So, here are my word metrics for the past week. They're a bit sketchy, but I'm working on it.
Monday: 0 (ugh)
Tuesday: 0 (double ugh)
Wednesday: 970
Thursday: 1031
Friday: 407
Saturday: 1673
Sunday: 0
Total this week: 4081
Total word count: 35,492
Wordcount goal for the week: 50,000
Words behind goal: 14,508
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Comments 8
As for POVs, I tend to prefer first person. I just find it easier to write, somehow, and I enjoy getting into a character's head that way. I can write in third, too, but I don't do it as often.
Without getting into reasons why, I don't really write about a lead guy very often. I prefer writing about women. When I do write about a guy, though, I don't worry about how he should sound. I find that worrying about it just makes me lose faith in my writing, which is a big Do Not Want, so I just... dive in, I guess? And hope for the best. I don't have a lot of guy friends (... almost none, in fact), so I'm pretty much on my own as far as that goes.
But I do think it's a good idea to send your manuscript through to a guy for him to read. At worst he'll tell you what you need to change, and at best he'll tell you you're doing a good job. It couldn't hurt, right?
Good luck with your writing!
I kind of worry about how a guy sounds when I write him, because they usually have a totally different attitude to females. And it's hard to capture that sort of attitude when I'm not a dude. :P
I don't really lose faith in my writing, so I'm lucky in that way. But, also not, if it keeps me worrying about the authenticity.
And you're right. I'll try to convince my guy friends to read what I have of my story so far. In any case, they can be really weak CPs :P
And thank you! :)
My story WAS in first person but after a few chapters I hated it and now it's 3rd limited. Haha.
I suppose it would depend on the context of stories, and what you want to convey in them. If you want a really emotionally charged story, then I suppose first-person would be best. But for all else, third person workd just fine. ^^
1st Wednesday 120
2nd Thursday 0
3rd Friday 0
4th Saturday 0
5th Sunday 311
6th Monday 0
7th Tuesday 0
8th Wednesday 0
9th Thursday 0
10th Friday 0
11th Saturday 0
12th Sunday 0
13th Monday 0
14th Tuesday 0
Yeah. Makes you feel a LOT better I bet.
As for the POV, I prefer 1st person. I'm not too good at 3rd pers, but I'm actually writing TWWAW in 3rd, as if that damned WIP wasn't difficult enough with the 8 POVs and HUGE cast of characters.
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