Assumptions in Bloom

Apr 05, 2012 19:36

Title: Assumptions in Bloom
Author: JMetropolis
Fandom: Tangled
Characters & Pairings: Rapunzel and Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 1,308
Summary: A conversation between Rapunzel and the Queen causes Eugene to make some revealing assumptions. *one-shot*
AN: Written for the Tangled Spring Challenge and inspired by ( Read more... )

rapunzel, tangled, flynn rider, eugene fitzherbert

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Comments 9

just_a_dram April 6 2012, 01:36:39 UTC
Oh, this is really sweet. :D

I think Eugene would be excited to be a father, once he got over his initial freak out. Hee.

I love the line about charting the stars. That's the perfect way of explaining how precise Rapunzel is, and unlikely to not notice such an event!

The King and Queen are perfect here too. Their reactions made me smile. And how much do I love that she's making things for the orphanage?


jmetropolis April 6 2012, 02:08:47 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. I think the King and Queen would pay special attention to the orphanage once Eugene came along. =D


buzzardhula April 6 2012, 03:22:11 UTC
Hello! This was absolutely lovely! <3

I absolutely loved how you wrote Eugene.

Just amazing <3


jmetropolis April 6 2012, 04:01:44 UTC
Awww, thank you! I've got more Tangled fics in my Drabbles and FanFic Page links.


buzzardhula April 6 2012, 05:51:54 UTC
I felt like I HAD to go back and read some of your other fics/drabbles because of how much I adored this one, and holy crap were they amazing <3 Seriously. I want to high five you for being awesome with how you write the characters. AND you run Tangled Fics on Tumblr, a blog that makes me stupendously happy. I JUST WANT TO HIGH FIVE YOU.


jmetropolis April 6 2012, 11:29:45 UTC
Oh yay! You liked some of them and found my fan fiction Tumblr. Sweet! And thank you. I'm working on a multichapterfic too but that one's kicking my butt at the moment so I won't start posting it until at least May. *high-fives*


mrs_james4994 April 12 2012, 09:54:04 UTC
Aww bless lovely fic :)


jmetropolis April 12 2012, 11:38:29 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! And thank you for taking the time to let me know. You have no idea how much this cheered me up.



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