Demon Hunt!!

Oct 20, 2005 09:32

Moving with the speed of Mercury, the falling concrete and steel girders seem to be moving through molasses from his perspective. He moves like a blur through the building, evacuating those inside. It’s nothing compared to the Flash however. Even at his amazing speeds, Marvel can barely see Jay as he strobes through the building as a streak of red ( Read more... )

merlynne, captain marvel, demon hunt, flash jay garrick, green shield, hotshot

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Comments 32

green_shield October 21 2005, 13:02:49 UTC
"The demon took Zukov."

Not without a damn good fight it appears.

"The taget's name is Corrine. She's a mage of some kind. That's all the conversation I could hear. Another couple of things: Start considering holy water for your weapons and armor. Shooting to maim also doesn't really work."


_captain_marvel October 26 2005, 08:52:54 UTC
Corrine? Well that makes it a bit easier.

"I know her. She's actual a member of the Society."

Speaking into his JSA comminicator, "Miss Corrine, come in. Priority Emergency."


damage_girl October 26 2005, 10:43:34 UTC
"Well, that's never good. Merlynne here, what's up?" Corrine's voice comes back, tired but alert.


_captain_marvel October 26 2005, 11:30:27 UTC
Marvel holds the comm out so Tara is also part of the conversation.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid I have some troubling news. The individual possesed by the Al Koyet demon we've been tracking has escaped with Doctor Zukov. Something about the creature give me the impression that it has abilities and strengths that are atypicall for the type of being it is. Nothing specific, but its the kind of feeling I don't ignore.

You should also know that there is some sort of divine artifact that can purge the monster without killing the host. Again I don't have specifics. The demons seemed interested in finding a "Holy Mage", whatever that is, and also seemed to now quite a bit about Doctor Zukov and called him 'half-breed' a few times.

I was hoping your magic could help us find Doctor Zukov and the creature. I don't think we have alot of time. Mister Scott can transport us to you pretty much intantly if we need."


_captain_marvel October 27 2005, 12:51:12 UTC
Marvel nods.

"Great job Cor.. er Merlynne.
Alan can you take us there?
Jay, you're obviously the best one to scout out the area when we get there.
Miss Strong is pretty tough, you should let her watch your back Merlynne.
Mister..Hotshot? Would you be interested in lending a hand? We have a Doctor to rescue and a possessed man to capture."

The Elder Lantern indicates his readiness as emerald energies roil around him like verdant fire.


hotshot1280 October 27 2005, 13:03:27 UTC
Trevor blinks once in surprise, and then grabs his backpack off of the couch and slings it over his shoulders.

"Yeah. That works." Trevor flips the cigarette in his hand around, wrapping his hand around it and incinerating it as he grins. "It also saves me the trouble of trying to follow behind you guys anyway, since Caleb and I are friends.

"So what *are* we allowed to do to the Al-Kumquat, since I'm guessing I'm not allowed to light it on fire and cook marshmallows over its corpse?"


_captain_marvel October 27 2005, 15:15:16 UTC
"No. The demon is possessing a human being. There's some debate over whether the person has a 'soul' per se, but we're not killing him. It’s not like he’s undead or a construct and the JSA is not a group of assassins.

Besides, there is a way to drive the monster out without resorting to murdering a human being. We just need to discover the details. There is supposed to be a 'Holy Artifact' that can do the job and also possibly resolve this 'soul' issue. I'm beginning to think that 'Artifact' might not be a term constrained to an object. It could also be a person. That would tie in with this 'Holy Mage' enigma.”

Marvel glances at Corrine.

Marvel extend his hand to Trevor. "Glad to have you Hotshot."


green_shield October 28 2005, 11:08:41 UTC
Tara has been silent and taking this all in. That's it. Note to self. Start talking to Mid-Nite about magic and's supposed to work. In the meantime:

"Okay, to sum up here. Caleb is part demon. You," points to Corrine. "Are his close friend, a holy mage, and someone downstairs is now familiar with this fact. Dr. Zukov is not the best when it comes to handing out details, but we do have the option of trying to contain this demon assasin if we can find the right stuff to keep him contained. As of now, Corrine, I get to be your bodyguard. You, Marvel, and the Green Lantern have the magic experise, so I'm following your lead. There's some sort of shield they have to keep us looking in on them, so we're going to have to track them the old fashion way."

She stops, thinks a moment. "Okay, Sunday school once mentioned demons are creatures of habit. Like a computer program, they have one fuction and just keep going. is that accurate to how it works in the real world?"


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