Title: Kings and Pawns
jlneveloffMovie Adapted:
The Count of Monte CristoFandom: Star Trek (TOS Reboot)
Genre: Drama, Action/Adventure, Romance, Angst
Characters/Pairings: Spock/Uhura, Kirk, Pike, McCoy, Gaila primarily & Scotty, Chekov & Sulu to a lesser degree...Oh, also Nero, Spock Prime, Sarek and even Admiral Barnett has a part to play...So pretty much everyone.
slwmtiondayliteRating: PG-13
Word Count: ~2251
Warnings: Language, mild adult situations, violence and the occasional plot hole
Disclaimer: Star Trek and associated characters created by Gene Roddenberry. I own nothing at all. …which makes me all kinds of sad, ‘cause I really wanna borrow Spock for a while. Based upon the film The Count of Monte Cristo, written by Jay Wolpert (based upon the novel by Alexandre Dumas père) and directed by Kevin Reynolds.
Summary: In a Universe that has always known power and corruption, it is only a matter of time before the power takes over once again and innocent people are sacrificed. Spock/Uhura. Alternate MirrorVerse.
written for the LJ community
reel_startrek, Round Two.
Author's Notes: This is my first...well, novel length story, so there is the chance that I may have plot holes...You have been warned ;)
This is also based on the film more so than the novel. I've never read the novel, but I am aware that the film diverted from it greatly.
When they weren’t in the mines, searching for dilithium, Spock and the Ambassador continued to dig the tunnel towards the surface. It was a long and painstaking process and would most likely take years to reach fruition, if it ever did. But they continued to dig, even after a long day in the mines. It became a sort of escape for the two of them, despite the tediousness of the task.
Spock was pleased to have someone to converse with after all these years alone and he was pretty sure his elder self felt the same. Loneliness was a torture for any social creature. As they dug, they compared their lives: their relationships with the people they knew, the discoveries that had been made, and what led them to this path and anything else that came to mind.
Even though he was silent on the matter, Spock could tell that the Ambassador had been deeply saddened by the news that he had been incarcerated largely in part because of James Kirk. His silence led Spock to believe that the Ambassador must have also had a close friendship with Kirk but the relationship did not end in the same manner as his. And this deeply troubled him as well. He had always believed that he and Kirk would be friends until the day they died. But due to Kirk’s jealousy, professionally and personally, he was locked away.
The Ambassador did seem to want to learn everything he could about Spock’s relationship with Uhura. He asked how they met, how they fell into a relationship and anything else he could think of. Spock answered his questions while simultaneously cross-examining him. He learned that the Ambassador’s relationship with the Uhura of his universe was vastly different, purely professional. The Ambassador had always thought she was a beautiful woman, certainly worthy of the attention she garnered from the men on the ship, and he admired her mind, finding her to be highly intelligent, however, their relationship had never moved beyond that of friends. There was something in the way the Ambassador spoke of his Uhura, with a sort of longing in his voice that made Spock believe that he regretted not pursuing a closer relationship.
The Ambassador also gave Spock the knowledge of his universe, the way they were governed, the way everything worked. Spock was entranced by a world where Vulcans weren’t considered second-class citizens but instead valued members of society who were respected. They were even one of the founding members of this Federation the Ambassador mentioned. The Federation was an apparent alliance between the many races of alien in the alpha quadrant, where everyone was valued. They weren’t conquered but rather the members petitioned to join, something that was vastly different from Spock’s own universe. And there were no laws preventing people of differing races from embarking on romantic relationships. Inter-species relationships were common and accepted. Even Spock’s parents had been able to bond in the Ambassador’s world. Spock was saddened to learn that his other self had known his mother and he had asked questions about her. Yet despite being entranced with the possibilities, Spock couldn't quite imagine it, for all he had known was this world he lived in; full of oppression and tyranny.
Several months into their partnership and dare he say it, friendship - Spock still found it odd that this man shared the same DNA as he and yet was so different - and Spock lay in the tunnel behind the older Vulcan, passing him the small tools, mostly consisting of discarded metal they found in the mines, they used to dig while holding an illuminated PADD for light. The Ambassador placed the small amount of chiseled rock he gathered into one of their food containers. They would discard it in the mines so they would not be caught with it.
There was one area which the Ambassador had not spoken of: his arrival to this parallel universe. Spock had often wondered how he came to be there and the circumstances surrounding it and one day, he could no longer suppress the urge to ask. "If you do not mind my asking, Ambassador, how did you arrive here in this universe, in this time?"
The Ambassador paused in his actions before turning his head to face the younger Vulcan. He seemed to be weighing the reasons why he should or should not inform Spock, who waited patiently. The Ambassador took a deep breath. "Very well," he agreed. He returned his attention to his digging.
"One hundred twenty nine years from now a star will explode and threaten to destroy the galaxy, destroying everything in its path. I promised the Romulans that I would save their planet. We outfitted our fastest ship. Using what we had called ‘red matter’ I would create a black hole which was to absorb the exploding star. But as I was en route when the unthinkable happened; the supernova destroyed Romulus.”
The Ambassador sighed heavily. “I had little time. I had to extract the red matter and shoot it into the supernova. As I began my return trip I was intercepted by Nero, the last of the Romulan Empire. But as I attempted to escape both of us were pulled into the black hole. I went through first and therefore arrived first.” The Ambassador passed the dirt container to Spock and signaled for him to back out of the tunnel.
Spock did so, and waited for the Ambassador to slip out of the tunnel as well. Once his elder was upright Spock leaned down and covered the opening, in case the guards peered in. "And what occurred after you arrived through the black hole?"
