Homework at the Brownstone.

Sep 04, 2005 08:19

Per usual, Jakeem is attempting to do all the homework he was set during the holidays the night before he goes back to school. If only the Thunderbolt knew anything about quadratic equations or writing essays ( Read more... )

green lantern jade, dr. fate, jj thunder, power girl, dr. mid-nite, mr. terrific, detective chimp, flash jay garrick

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Comments 77

_jaded_one_ September 3 2005, 17:09:37 UTC
Already in the kitchen is a young woman with green hair, green skin, green eyes. All different shades of green, but green nonetheless. She makes for a verdant presence. She sits at the kitchen table, a salad on hand that she's nibbling while flipping through a thick women's fashion magazine. At the sound of footsteps, she looks up and perks a smile. "Hi!"


jakeem_thunder September 3 2005, 17:14:13 UTC
"S'up?" Jakeem greets her cheerfully. Huh, she's eating a salad. Not interesting. He opens the fridge to hunt for anymore of Ma's snacks. "Know who's pizza this is?" he asks pulling a box out of the fridge. "Jade . . . right?"


_jaded_one_ September 3 2005, 17:17:00 UTC
"Not a clue," she responds as she flips a page or two. "If it's not nailed down, it's free game. Yep, I'm Jade, Jennie-Lynn to my friends. You're...oh...man, someone told me about you. Thunder, right?"


jakeem_thunder September 3 2005, 17:19:07 UTC
"Jakeem Thunder," Jakeem says, opening the pizza to check there's no weird stuff on it. Cheese and pepperoni, seems safe enough. "Soon to be official JSA member." So there.

"You're Alan's daughter, yeah? How come you're green?"


midnite_md September 3 2005, 17:45:52 UTC
Silently, and without drawing attention to himself, Dr. Cross enters the kitchen, listening to the young ones' conversation, making his way toward the refrigerator himself.


_jaded_one_ September 3 2005, 17:51:48 UTC
Jennie's gaze flickers over toward Pieter, then she mixes her salad with her fork, all innocent. "Boy, I'd hate to be the person who takes out the trash around here. I mean, unless you have those gloves that Blue Beetle made for us. Otherwise...whoa, I hope you're not interested in having kids."


jakeem_thunder September 3 2005, 17:53:22 UTC
Jakeem pauses, about to take a bite of pizza. "What makes you say that?"


_jaded_one_ September 3 2005, 18:08:19 UTC
"Well, you just started working here, right? I mean, pretty new, right?" She stands, takes the salad bowl to the sink to rinse it out. "So you might not know that we have some weird stuff around here. Not just regular lettuce makes a girl turn green."

She winks at Dr. Cross.


jakeem_thunder September 3 2005, 18:46:19 UTC
Maybe ten minutes later, Jakeem strolls back into the kitchen. "Pie was nice but it needs something to go with it," he explains. "We got any milk?"

He is, incidentally, a nice light green.


midnite_md September 3 2005, 18:52:17 UTC
Dr. Cross has finished making his sandwiches and is about to take a bite when Jakeem returns.

He only misses one beat as he notices the green tint, and he puts the sandwich down, and produces a scalpel from the belt he's wearing.

"It appears you'll need the invasive surgery sooner than I'd expected."


_jaded_one_ September 3 2005, 18:53:15 UTC
Jade pauses, stares at Jakeem and sniffs, "I guess making fun of someone's skin color amuses you, huh?"

And then she starts to giggle. A lot.


jakeem_thunder September 3 2005, 18:56:26 UTC

Jakeem frowns at both of them puzzled. "What? Oh." He sticks his nose in the air. "Very funny but I'm not falling for that again."


midnite_md September 3 2005, 19:33:59 UTC
Cross has to watch with a moment of surprise and appreciation for Kara's soda-drinking preferences.

"If you're in any sort of hurry, Kara, please let me know... otherwise, I'd like to finish my dinner here," he says, picking up his plate of sandwiches.


eyes_up_here September 3 2005, 19:37:10 UTC
With an off hand, Kara shoo'd in the direction of the good Doctor. "Oh, go right head, no worries, I'm not in a rush," she said quickly, taking another bite of pie. "Oh, this is so good..."


midnite_md September 3 2005, 19:48:48 UTC
Cross nods, before taking a bite of his vegetarian plate, the talk of sprouts, eggplant and okra making him even hungrier. He then takes a few steps toward the door. "I'll go make the preparations then. Come down in about fifteen minutes?"


eyes_up_here September 3 2005, 19:56:50 UTC
"Riiight," she adds to the departing doc, doing her best to sound confident about the whole affair. "Fifteen. Gotcha..."


_jaded_one_ September 3 2005, 20:09:37 UTC
Jade gives Jakeem a last glance, breezes over to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Glad to meet you," she says cheerfully. "Always good to meet a good sport. I'm going to find Kyle. Hasta la pasta, guys!"


eyes_up_here September 3 2005, 20:23:41 UTC
"See ya," Kara smiled in reply, pausing for a moment to wonder if she could ask to ride along, just in case someone's robbing a bank somewhere or something, but she figure if it was 'Kyle' it was 'alone time' and thus... a better excuse would have to be sought out.

Fifteen minutes....


doctorfatejsa September 3 2005, 20:34:53 UTC
*Hector turns to wash his plate.*

Practically an Infinity Inc. reunion around here today. Which is nice. Spent last night buying drinks for a chimpanzee and talking to a green superhero from the future.

*He looks over at Jakeem.*

No relation, I'm sure.


eyes_up_here September 3 2005, 20:40:58 UTC
Deadpan, Kara replies, "Monkey and future heroes? Sounds like a Thursday."


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