Something's rotten in the Hamptons

May 03, 2006 12:28

While the glittering elite of the business world are gathered together inside to pay homage to the Josephs John is smoking on the balcony with what appears to the untrained eye to be Angelina Jolie. Trading information and formulating a plan ( Read more... )

papa midnight, zatanna, john constantine

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Comments 50

jla_extras May 3 2006, 09:50:25 UTC
"The kiddies have your eyes." remarked Constantine.

Those same deep green eyes dance with mischief.

"Midnight made a serious error in assuming the children were of Ken Joseph's issue."


laughing_mage May 3 2006, 10:05:04 UTC
Constantine smirks a bit at that.

"He makes a lot of errors luv. Like assumin' even with the hold he has on me that he could control me." He's glad more than his protections will watch over the kids, he's not got a lot of concience in some ways but mucking with children always was a bit outside his comfort zone.

"So I'll finish up here, but I'm thinkin' we need t'teach him a lesson in mindin' his work a bit better don't you think?"


jla_extras May 3 2006, 10:24:32 UTC
She nods and smiles.
"I agree. Let me tell you a secret."

She leans forward and whispers her name into his ear. The children have nothing to worry about.


laughing_mage May 3 2006, 10:31:36 UTC
He chuckles under his breath and looks quite pleased.

"Perfect, luv. I think maybe you should be chasin' after our bokor friend after this an give him a reason t'call on his servant again. Meanwhile I go give the head of the household a tweak to his tail an break up this disgustin' little attempt at a social club."


zatanna_z May 3 2006, 14:35:02 UTC
Hyacinth had just given her a clue almost as blunt as a wiffle bat to the back of the head as to who, or what, she has stumbled into at this party. The candle flames had turned from a warm glow to an eerie, Get The Hell Out Of Here Now, blue. She doesn't need anymore hints.

She had pulled Hyacinth closer to her and all but ran to the bathroom door with the order of "nepo rooD!" preceding them. According to Hyacinth her son had escaped but her husband was in thrall and giving Zee the answers she was looking for pretty much put her in danger. Dammit!

Her plan? Uh...yeah. Find John...maybe...and see what she can do about getting out in one piece and trying to help Hyacinth and her family.


jla_extras May 4 2006, 12:24:45 UTC
The air in the ladies room begins to suddenly drop in temperature as Zatanna rushes Hyacinth out of there. The hint of frost clings to the trail of Zatana's dress and a dark sense of an intangible presence seems to have just manifested in the room behind them ( ... )


zatanna_z May 4 2006, 15:26:43 UTC
She keeps a firm hold of Hyacinth as she "admires" the flower arrangement. A scowl forms more firmly on her face upon sighting the security and grumbles under her breath. "....fuck..."

She quickly looks around the crowd for Vi and Alexis, having come up with a slightly devious idea. Upon spotting them, she leads Hyacinth through the crowdest route that will bring them up behind the harpies. On the way there she whispers to Hyacinth through a smiling face.

"Listen to me. I can help you, but not here in this crowd." She shoots a sideways glance towards the smoking room hoping she's not going to have to go there. That would suck beyond the telling of it.

"There are at least three men looking for us. I can cover that for a little bit, but we need to act fast. In a couple of minutes we need to get out of the party but not the house. Understand? Can you do that with me?"

PLEASE don't fight me on this Hyacinth! The thought isn't spoken.


jla_extras May 5 2006, 11:41:55 UTC
Hyacinth is like a deer before an oncoming truck. Will she freeze? or will she bolt? To her credit, she does neither. Perhaps it is a seed of courage she has never known or perhaps it is that she has so little to loose now.
Clearing her throat, she blinks and puts on her best meek smile and barely nods in Zee's direction.

In the crowd, the security detail sharply raise this heads as if 'listening' to something. Zattana can feel the subtle hum of magic in the air, something is communicating with them.


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