I know I'm broken (but I still wish you wouldn't give up on me)

Mar 28, 2009 17:16

Please link to other 2 applications that you've voted: o1 and o2


Name: English: Alena Ng, Chinese: 黄安娜 (huang an na)
Age: fifteen
Country: Canada
Stamped as: Nishikido Ryo
Please give a short description about your personality again:
→ I'm typically really easy-going unless I feel intimidated or restrained.
→ I joke around a lot and I have pretty tasteless humor.
→ I'm also a big thinker with a small brain so I tend to over-think things or over-exaggerate them.
→ I'm pretty hard-headed and have a short patience.
Are you passionate? Takes time for me to open up so I guess not?
Are you romantic? Yeees.


To dominate or submissive your mate? I'm a sadist |D
To love or be loved? To be loved because I'm generally not good at making first moves ahaha so contradictory. But if my partner's easy-going then I'm pretty affectionate.
Relationship in a short time but intimate or long-lasting relationship but not too close? I have such high tolerance it's crazy, so I'd say a not-too-close but long-lasting relationship. I'm really compliant and hopeless so I always think things will somehow get better and even if they don't, I'll stick around. Unless it goes against my morals like DV or cheating or something; I won't tolerate that.
Blunt or sugarcoater mate? I like being spoilt 8D. And I can over-analyze things so blunt comments really hit hard for me.


What things do you value in a person?
→ Compassion, because if I'm crying my heart out or if I honestly just don't want to go out, he has to understand.
→ A good sense of humor because I do not fair well with uptight people.
→ Creative. Like if it's raining out and we had a date planned, we can whip out some aprons and idk bake some cupcakes.
→ Being insightful, so we can learn from eachother and SEE THE DEEPER MEANING IN THINGS.
→ Bravery. Because you know, if some thug comes up and steals my purse and he doesn't do anything then that's really lame.
Traits you don't want to see from your mate?
→ Being cheap. It's unattractive.
→ Stupidity, k thnx. He doesn't have to be some modern day Einstein (and honestly a little bit of cluelessness can be adorable) but he at least has to have proper judgment and be able to spark interesting conversations with me.
Does your mate have to share common interests and same personalities as yours? It would help. If he can't cope with my humor then there's really no point; I have offended others before haha.

Who do you like the most in NEWS (a.k.a the one you want him to be your boyfriend)? Nishikido Ryo or Uchi Hiroki
Has he matched with your criterias/requirements? I sure as hope so e_e;
Which NEWS member do you think you're least compatible with and why? Probably Yamapi or Massu because idk, they both seem to give off a too-serious vibe from time to time and that's just really off-putting for me. My good mood can deteriorate really quickly and if my partner's a negative person it doesn't help. They both also seem... bland to me. I like interesting characters. DSKGJERG I'M SORRY PI


Where do you like to go for a date? Somewhere secluded or at least partially. If it's too crowded then it'll just feel like a friendly outing and that's no good. I'd love somewhere with a nice view.
What things would you like to do on a date? Nothing too complicated and I'd rather not go for a dinner/lunch date. Something peaceful, like just sitting in the park and getting to know one another, or a coffee date. Something laid-back so I can appreciate the moment more.
If it's your first date with your mate, how would you impress him? I wouldn't bother. I'd rather be myself and just wing it because honestly, there's no point in trying to impress my partner because he'll just have these super high expectations of me and I can't live with that.

What kind of gift would you like to give to your mate? Something he wants but would never expect me to give him.
What kind of gift would you like to receive from your mate? It's the thought that counts, so as long as it's for me then I'm good.

Lastly, what kind of love confession is likely to work on you? Nothing too cheesy like getting down on his knees or something; I'm up for something romantic but not that lame. If he does it in a quirky, adorable way then that'll be best. But, you know, if he pulls out a guitar and serenades me then that'll be awesome too.

001 matchmaking: tegoshi yuya, theme 001: matchmaking

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