The Way of Things, Chapter 27

Oct 22, 2007 03:53

Ian had restricted entry to Peter and Rose, the respective team leaders, and had delicately led them across the bubbled and blackened wood of the floor to the site of the body, avoiding the places marked by the fire brigade as unsafe. The blackened corpse was curled into a ball in a corner of the building, and only someone who knew what they were ( Read more... )

the way of things, kendal, rose, year 1, blackpool, carlisle, poor peter, post-dd, unhappy

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Comments 169

deepsea_dreamer October 22 2007, 08:13:44 UTC
*hugs Peter*

*hugs Rose*

maybe they can get back together after all!

/mostly incoherant due to the goodness of your fic


jlrpuck October 22 2007, 10:23:40 UTC
maybe they can get back together after all

I'm working on it! If only Peter and Rose weren't so darn stubborn...


chili_dance October 22 2007, 08:50:10 UTC
In the beginning of this, all I wanted to say was 'oh, Peter,' and by the end I wanted to give him a Doctor-to-Zack hug, happy-strange expression included. <3 Yay, Peter! You can do it!

Also love the blanket scene, and Peter taking that stand against Jake, and Jake willing to understand him and help him fend off Mickey. Eee, this makes me feel extremely happy.

The Tin Dogs all trying to keep their voices down so Rose can sleep and somewhat failing miserably is so much like siblings that it is extremely fluffy. And yay for contemplative!James!

Rose starting to realise that Peter may have been hurt just as much as she was, if not more so, is so showing her being more adult about the situation. I don't really know why she would've thought it was entirely Peter being egotistical (although I guess it's possible for guys to do so), but seeing her put little bits of the night together to come out with a lot of questions is love. <3 I need to come up with more words to describe this (adorable? Wonderful? Prodigious?) story.Peter being nice ( ... )


voodoo_festival October 22 2007, 09:57:45 UTC
Beautifully done yet again. <3

I'm so glad that Peter is sorting out his feelings and coming to a conclusion that I like.

Mickey is doing exactly what I think he would have done if the Doctor had ever hurt Rose as well, albeit I think he would have been a little more apprehensive with the Doctor considering what the Doctor could have done back to him.

Can't wait to find out who the body is! Lovely mystery.

I'll be ready for the next chapter! ^_^


jlrpuck October 22 2007, 11:09:28 UTC
I'm so glad that Peter is sorting out his feelings and coming to a conclusion that I like.

He'll get there....eventually ;)

I'll be back home for the next chapter, which means I'll be back to posting at my regular time: sometime between 7 and 9am, Eastern Daylight Time. Cheers!


jlrpuck October 22 2007, 10:29:53 UTC
I wanted to give him a Doctor-to-Zack hug, happy-strange expression included.

Yes, Poor Peter definitely needs a hug. Or a shag. Preferably both. :)

makes me feel extremely happy


somewhat failing miserably is so much like siblings that it is extremely fluffy

The angst needed some lightness; the Tin Dogs (*awesome* name for them) seemed the best spot for comic relief. :)

Rose starting to realise that Peter may have been hurt just as much as she was, if not more so, is so showing her being more adult about the situation.

I love Rose, but I always imagined that she'd been a bit...indulged, really, in her emotions since she got stranded. It's good for her to learn that there are two people in any relationship, and she might need to consider the other person in amongst her self-pity (no matter how well-deserved).

Peter being nice to Penny even though he's had a crappy day!Peter, too, is having to learn how to relate to others; only, in his case, he's so used to being ignored/mocked/shut down emotionally, he's learning how to ( ... )


brivinex October 22 2007, 09:15:02 UTC
This is the best story EVER. I really can not wait for the next chapter. I saw the last chapter the other day and spent the following two days reading from the beginning. I will say it again. Best story EVER.


jlrpuck October 22 2007, 10:31:40 UTC
I'm glad you're enjoying it! the longer this gets, the more impressive it is when someone sits down and reads it from the beginning in a short amount of time.

See you Thursday!


lethlogica October 23 2007, 02:42:36 UTC
If there are chapters 30, 31, and 32, I'll get to read those all in one go - because I'll be in transit, then hosting my parents for a few days. (I can't really think of a graceful way to say, "Go away, I have to read fanfic now".)