"I knew that Nero would blame me for the destruction of his planet, and I also knew he would stop at nothing to avenge its loss. But I could not allow Nero to obtain the red matter, for I feared what he would do with it, so I fled." The Ambassador began to pace around the cell. "I flew to a nearby moon upon which I found an abandoned research facility. I left my ship in the landing dock of the facility, as the ship contained the only device capable of keeping the red matter stable. I could not allow such technology fall into the hands of not only Nero but also someone from this time, someone who would not know its purpose or how it worked. That was my biggest fear.”
"How can you be sure that this red matter is not tampered with by anyone else?” Spock asked with curiosity in his voice. If such technology really did exist, technology that could create a black hole as well as a tunnel through space/time, then it truly was dangerous.
"Before I left the facility, I reprogrammed the computer systems to recognize my vocal patterns and face, a program that my ship already possessed.” The Ambassador shrugged. “Perhaps it is not the infallible system, but under the current situation, it would have to do.” He resumed his tale. “I repaired a small shuttlecraft that had been abandoned at the facility and made my escape, attempting to get far from the facility, knowing that it was only a matter of time before Nero located me."
"And how long before that took place?"
"Merely days after he took over your Empire. Upon learning that I no longer possessed the red matter, Nero locked me away in here, believing that one day I would break and tell him of the location. But he clearly underestimated me."
The digging continued and slowly through the years but surely the pair of Vulcans made progress towards the surface. They still estimated the tunnel to be several hundreds of feet below but without a point of reference they were at best guessing, something Vulcans detested. A pattern began to emerge as to when they would be taken to the mines and they were prepared when it occurred. It was not much of a hindrance on their progress as their combined superior strength made the process speedier than it would have had they been human, but it was a bit of an annoyance. Anniversaries came and went and Spock found that it was easier to ignore the pain of the whip when he was preoccupied with thoughts of freedom.
Spock continued to learn much from his elder self about a Federation and Spock began to truly believe that perhaps it was possible…in another universe. He knew that the Ambassador was trying to encourage him to try and establish such form of government once he was free.
But he was still much too consumed with thoughts of revenge to even contemplate forming a new government. It was illogical and considerably “Un-Vulcan” but the anger still resided deep within him. He had no way of knowing if Kirk and the other men were even still alive. He had no way of knowing if Uhura was still alive. He hoped she was, just as he hoped she was waiting for him, but the likelihood of such occurring was slim. It was just false hope as far as he was concerned. But he clung to it nonetheless.
One day, after they were finished digging for the day, the Ambassador recalled an earlier conversation the two of them had shared about how Spock came to be in the prison. “You once told me that Admiral Pike was about to dismiss the treasonous charges against you before he changed the subject and brought up your relationship with Miss Uhura.”
Spock was surprised by the conversation as they had not discussed the reasons he was here for several years. But he quickly replied. “Yes, but as I have told you, in this world I have indeed broken the law in regards to our relationship. Although I never forced myself on her as the Admiral believed, regardless of the evidence. You know as well as I do that consensual mind melds do not leave any visible sign on brain scans.”
“No,” the Ambassador agreed. “But the question remains, what reason did the Admiral have for going through the initial charade and then promptly arresting you for your relationship with Miss Uhura?”
Spock shook his head. “I do not know.” He began to pace around the cell, considering the reasons. “As far as I am aware, the Admiral had nothing to gain from imprisoning me. Although…” he paused.
The Ambassador urged him on. “Yes?”
Spock turned to face him, hands behind his back. “He did inform me that Nero had escaped yet that information had not been released. There is the possibility that as the incident recently occurred, it had not been told to others. But I must admit that it appeared as though Pike was the only one aware of it. I have no explanation for why he would tell me.”
The Ambassador nodded. “No, I cannot see a reason either. But there must be something else that occurred that can help explain.”
“Once the subject of Nyota was brought up, the Admiral refused to let me defend myself.” Spock marched around the cell, trying to recall that fateful night. Suddenly, he halted; perhaps he had finally found the answer. “Power.”
He turned to the Ambassador, who looked at him, silently waiting for him to explain. “Jim told me of his professional and personal aspirations he hoped to attain at my expense. Commander Sulu also had professional reasons for my incarceration. With me out of the way, so to speak, Jim would have been able to move up the chain of command on the flagship and Sulu would have regained the captaincy. And Nyota would be alone, leaving Jim to attempt to seduce her, although I must admit, I do not believe he would be successful in that endeavor. Yet with Nero out of command, there remained an opening, so to speak. With the exception of Doctor McCoy, who simply had personal reasons against me although I had no dealings with him, Jim and Sulu could regain the power they believed was theirs. I had no dealings with Admiral Pike either and had in fact never met him before that night. Yet with Nero out of the empire, there remained a vacancy in the role of emperor. Perhaps if he orchestrated Nero’s escape under my name and then recaptured him, he hoped to gain that position.”
The Ambassador nodded slowly. “Power breeds corruption.”
Spock released an angry sigh, momentarily forgetting his control, but he did not believe the Ambassador would hold it against him. He had been made a scapegoat; someone who took the punishments for crimes that were not his own, while they happily lived on as though nothing had happened. He had been made a fool.
In a rare, uncontrollable moment of rage, Spock reached out and grabbed the table in the Ambassador’s chamber and tossed it over, the PADDs scattering on the ground, the sound echoing in the small room.
Later that night, Spock tried meditating once more, hoping to find his center after his embarrassing emotional outburst earlier. As he did not have the flame he usually used to focus his mind on, he placed the long forgotten King, the one that Kirk and he had traded back and forth in happier times, in front of him. His eyes focused on the small black chess piece as he sought to regain control.
His thoughts centered on revenge.