Not Dead; Just in Japan =) Although Japan IS dangerous in many ways...

Nov 09, 2009 22:03

Oh gosh I just finished watching the new Arashi PV and it has my heart. In so many ways.

Like Jirou and Gorou duking it out for the biggest room in the house. I am totally convinced that Sho would be a bossy big brother and Jun would be the whiny selfish youngest.

Like Shirou taking the smallest room and nobody contesting it ( Read more... )

flail, the exchange chronicles

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Comments 11

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jliann November 9 2009, 14:17:51 UTC
T-That was a stab in the dark! A total guess! 0___0
Now it looks even eerier...
But I love the story in the PV. It's like Happiness, only with a beginning, middle and end!
I'm not crazy about the song but I wish they had more PV's like this XD

Drea, I'm sure NY is just as exciting in its own way ^_~ I can't wait to see you when you come! We'll have lots of fun =D


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jliann November 11 2009, 09:56:43 UTC
Everyone seems to love the Umbrella song (well, everyone that's posted about it lol) but I haven't got used to it yet. It reminds me of Cirque du Soleil XDDD

Oh man I can see them doing acrobatics to this song now.

Also, I think I need to buy the DVD now with the Making-Of on it. Thanks for telling me about it!~ *Puts on top of to-do list*

Have you made your To-Do List for Japan yet? *wink*


iloveqqmcmug November 9 2009, 16:40:00 UTC
hi jliann:)

like what you said I'm in LOVE with the PV as well. I love PVs with a story and who can be better than to play brothers other than Arashi :P

Now that you mention it, that concept of merging the five is really interesting. I'm waiting for the Making Of and hopefully we'll find out. When I saw the girl, I was like...who is she :)

My Girl is a song that I think gets better when you hear it more and now the PV makes it even better:) Esp. with Sho starting off tapping the pillow..hehe.

How long are you in Japan for? It must be fun ne?


jliann November 9 2009, 17:12:13 UTC
I think Arashi has really created a great world for themselves in this vid. I like the pillow-tap too! XD And predictably fail!Sho chokes on the dust afterwards, hehe.

I can't wait to see the making-of for this. Do we already know that it's going to be included?

I'll be here for roughly a year to study, but it's going to go by SO FAST.
Thanks for dropping by! ^_^


iloveqqmcmug November 9 2009, 17:36:54 UTC
The making of is coming with the limited edition of the single. The total running time I saw on websites is around 25 minutes so I think the Making-of will be around 20?

hehe..all of them look so good in the PV.

One year:) I'm sure it's going to go by fast and i hope you're enjoying your time there:)


hikko_hikko November 10 2009, 01:49:57 UTC

T_T I miss you!! ...Well actually I did talk to you with email but it's been a long time since I see your happy name on my friend list.

You're in the fan club now, how exciting!! It's expensive to keep a fan club membership outside of Japan so I'm so envious of you!

When I first saw the mother's face...I was thinking "how fake..." XD but the family theme is so cute. So many "きゅん” moments <3

Aw, why didn't you talk to those people to find out what they want? The hair person could have been someone who's looking for a hair model:) Free おしゃれhaircut!! haha


jliann November 11 2009, 09:53:04 UTC
I've been SUCH a bad friend *slaps self*
But yes, we need to catch up! How's everything been going lately? ^__^

I loooove the family moments between Arashi. Hahahaha "fake!" XDD All I thought was "How unimaginative!" Cuz she named them ichiro, jiro...etc.

I'm kinda scared of those people in Shibuya, actually. They seem sketchy to me. Also, they've recently arrested the killer of a British woman who came to Japan to teach English, and they met because he totally chatted her up in the street so I'm kinda scared now 0____0


hikko_hikko November 15 2009, 02:30:08 UTC
No don't slap yourself!! lol
Everything is going on not that good or bad. Just some school and computer things bothering me-_-

Ya the names are certainly uninvented XD I really hate names with "郎"...It sounds so ancient and ugly!!!! D: *goes crazy*

Wow, that sounds scary o_o Okay, Liann-chan, keep on not speaking to the creepers!

Have you went shopping?? :)


primroseshows November 10 2009, 01:57:08 UTC
I kind of feel like the scum of the Earth right now because I didn't even know that you WERE in Japan, even though I remember in your old (omg how old?) posts you mentioned going there soon... fdajfkl;fja. But I'm so excited for you! I'm really glad to hear that you're doing well and you're having fun. ;A;

omg going to have to stare at that Mother picture for hours now, thanks.


jliann November 11 2009, 09:49:26 UTC
You're forgiven because I've been a horrible friend and have neglected everyone in existence so I am totally MORE scum than you >_<

How have you been doing, Prim? ^___^
I'm positive you have equally awesome exploits to share =DDD

Also, the new Making-Of seems to prove my guess, so uh. We can go stare at that instead? =D I shall start thinking of her as a Franken-Arashi!


eve_aida November 13 2009, 19:36:47 UTC
well, i'm glad you have fun there in Japan! so how is it? can you fit in perfectly?

i watched the PV..despite of looking at Arashi who looks cho kakkoii even just by cleaning the house ;p i keep staring at the pic and think it's kinda weird..but seriously i have no idea that's the combi of 5 of them! *freaks out*

in Shibuya? to shake off just by telling you're foreigner and it works?


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