Diplomacy: Future of Rann

Apr 18, 2011 18:00

"Good evening leaders of Earth. My name is Ma'alefa'ak, diplomatic representative of the Neo-Rann governent. I will be meeting with you so that we may bring a quick, decisive end to the current misunderstanding between out two worlds. Therefore I propose a meeting on neutral ground, here..." An image of the planet Mars would appear to the ( Read more... )

green lantern hal jordan, born to rann, malefic, flash barry allen, despero, jacob baker, martian manhunter

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Comments 53

beware_my_power April 24 2011, 16:28:30 UTC
As much as Hal hated the idea of negotiating with these creeps, he was the best choice for a Green Lantern escort on this mission, since he knew the sort of tricks Henshaw might pull better than anyone other than Superman.

His ring provides convenient transport for the delegation as well. After a thorough scan of the terraformed area to make sure there are no hidden microscopic surprises, he'll bring the delegation inside and let them disembark from his ring-bubble.


10xspeedoflight April 25 2011, 20:58:03 UTC
"I don't like this one bit." Barry is unusually static, with his arms folded and a frown on his face.

"After I heard about this Cyborg Superman I read every League file we have on him." He looks at Hal. "I can't possibly believe that a psychopath like Henshaw would ever consider peace with Earth, although he may well believe that he was in the right for obliterating life on Rann. The idea of our conceding to any of his demands turns my stomach."


beware_my_power April 25 2011, 23:49:00 UTC
"I believe it, if only because the mind of the insane contains all possibilities, including periods of false lucidity or serenity. This offer of peace is a whim, offered by a being who has nothing tying him to the real world. ANY world."


grodd_is_king April 26 2011, 21:16:48 UTC
"The question gentlemen is not his sincerity." Jacob baker, high-ranking official in the Department of Metahuman Affairs, had been directed by the President to be present at the meeting to represent U.S. interests. In truth he was there in more of a watchdog compacity. The President had made it clear: 'Don't let them start a war.' The words had been the President's, his desire to say them on the other hand had been another story. "As you've both mentioned, Henshaw is a psychotic. The question isn't if he'll turn on us, but when."

Baker briefly pulled out a cigarette pack, considered the impact fire had on Martians, and put it away.

"The goals here are simple. We need peace, or at least a detente. The lives that'd be lost in an interstellar war would be significant, no matter what kind of force at our disposal." Baker takes a moment to glance at the Neo-Rann representative. "We also need to get these people a viable home. Australian authorities are bitterly divided over their continued presence."


j_onn_j_onzz May 5 2011, 01:25:31 UTC
At that moment, the air shimmers in a blank area near Hal, and in a second, the Martian Manhunter materializes next to Hal. "It took some doing to triangulate the coordinates of your ring, Ha..."

That's when he sees Malefic. And J'onn's eyes begin to glow.



scourge_of_mars May 5 2011, 01:42:05 UTC
Malefic views the arrival of J'onn. A rictus grin forms on his face, stretched by his morphing abilities. His emotions were at war. Amusement that he put his brother in a situation in which he couldn't attack him, and hate for the long ago grudges and his own inability to attack.

"Hello, J'onn."


beware_my_power May 5 2011, 17:36:11 UTC
Hal's ring glows, ready to intervene if necessary. He knows how he'd feel if it were Henshaw doing the negotiation.

"Thanks for coming, J'onn. I would have warned you, but I wasn't sure if you would be able to make it."


j_onn_j_onzz May 5 2011, 18:43:55 UTC
"I came, Hal, because of a great sense of foreboding regarding these negotiations that came to me during meditation." He looks squarely at Malefic. "It appears I was correct."


jla_villains May 11 2011, 20:54:59 UTC
If Despero knew who Mutley was, he would realise that the gnashing grinding sound he's currently making with his teeth is reminiscent of Dick Dastardly's dog. Sitting inside his war-pod (he named it himself), the Kalanorian despot shoots through space with all three eyes wide open and fixed on the blue-green planet rapidly approaching his sensors.

"You will rue the day, Cyborg... Martian. Psions. Humans! All races!! All races will rue the day they crossed Despero!!" The war-pod accelerates and screams past Mars; a mere barren world of no consequence to mighty Despero.


10xspeedoflight May 11 2011, 21:08:04 UTC
The Flash watches the pod speed through the blackness of space. "It's heading for Earth!"


scourge_of_mars May 11 2011, 22:12:48 UTC
"Despero abadoned us upon learning of our desire to cease any ambitions regarding Earth's heroes. However I did not expect him to come straight here. A fair warning, his hate has been churning ever since your ally, Citizen Steel knocked him into orbit. As his powers derive from his hate, he will be to put it lightly..formidable." He turns to the Psions. "Get the ship ready, we make for Earth!"


beware_my_power May 12 2011, 02:47:38 UTC
This stinks to high heaven of a set-up, but there's no time to argue it now. Hal opens a communication channel with his ring.

"This is Green Lantern, on JLA Priority Channel. We have Despero inbound towards Earth. I am transmitting coordinates tracking his vessel - extrapolate a course and try to be there to meet him if you can."

With a flicker of willpower, he gathers those who require a ride home in an energy bubble.

"Let's move."


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