Thanksgiving dinner, Wayne Manor

Nov 29, 2005 22:13

Alfred stands at the door to the sitting room, somehow managing to attract attention without doing anything so obvious as clear his throat. "Mr. Wayne, honored guests ... dinner is served ( Read more... )

nightwing, catwoman, oracle, alfred, batman, jim gordon

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Comments 25

_darkknight_ November 29 2005, 20:23:10 UTC
Bruce ushers his guests toward the dining room, all smiles without the expression reaching his eyes.

Holidays and memories.

"Remember," he says sternly in Barbara's direction as he guides Selina inside, hand on the small of her back, "drumstick is mine."


femme_du_chat November 29 2005, 20:24:50 UTC
Selina lets everyone else be ushered in so she can have a moment, standing next to Bruce. She reaches out and puts her hand on his arm and smiles at him, before she makes her way into the dining room with Bruce's hand at her back.

Sometimes they do think the same way.


_nightwing_ November 29 2005, 20:41:00 UTC
Dick takes Mary from Barbara as she transfers to the dining table's chair, settling the sleeping baby into her portable car seat and hoping she'll stay that way for an hour. Or two. Preferably two.


oracle_watching November 29 2005, 21:00:10 UTC
"Thanks, love." Babs checks on Mary one more time before unfolding her napkin. "I think I'm hungry."


_nightwing_ November 30 2005, 09:27:23 UTC
Dick takes a few moments before speaking, letting his fingers entwine with Barbara's as he smiles at her.

I'm thankful I'm still here, because I nearly wasn't. I'm thankful that Tim trusted his instincts a few months back.

His eyes flick briefly over to Bruce.

I'm thankful for having a beautiful, healthy daughter, the most amazing woman I know as my wife, and a family I can depend on no matter what.


gothamflatfoot November 30 2005, 09:47:02 UTC
Jim listens to Dick, watching him as he looks to Bruce. He wears something of an odd expression, perhaps a cross between knowing and confusion...but who knows what that's all about?


_darkknight_ November 30 2005, 14:27:00 UTC
Bruce doesn't look at Dick but rather at the centerpiece, pensive, before he flashes that vacuous grin at Jim Gordon. Innocent playboy is he.


femme_du_chat November 30 2005, 16:00:43 UTC
Selina looks at Bruce, as he hasn't said what he's thankful for yet. Not sure what she's expecting from him. As she does so, she makes a note to herself to ask Alfred what he's thankful for later.


_robin_ December 1 2005, 13:17:27 UTC
Tim looks a little uncomfortable at the glances and comments that have been thrown in his direction, but he's touched nonetheless.

He throws a quick glance in Bruce's direction.

Umm...I'm thankful for my family. That my Dad is alive, let alone walking and talking, is nothing short of a miracle.

I'm thankful he brought Dana into our lives. She's the best step-mom I could have hoped for, and never tries to replace my real Mom.

I'm thankful for my other family - most of whom are in this room right now. I wouldn't be who I am today without any of you.

He grins.

I'm thankful Dad and Dana let me get out of going to the Winters' family dinner, so I could come share in some more of Alfred's awesome cooking!


_darkknight_ December 1 2005, 16:05:51 UTC
"That said," Bruce remarks as he watches Alfred and takes a seat, "shall we get down to the good stuff and eat?"


femme_du_chat December 1 2005, 16:06:56 UTC
Selina smiles softly and sits back in her chair, waiting for everythig to be served before she touches anything else.


_nightwing_ December 1 2005, 21:27:49 UTC
About time.

Dick grins, needing no further invitation to dive in.


_alfred_ December 3 2005, 11:13:18 UTC
Thanks having been given, Alfred serves.


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