2011-2012 JLI Calendar up!

Jan 20, 2011 22:04

First off, I apologize for the lateness. Things happened and because of those things, the calendar has been slightly adjusted partly to cover months that weren't completed and partly so everyone can begin enjoying their new desktop calendar with February 2011 and ending with February 2012!

The calendars come in three sizes:


EDIT: So I don't have to keep uploading the zips every time the downloads expire, here's a link to a photo album where you can save the months

JLI 2011-2012 Calendar

Additional links:



Hope everyone loves this as much as I do! Huge thanks and much love to all artists involved. Artists are allowed to do whatever they wish with their particular pieces and people are free to share this calendar across the webbernets.

Now, of course, I should asked the requisite two questions:

1) Would be consider doing another calendar for next year?
2) What suggestions would you give to make this calendar more successful?

(provided, of course, the world doesn't end by then)

character: big barda, character: maxwell lord, rating: pg-13, character: l-ron, character: ted kord, character: tora olafsdotter, character: mr. miracle, -fanart, character: general glory, character: silver sorceress, character: j'onn j'onzz, character: guy gardner, character: power girl, character: animal man, character: booster gold, character: captain atom

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