Power struggle

Jan 09, 2007 08:04

Title: Power Struggle

Author: Jo19844 (of jo to my friends)

Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto & the rest of the gang tag along.

Rating: Oh i dont know... bad language... 18 (it will need it later)

Spoilers: Through to countrycide.

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood... believe me... if i did Jack and Ianto would walk around in nothing but tight pants (and a tie for Ianto) The BBC own it. so as much as i love it i don't own it :(

Summary: A power struggle in more ways than one. When the power starts to drain from the basement Ianto and Jack go to check it out.

A/N: just my first Jack/Ianto fic... so let me know what you think but be nice... :D (yep i used a smilie hehe.) have fixed typo's now i think... stupid computer keys.


Ianto passed around a tray freshly prepared smoldering coffee in the hub. The bruises on his body were starting to heal but the scars from their far-from-enjoyable camping trip to the countryside were still not healed; the nightmares of flesh-stripped carcasses, the villagers and that meat-cleaver held to his throat were still haunting him; he hadn’t slept properly in weeks. He handed jack his coffee and let his fingers brush against his skin for a moment, feeling the warmth of them.

“Is this strong?” he asked fixing his eyes on Ianto.

“Of course sir; industrial strength.”

“You know how I like it.”

“It’s my job.”

“This is strange,” Toshiko murmured as she looked at the warning bar on her computer screen, typing erratically to try and find the problem, “our power is being drained. we’re down to seventy percent; I can’t understand it.”

As soon as Tosh had uttered those words Ianto could feel four pairs of eyes land upon him, the whole team faced Ianto and he looked around at all the eyes staring him out.

“It wasn’t me!”

“No more un-human life forms wired up in the basement then?” Owen asked as he passed him and grabbed a cup of coffee that was on offer.

“Next time you say that to me I’ll spit in your fucking coffee,” he retorted with a sarcastic smile and an evil glare.

“Like I give a shit about your empty threats.”

“Okay ladies, save that for the rotary club luncheon,” Jack said pushing himself between them and leaning over Toshiko’s shoulder, “show me the thermal images of the basement level and check the surveillance cameras for the others.”

“Okay,” Tosh said. And after no more than another moment of erratic tapping she exhailed a deep breath. “There’s no thermal images showing but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something there; it’s dependant on body heat so it rules out at least ten percent of the alien life forms we know about,” she said, gazing up at the monitors.

“Do you want me to go and check it out?” Owen asked. "I could take Gwen along."

“No. I’ll do it; I’m in the mood for a treasure hunt,” Jack smiled, clipping on his headset. “Tosh, you keep checking the systems and keep me updated on comms. Owen and Gwen you stay here and wait for instructions. Ianto, you’re with me,” he told him handing him a gun.

“Are you sure that’s wise jack?” Owen asked, glaring at Ianto as he slammed his own gun back down onto the desk in frustration, “the last time Ianto went down there with us Gwen nearly died, I was unconscious and there was a cyber-woman on the loose. Plus he’s a crap shot.”

“I think I can handle it,” Ianto said taking off his jacket and laying it across the chair ever so neatly, “If I need any target practice I know where you are.”


Jack and Ianto walked through the dark corridors in the bowels of the hub; their firearms stretched out in front of them as they stalked through the building. It was unusual for Ianto; usually he was trapped upstairs making coffee instead of being the one doing the searching with jack by his side. He enjoyed it.

“I hate it down here,” Jack said and Ianto gave him a look out of the corner of his eye. “This place always freaks me out a bit, the darkness of it,” Jack said as he made his way with Ianto by his side. “I spend all day around alien artifacts and this place scares the shit out of me.”

“Captain Jack Harkness is scared of the dark?” Ianto was a little amused to say the least.

“Not scared of the dark exactly, more like what lurks there."

“I didn’t take you for the cowardly custard type sir,” he smirked concentrating on the dark corridor in front of him.

“And there it is,” Jack sighed lghtly, “Those beautiful welsh vowels I cant resist; shivers down my spine!”

“Well, it doesn’t scare me.” Ianto ignored the usual sexual harassment. “I spend too much time down here. I know this place like the back of my hand. I practically live here now, I have no other life.”

“How many times do I have to apologise for that? We had no choice."

“I know; I just get lonely sometimes; the darkness is comforting.”

“Now that’s something I can understand,"Jack told him, looking across at him in the dark. “Solace in a place nobody can see you.”

“I can't believe that you understand very much about me,sir,” Ianto said a little bitterly, glaring at him from the corner of his eye. even in the dark it didn't go unnoticed. “My life isn’t all that important to you.”

“All of my team are important to me,” Jack spat with a little anger in his voice.

“And is that what I am?” Ianto asked, leading Jack around the corner and pointing his gun in all directions so that he could see, “part of the team?”

“That’s exactly what you are Ianto; you’re Ianto Jones, a big part of the team. You pull things together more than you think.”

