Push it away but it all comes back again

Mar 14, 2011 15:25

The hush of the room is broken only by the pings and beeps of machines, all of them hooked to and transmitting information about the man currently laying in the hospital bed ( Read more... )

born to rann, zatanna, ice, green lantern guy gardner, green lantern arisia

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guy_lantern March 15 2011, 17:52:02 UTC
In the middle of it all, Guy's face suddenly drops into 'OMG HOLY...' mode.

Sitting up suddenly....ow..bad idea. Gingerly lying back down then...

"Holy Crap!!! I just remembered..."


guy_lantern March 18 2011, 16:12:28 UTC
Guy's vision swims with spots as his face begins to approach the color of his hair. Sweating, he begins to sink back into the bed out of dizziness.

"It's Batman!" he strains.

"He's got plans insida plans! Probably LOTS a' aliases 'an disguises! He's Lex Luthor!!!!"

Somebody better administrate heavy sedatives soon...


zatanna_z March 18 2011, 16:30:30 UTC
She flat out stares at Guy and blinks in astonishment and growing worry. "They hit him too many times in the head."

She glances at the others before looking back to Guy, lifting a hand in a placating manner. "Try not to insult Batman like that, ok? I know who Batman is, Guy, and I assure you he so really is not Lex Luthor."


toraolafsdotter March 18 2011, 17:08:03 UTC
"Guy, please, try and calm down. You are interfering with Arisia's healing, and scaring me. Please!"

Tora's prepared to take further steps if necessary, but is hoping that between her and Zatanna, Guy will stop frothing.


guy_lantern March 18 2011, 18:54:43 UTC
Oh God. The bastard's got them fooled.
The Bat has the whole thing rigged and he knew no one would believe him! That's why he let Guy know who he was. Just to taunt him!!

"Gahhhh!!gnnn!!" he's actually frothing..

"Where's my ring!!?? I'll SHOW you!!"

He looks to Ice.
"Tora honey! Please. I'm not lyin! Luthor...Batman..."

The room starts spinning and everything is a weird shade of Red...


toraolafsdotter March 19 2011, 00:24:43 UTC
"I know, Guy, I know you aren't." She briefly considers the option of slapping him across the face, but decides that that might not be the most successful.

Tora turns to Zatanna.

"Zatanna, please, can you make him quiet? Sleep, perhaps?"


zatanna_z March 19 2011, 01:54:26 UTC
"Yeah sure."

Her brows lower. This was a quick and dirty spell she's used on a lot of people in the past, mostly John when he was three sheets to the wind. It just needed a flick of her fingers and a quick incantation.

"oG ot luftser peels." She focused it on Guy so she wouldn't inadvertantly put Tora or Arisia to sleep. It's happened.


guy_lantern March 20 2011, 15:58:57 UTC
*Thunk* Guy's head hits the pillow and he is OUT.


elfinlantern March 23 2011, 03:30:45 UTC
Arisia rouses herself a little from her meditative state. She's been floating in the corner, the green glow thrumming in time with not only her double heartbeat but with Guy's as well.

"He believes what he speaks. I do not know if it is as he beleives but that is what he remembers."


toraolafsdotter March 23 2011, 05:45:30 UTC
Tora looks to Zatanna, and then back to Arisia.

"I trust Zatanna... I see no reason for her to lie. But obviously Guy needs something else to convince him, otherwise he will continue to..." She makes a face.

"He'll continue to act crazy."


zatanna_z March 23 2011, 12:33:18 UTC
Zee gave Tora a sympathetic look as she reached out to touch her shoulder gently.

"He's been through a lot. If you want, I can see what I can find out about this for you. Go see Superman." She offered a kind smile. "You can stay here and take care of him. I'll be your legs and ears."


toraolafsdotter March 25 2011, 23:44:45 UTC
Tora smiles at her, relief written all over her face.

And Zee gets thoroughly hugged.

"That would be lovely. How long will the spell last?"


zatanna_z March 26 2011, 00:35:45 UTC
She blinked in surprise at first for getting hugged like that but soon enough she got a smile on her face and hugged Tora back gently.

"He'll sleep himself out. It'll give you some time to get your own rest."


toraolafsdotter March 28 2011, 19:27:41 UTC
She relaxes, and the weariness shows on her face.

"I'll go ahead and get some rest then... just ping me if you are bringing anyone back to the room, so that I can wake him and make sure he's not going to injure himself further. Please." The last is added belatedly, and Tora stifles a yawn.


zatanna_z March 28 2011, 19:32:37 UTC
Poor thing. Zee understands how it feels to worry about someone you care about that much. It's tiring.

She gave Tora a smile and a nod. "Just take it easy and I'll let you know when and if I find anything out."

She'd like to eat first, but then she'll track down Superman, see what intel she could get from him.


toraolafsdotter March 28 2011, 19:36:47 UTC
"Thank you again. I'll be here for... well, I guess for the foreseeable future." She touches Zatanna on the arm before going back and climbing into the bed, next to the comatose figure of Guy. His prone body gets maneuvered in such a way to where Tora uses his arm as a pillow, and she's asleep almost immediately.


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