Power Struggle - Part 3

Jan 12, 2007 19:33

Title: Power Struggle - part 3
Author: Jo19844 (of jo to my friends)
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto & the rest of the gang tag along.
Rating: Oh i dont know... bad language... 18 (it will need it later)
Spoilers: Through to countrycide.
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood... believe me... if i did Jack and Ianto would walk around in nothing but tight pants (and a tie for Ianto) The BBC own it. so as much as i love it i don't own it :(
Summary: A power struggle in more ways than one. When the power starts to drain from the basement Ianto and Jack go to check it out.
A/N: just my first Jack/Ianto fic... so let me know what you think but be nice... :D (yep i used a smilie hehe.)


Jack waited patiently in his office, perching on the desk with his hands firmly in his pockets; he had seen Ianto come into the building via the security camera. Ianto stormed into the office and reached into the filing cabinet; he pulled out a file and shut the drawer heavily.

“That was a nice view, well worth the wait,” Jack smirked. “Your ass looks good in anything.”

“It was in W,” he told Jack walking over to him and thrusting it onto his chest. “for weevil, surprisingly!”

“I guess I couldn’t see for looking,” Jack smiled as Ianto glared at him and removed his hand from his chest, preparing himself to head for the door. Jack grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to him, “wait, don‘t go yet, you just got here.”

“I think I’ve wasted enough time Jack, don’t you?”

“You’re mad at me,” Jack said and laughed to himself when Ianto glared, “I can tell somehow.”

“You ruined my night Jack,” Ianto blasted in his husky welsh tone that only came out in times of anger, “I was having a good time; I was on a date. I had a man who wanted me for me, a man who was interested in me. I was about five minutes away from a good hard shag and you ruined it. And what for? Your own selfish agenda of watching me bend over!”

“A guy?” Jack asked, genuinely surprised, “you had a date with a guy?”

“Yes Jack; a man.”


“But what?” Ianto asked, glaring through Jack’s deep eyes, “did you have visions Jack. Did you think I was a confused welsh tea-boy you could play with; did you think that I liked women but was so attracted to your male sexual energy that I just wanted you?” Ianto chuckled to himself and shook his head, “That’s pathetic.”

“I just didn’t know,”

“You’re always talking about how stupid sexual categories are Jack, why should it really surprise you if I have no preference?”

“I’m sorry,” he apologised, “then I suppose you had better go back to him.”

“There’s no point,” he sighed, “In the morning he wont even know that I existed.”


“I slipped a little something into his drink.”

“You gave him retcon?” Jack asked and glared at him, “is that how you stay in the closet, by wiping peoples memories?”

“I’m not in the closet Jack; if you ever asked me anything about my life then you would know that,” he spat.

“You never volunteer anything Ianto; you close yourself off from us, you hide yourself!”

“If you knew just how dead I felt inside, like my heat is rotting away, then you would know why I hide. Some things are just too hard to say, and too painful to share; sometimes when you hurt as much as I do its just too hard.”

Jack watched him for a moment and tried to hold back the heat in his eyes; Ianto was not angry anymore, his rage had subsided and had been replaced by pain; a quivering voice escaped his mouth. The glistening in his eyes made Jack feel a pang of guilt and he swallowed a hard lump in his throat to stop him from weeping.

Ianto moved away from him, unable to look at his captain; he just looked out of his window, looking onto the empty hub.

“I don’t even know why I’m still here,” Ianto said sadly, letting the tears roll down his absent face. “I don’t know why I didn’t just end my life whilst I still felt something beating in my chest; now there just feels like there’s nothing in my chest to stop beating. All I feel is pain Jack, do you even know how that feels?”

Jack said nothing and put his arm around Ianto’s chest from behind him, holding him; he buried his head into his shoulder and closed his eyes letting painful tears seep from the dark pools of his eyes. The room was silent, filled with nothing but a connection between them as Jack kissed his skin softly, just once. He rested his cheek against Ianto’s skin and inhaled the scent of the aftershave on his neck. Ianto didn’t resist.