“And that’s why you keep me around?” he asked, shaking his head. Ianto didn’t believe that for a second; he didn’t feel like an equal. “That’s why you let me back in after what I did?”

“Well that, you make good coffee and you look hot in good tailoring,” Jack had almost forgotten what he was doing down in that basement; he stared at Ianto in the dark and watched him as he stared ahead; concentrating like his life depended on it; ignoring him.

“I’ve told you before, sir,” Ianto said with a slight smirk, lightening the mood, “that’s sexual harassment; It could get you into a lot of trouble.”

“Oh come on Ianto,” Jack chuckled turning to face him and hitting his gun down, “I’ve been sexually harassing you for a long time; you didn’t seem to have any problem with it before.”

“Whatever makes you happy, sir,” Ianto said, raising his gun back to its attack position and continuing to walk, trying to ignore Jack who was walking so closely behind him that he could feel his hot breath on his neck.

“If you don’t like my flirting you can just say so.”

“Well,” Ianto paused and smirked in the dim light, “I didn’t say that, sir."

“So you do like it?”

“I didn’t say that either.”

“I don’t get you Ianto,” Jack groaned with frustration, “I can suss out most people but you’re a mystery to me.”

“What do you mean, sir?"

“I get Owen; he would screw anything that stands still long enough; Gwen just likes to shag someone to take away her pain and confusion; Toshiko just wants to be loved; but you I have no clue about. What’s your style? I don’t believe for one moment that you’re as conservative as you make us believe.”

“I don’t have anything against a good screwing, sir; I just haven’t for a while.”

“Would you screw me?” Jack asked simply.

“Is that a question or a proposition sir?” Ianto questioned in a low whisper that made Jack shiver; those beautiful welsh vowels were softer than ever.

“Just a question.”

“I don’t know, sir."

“But what if it was a proposition?” Jack asked, moving behind Ianto and whispering against his skin. He could hear him as he swallowed a lump in his throat and took a deep breath, “what if I was asking you to screw me, fuck me, touch me? what then?"

Ianto stayed silent for a moment and took a low deep breath, he could feel Jack's hands on his body, feeling his thigh; he licked his lips and swallowed another lump in his throat, trying to think of other things to stop the arousal. His lips seemed dry a moment after he had licked them; it was the heat.

“Then that really would be harassment captain.” Ianto told him, turning his head to the side, feeling Jack’s skin against his; cheek to cheek. Their bodies were close, so close that every deep breath Jack took could be felt on his back and his erection pressed into him from behind. Ianto tried to speak but only a whisper could escape from the shallow aroused breaths, "you’ve already crossed that line once by kissing me; it’s against the rules you know. You are my boss.”

“I don’t think our kiss counts as harassment,” Jack smiled against Ianto’s neck.

“Why is that, sir?"

“Because I’m pretty sure that when you kiss your boss back like you never want to stop its not harassment; its participation.”

“I had just been knocked out, its hardly like I was in the right frame of mind,” Ianto told him moving away from his grip but he pulled him back to him. Ianto could smell him; his unique scent that could never be recreated; it made him feel weak.

“Is that why you didn’t have the guts to tell the truth when people ask you questions about who kissed you last?”

“I have guts captain, I just didn’t want to tell the whole team about it; it’s a private matter.”

“And tell me Ianto, has it happened since?” he asked, whispering into his ear, “have our lips touched since then?”

“No, sir, they haven’t.”

“And why do you suppose that is Jones?” Jack questioned, “why haven’t our lips touched?”

“I can’t answer that question, sir.” Ianto breathed.

“I can.”

“Then tell me sir,” Ianto said as he turned quickly, putting his hand on his shoulder and pushing him softly towards the cold stone wall, “why?”

“You don’t have the balls to kiss me,” Jack accused, looking into Ianto’s dark eyes in the dim light.

“Oh I have the balls Jack," the mention of his name made Jack weak, "I have more balls than you realize,” Ianto told him, sliding his hand to Jacks neck and covering it lightly as he moved closer, “you have no idea just what I am capable of.”

“Then kiss me,” Jack ordered softly, opening his mouth and wetting his lips as he glared at him.

“I could kiss you right here, but that’s what you want isn’t it jack? Ianto whispered, “you want my lips; you want to feel the heat.”

“That’s generally the idea of asking you.”

“And that’s why I won’t kiss you; because you want me to.”

“You like the power don’t you?” Jack questioned him biting his lip as he broke away from the wall and pinned him to the opposing stone of the corridor, “so do I, so I can see we’re going have quite a struggle on our hands.”

“I have no problem with that; it could be fun.”

“Jack!” A voice came through his headset, making him loosen his grip on Ianto.

“Yes Tosh?”

“Are you alright Jack, you sound breathless; what’s going on down there?” Tosh’s voice came over the comms.

“Nothing; it’s just hot down here, what’s the situation?”


struggle, harkness, ianto, captain, fanfiction, welcome, jones, torchwood, jack, power

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