The Way of Things, Chapter 39

Dec 10, 2007 07:29

Mickey had called them back for a phone call from Jacques, apparently convinced it was urgent. The news ultimately hadn’t been that earth-shattering, although Peter appreciated that he was one of the people expected to be present to hear it. If nothing else, it had provided a nice middle-of-the-day update for the team in Kendal.

The man they’d taken ( Read more... )

the way of things, snogging, kendal, rose, year 1, blackpool, carlisle, happy, post-dd, date

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Comments 154

inanna7 December 10 2007, 14:34:52 UTC
There is a part of me that really wishes I had Rose's problems right now. Like debating on whether she should stay the night or not. As opposed to my RL, which is more along the lines of Death of a Thousand Paper Cuts right now.

I really wouldn't be surprised if Peter is the first one to say the three little words. Saw someone's comment in the previous chapter and I agree that I could see Rose being terrified of saying it and POOF! It all gets stolen away from her.

Wonder if Peter acting the way he did to Ripley would have come with years of practice with his brother?

“Poor tie.” She paused, before adding softly, “I like it.”
Sorry for some reasons I see Tie!smut here -- something along the lines of Peter walking in on Rose only wearing the tie and saying something along the lines of "Your tie & I thought you were lonely. We decided to keep you company..."

...looking at the painting he’d been wondering about the night before as he’d waited for her. Ok, so having to get to see different artwork all day as part of my job, I'm ( ... )


jlrpuck_fic December 10 2007, 14:55:41 UTC
There is a part of me that really wishes I had Rose's problems right now.

You and me both. My current issue? Whether we should use an internal management tool, or one created by Microsoft. C'mon people--surely there are more important things in the world?!

Wonder if Peter acting the way he did to Ripley would have come with years of practice with his brother?

Quite possibly. I could see Peter having to be a bit scrappy as a youth, to look out for his own interests (given that he's not a jock, I could see him being given a bit of a hard time) and as a means of dealing with the older brother.

*Tie!smut Plot Bunny*

C'mere little guy! I have a home for you!

Ok, so having to get to see different artwork all day as part of my job, I'm very curious to know what they've been studying.

Probably a Klimt or a Chagall. The specific artist varies, depending on the mood I'm in when I read it.

I'm also curious on the books Peter might have besides the basicsAha! I knew I'd forgotten to add something to Chapter 41! I agree with you on the ( ... )


inanna7 December 11 2007, 23:50:06 UTC
Have to admit I'm not a Chagall fan, mainly because I'm not really into figurative art. I like the colors he used, very stained glass in its looks. There's a room in his museum where one wall is one of his works done in stained glass and when the sun hits it just right, it casts the room in a blue hue. (I was there 20 years ago, so I can't remember which piece or art it was.) I do like Klimt's Fulfillment quite a bit, better than The Kiss. I think his Buchenwald is very beautiful also. Don't get to see too many Chagalls or Klimts, Degrazia and Madaras are the artists that are really popular, followed by Russell and "Shoofly" Shufelt ( ... )


principia December 12 2007, 00:02:12 UTC
Since you said that the history diverged around the late 19th century, I'm really interested in knowing how events are different. Looking forward to chapter 41, then :)

Given some of the references in RotC/AoS (e.g., New Germany), one would think that perhaps the colonial period may never have ended, or that the tail end of it took on a very different and perhaps more egalitarian form that led to the colonies becoming member states of larger confederations rather than splintering off from their 'mother' countries entirely. I'm basing the latter conjecture on the fact that Great Britain had a President of African descent and no-one seemed to think anything of it.


dettiot December 10 2007, 14:51:48 UTC
Author’s Notes - A proper date, with only the barest hint of Scrabble. And Peter comes to a conclusion.I love the "playing Scrabble" metaphor. Chapter 22 is now, in my head, the chapter that Peter dreams of playing Scrabble ( ... )


jlrpuck_fic December 10 2007, 15:01:53 UTC
I love the "playing Scrabble" metaphor. Chapter 22 is now, in my head, the chapter that Peter dreams of playing Scrabble.

I'm never going to be able to play Scrabble again, without laughing just a little bit

I had been wondering what was going on in Peter's head, and then we get this lovely chapter, full of Petery goodness.

Peter's definitely my comfort zone; he was begging to have an entire chapter dedicated to him, to his POV. I'm very glad you enjoyed it.

How is it that you make getting dressed like porn?

Much of the work is done for me, by virtue of the character himself being insanely, stunningly, sexy.

I'm as curious as Peter about what the rest of the team think about the change in his and Rose's relationship. I sense a ficlet.

