“I don’t know,” Ianto smirked with dark eyes zoning in on him, kissing his lips for a moment before placing a hand on his chest, “I’ll probably get a get a better offer.”

“I could always call you,”

“You don’t have my number,” he reminded him.

“I know where to find you,” he told Ianto as he opened the door.

“I doubt you will even remember.”


dont forget toleave feedback... there will be a part 3.

struggle, jack/ianto, ianto jones, jack harkness, fic, torhwood, slash, power

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