Not as much fun as reading 22 chapters in one shot (that was when I found this story), but it's about as close as I can come. :D


jlrpuck October 24 2007, 12:05:42 UTC
Not as much fun as reading 22 chapters in one shot

That is a lot of reading.

And yes, there will be chapters 30-32. :)


lady_adams October 22 2007, 09:20:16 UTC
I've been lurking around for the past few chapters, getting more and more wrapped up in the fabulous story you've put together here, and this chapter, I finally had to say something. I just couldn't keep reading without commenting at least once.

First of all, I am totally, completely, and utterly in love with this story. This is one of the best stories I've read in ages, and I truly mean it. Everything about it is wonderful--I haven't a single quibble. The characterization is spot on, from Mickey's uber protectiveness of Rose (more on that later) to Rose's...well, just being Rose. All of it's spot on. (I just wish I could comment on Carlisle--having yet to see Blackpool, I obviously can only guess. I've enjoyed what I've seen so far, and from what others have indicated, that won't change once I have actually seen Peter in action.) As I said earlier--I'm quite wrapped up in the story, even to the point where I find myself doing things like yell "GET A FREAKIN' CLUE" at my laptop or wanting so badly to give certain characters a hug ( ... )


jlrpuck October 22 2007, 10:48:22 UTC
take two

I've been lurking around for the past few chapters...wanting so badly to give certain characters a hug that I comfort my pillows instead.

Wow. Thank you. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far!

Speaking of yelling at my laptop...I have a very, very strong desire to knock a few heads together--Mickey's and Carlisle's.

If it makes you feel any better, so do I. ;)

Had Rose not finally realized that this isn't just about her and started devoting some thought toward Peter, I'd also be harboring a desire to knock some sense into her

As you've noticed, the line forms to the left. I believe you're in line behind the lovely lady with a cricket bat. ;) Seriously, Rose still has a bit of growing up to do; no dig against her character, it's just that she's not had a "normal" relationship since...well, Mickey, most likely.

as delicious as the angst is, please give Peter some sort of break soon.Patience, grasshopper. I've mentioned it once or twice before, buried in the comments section of previous chapters, but it never hurts to ( ... )


lady_adams October 22 2007, 11:47:57 UTC
As you've noticed, the line forms to the left.

...And stretches out the door, down the block, and around the corner...

Seriously, Rose still has a bit of growing up to do; no dig against her character...

Oh, I know--I just have to keep reminding myself of that. It was just getting harder and harder with every line of "Woe is me" from Rose.

(I hope this doesn't come across as me trying to say that it's unrealistic--because it is quite realistic, and I agree with you that she still has some growing up to do. I just get so wrapped up in the story, and in the fact that Peter, unlike Rose, has no team to fall back on and look after him.

...S'pose that's what all we commenters are doing then, eh? Taking his side instead of Rose's because she already has her champions.)


jlrpuck October 22 2007, 11:56:20 UTC
I hope this doesn't come across as me trying to say that it's unrealistic

Not at all! It's been hard, actually, making Rose so human and therefore--in this case--unsympathetic. But, as you say, it's realistic. She's still young, she's still inexperienced in the way of relationships. But she has a whole gang of folks pulling for and looking out for her...whereas Peter has no one, really.

Your point that most of us are taking his side because he has no one to champion him is well-made; and it makes sense. Plus, it's Peter--he deserves to be happy and loved.


eneffigie October 22 2007, 10:16:01 UTC
I haven't commented before, I really never comment on LJ, but I'm trying to reform my lurking ways by commenting on fics I read regularly. I've been reading this for weeks and just wanted to let you know how much I love it. It's one of a handful of fics that I must read right away when I see that it's been updated.


jlrpuck October 22 2007, 10:50:10 UTC
I haven't commented before, I really never comment on LJ,

I'm terrible about commenting as well; I'm trying to get better, but it's hard to know what to say sometimes!

It's one of a handful of fics that I must read right away when I see that it's been updated.

What a lovely thing to say. I really am thrilled that you're enjoying this so much, and that it ranks on your must-read list. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!



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