“I know how it feels,” Jack whispered, feeling Ianto as he leaned against him, slowly giving in, “there are days where I just need to feel alive; when I just want someone to touch me.”

Ianto paused and closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of Jacks breath on his neck; he lowered his hand to his side, taking hold of Jack’s and entwining his fingers.

“I feel empty Jack,” he whispered, “like I have nothing left; no spark inside of me. I didn’t know how long it’s been since I’ve been happy. I go out every night, just to try and find someone who will make me feel alive. I never find it; I don’t think I even had it, not even with Lisa.”

The magnificent sound of silence engulfed the room once more, surrounding them; heavy breaths and heartbeats were the only melody.

“The last time I felt alive I was with you,” Jack admitted, speaking so softly it was almost as though he wasn’t speaking at all, “I was kissing you the last time I felt it; it‘s disappeared again sine then.”

Ianto stood still, feeling Jack move closer to him, holding him close to his chest; he didn’t know what to do. There seemed no way to escape the feelings that were pulsating through his body; he didn’t even know what feelings they were.

“Kiss me Ianto,” Jack asked after a moment. Ianto didn’t move straight away, instead he stood still breathing, and feeling the touch of the man behind him. Jack placed a soft kiss on his neck and he could feel his heart pulsating on his beck; his shallow breaths heated his skin.

“Jack,” Ianto breathed deeply as she spoke, unable to open his eyes, scared of losing the sensations, “I should go home.”

“Kiss me once,” Jack requested through jagged breaths, “Please.”

Ianto paused, frozen to the spot and took a deep breath; he removed Jack’s hand from his chest and turned to face him. He didn’t want to look into those eyes; he knew what was waiting for him there. The temptation.

“I have to go home,” Ianto said as he faced him placing his lips open and wet slightly away from Jack’s.

“Kiss me once and you can leave if you want,” Jack told him holding Ianto’s head in his hands and looking into his face; watching his eyes, waiting for them to open.

He waited a moment and his breath caught in his chest when Ianto’s eyelids finally opened, looking at him. His eyes were dark and full of desire.

“One kiss and I leave,” Ianto said, more to himself than to Jack. Jack swallowed something nonexistent in his throat and parted his lips, closing his eyes. The moment that Ianto’s lips touched his he almost stopped breathing.

The warmth of his lips and the heat of his breath; the softness of his lips and the smoothness of his hands on his face, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss with every gentle caress of his lips.

Somehow Ianto hadn’t expected to feel this way; he thought he would be able to kiss him and pull away, turn around and go home, but the more his lips caressed Jack’s the more he wanted it. The longer he stood there kissing him the more he felt the heat. The heat was engulfing him, burning images into his mind, images of Jack kissing him, holding him; images of jack touching him.

The kiss became deeper and Jack held him tighter, pressing himself into Ianto’s body, surrendering himself to the kisses, pulling at his shoulders, needing him closer. But Ianto pulled away from the kiss, staying in the embrace, breathing heavily.

“I’m going home,” he said, licking his lips, unable to move them any further away; his eyes were closed and he felt nothing but Jack.

“You’re still here,” the other man breathed, immobilised and unable to move.

“I’m going home,” Ianto repeated, leaning into him and kissing him again, grabbing onto Jack’s braes and unfastening them before starting on his buttons.

“Then why are you undressing me?” Jack asked, talking between heated kisses and pushing Ianto towards the glass, leaning against him; reinforced glass was a very good idea.

“I’m leaving,” Ianto breathed as Jack kissed his neck, working to unbutton his trousers, “In ten minutes; I’m leaving in ten minutes,” he said finally Kissing Jack deeply and pushing against him greedily. He clawed at his Shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. He had no idea why Jack had to wear so many layers.

torchwood, fic, slash, jack/ianto

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