A ficlet it will have to be--one of the 'missing scenes', I think.

I loved the date conversation

Yay! I struggled with that, trying to think of what would be realistic for him to share out and--more importantly--what the catalyst would be. I'm very happy you enjoyed it.

Of course, he's ( ... )


dettiot December 10 2007, 15:43:20 UTC
Peter's definitely my comfort zone; he was begging to have an entire chapter dedicated to him, to his POV. I'm very glad you enjoyed it.

It was interesting to me that so much of the last two chapters were from Rose's POV; I'm certainly not complaining, but I was just feeling a lack of Peter.


Heh. I don't think he's made it past the "she's coming home with me!" stage yet :)

And I must like torturing Peter, because I'd love to see what happens when he's realized what he's gotten himself in for. ;-)


jlrpuck_fic December 10 2007, 15:52:00 UTC
It was interesting to me that so much of the last two chapters were from Rose's POV

I didn't view your comment as a complaint at all; it's simply a fact, observed. There's very rarely a rhyme or reason to how I decide who'll be the main POV in a chapter; I'd not even realized that most of the sex scenes were from Peter's viewpoint until it was pointed out by EGT ;). I just sit down, put the tip of the pen to the paper, and literally see what happens.

Ah, the joys of writing by the seat of one's pants. *g*

And I must like torturing Peter, because I'd love to see what happens when he's realized what he's gotten himself in for.

Heh. I'll have to see if the bunnies nibble at that particular carrot.


(The comment has been removed)

jlrpuck_fic December 10 2007, 15:21:31 UTC
*hugs chicklet73*


souleswanderer December 10 2007, 16:10:40 UTC
Wonderful date from Peter's POV. We get to learn some more of his background, enjoy a nice somewhat relaxing dinner (poor man thinks way too much sometimes, then double thinks what he thought...I believe I would be confused in his mind), and then we finally get to hear him admit what we've known all along. He's in love.

Yeah!!! You reminded us for a moment just how long days can be at work, when there are so many other things on one's mind, and the reaction of Rose's team is quite in character. They have been through good and bad times already, and wouldn't wonder if they are as anxious as Peter to see it remain on a happy note, but not willing to overcommit at this time.

And as the work day ends, Peter is a man on a mission. Not only does he call in a favor for the reservations, but just picking the clothes from his wardrobe he gives meticulous care too, and I loved the line, he had to double check that the socks matched. ROFL.

“Is that tie part of your secret stash of clothes with colour?” she finally asked, a smile ( ... )


jlrpuck_fic December 10 2007, 16:32:50 UTC
*passses souleswanderer chicken soup, hot tea with honey and lemon, a plate of cookies, and some Peter-y goodness*

He's in love.

Very much so. And how giddy does it make me to just type that?

The answer: Very.

You reminded us for a moment just how long days can be at work, when there are so many other things on one's mind

The day never seems to take so long, as when there's something major you want to take care of. Granted, in Peter's case it's taking Rose on another date; but the lack of work, coupled with his anticipation for the coming evening, would have made the day seem interminable. No wonder he got lost in his own head.

It's nice to know in fiction, that the characters we've fallen in love with, actually do have 'real' life issues.

They do indeed. Granted, not all of us have been ripped from an alternate universe... ;)

Thanks for the rain cloud (my version of sunshine) today.

You're welcome. I hope you get a nice, calming rain to soothe your sleep. Feel better!


leighleighla December 10 2007, 16:14:22 UTC
And this fic is the reason I wind up rolling out of bed early on Mondays and Thursdays.

He smiled in return. “It is. It routinely gets mocked by the other ties, you know, for being so bright.”

“Poor tie.” She paused, before adding softly, “I like it.”

Oddly enough, I think this was my favorite exchange of the whole chapter. It's so adorable.

I must admit I'm slightly worried about Peter's revelation that he loves her...Rose hasn't exactly had the best track record with the word...or love as a general whole. I hope she's not too skittish or freaked out when he spits it out eventually...hopefully by the time that happens, she'll have realized she feels the same way?

Great chapter!


jlrpuck_fic December 10 2007, 16:34:10 UTC
And this fic is the reason I wind up rolling out of bed early on Mondays and Thursdays.

Only a few more weeks of having to get up early ;)

I hope she's not too skittish or freaked out when he spits it out eventually..

Her reaction is...well, not what Peter expects.


leighleighla December 10 2007, 16:36:21 UTC
Her reaction is...well, not what Peter expects.

*blink* Eep? *is afraid*


jlrpuck_fic December 10 2007, 16:38:35 UTC
*blink* Eep? *is afraid*

No need to be afraid. :D


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