Escape From Gotham City

Oct 19, 2010 20:17

The trek out of hell takes longer than one might expect. All those twists and turns, and the natives aren't exactly reliable for directions. Shiva, Dragon, and Tim Drake have hauled themselves out of the infernal realms, though, with no further interference from Neron. Then back through Gotham Below - finally emerging from a dark alleyway in the ( Read more... )

lady shiva, victor zsasz, electrocutioner, tally man, robin, richard dragon, cicada, alfred, bane

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shiva_wusan October 20 2010, 04:17:50 UTC
Shiva's eyes narrow at this development.

This is not a good thing.


jla_blackgate October 21 2010, 22:48:51 UTC
Tally Man's eyes widen at Robin's sudden appearance, but he reacts quickly when he sees the batarangs, quickly dodging to the side. When he looked up, Robin was gone again.

"Alright you, kid." Tally Man casts the sniper rifle aside and picks up a pair of 10 mm machine guns. "Sniper rifle would have been quick and painless, too bad for you."

He hears a noise, a something hitting a window, darts to the ledge and fires downward.


jla_randoms October 21 2010, 22:56:38 UTC
Waiting for that.
He was a little worried Tally would keep his cool and not give up his position.
Now he's been drawn out.

Hiding between the wings of a chipped and fractured Gargoyle (an old favorite from patrols in this neighborhood), Robin springs from the side and brings his fighting staff down across the side of Tally's head.
He doesn't stop there.

Darkseid is involved in this, so who knows what has been done to Tally..or Gotham for that matter. Robin can't afford to let up.

So as he comes down after the blow to Tally's head, his foot slams into the side of the man's knee with all his weight. He then falls into a roll to stay in tight with his opponent but out of his immediate firing arc.


jla_blackgate October 21 2010, 23:32:44 UTC
Normally such blows would have put Tally Man down for the count, instead it just winded him. He tosses the guns and his jacket aside. The veins in his arms are throbbing, muscles seeming to strain against his suit.

My brothers and sisters received various gifts upon accepting Anti-Life, but me..I've been blessed with the peak of human fitness."

He smiles a crooked smile.

"Time to pay the Tally Man."

He charges at Robin with incredible, but still human, speed, looking to connect with a right cross-gut-shot combination.


jla_randoms October 22 2010, 00:05:10 UTC
When you opponent is faster, be more skillful
When he is stronger, be softer
When he is agry, be centered
No forced strikes; no reckless strikes.
A punch is never wasted.
Punch when you can; do not punch when you cannot.Trained by the very best in the world, Robin is very familiar with fighting those who are faster and stronger than he. No amount of alien augmentation can take the place of skill and experience ( ... )


jla_blackgate October 22 2010, 00:12:27 UTC
The charge goes off, dust kicking up, temporarily obscuring the Tally Man's form. Then a human shape can be seen, shirt torn, pants ripped, but still standing.


With that final retort, the Tally Man collapses on his face.


jla_randoms October 22 2010, 14:38:25 UTC
Zip ties get affixed to Tally Man's wrists and ankles and makes sure that the fallen sniper's vital signs are stable.

Habit has Tim going for his communicator to check in, but then he remembers that Shiva and Dragon don't carry comm links.

...but Batman does.



It suddenly dawns on him that he has no idea how long he;s been gone.

Tim opens his comm channel.

"Batman, this is Robin. Are you receiving me? Oracle? Anybody?"


jla_villains October 21 2010, 20:16:28 UTC
"The Lady Shiva," Cicada said, giving a long, respectful bow. "I have heard a great deal about you. If anyone belongs in the Church of Anti-life it is you. Join Darkseid milady, this one world cannot possibly satisfy you. As his herald, you'd have an opportunity to pit your skills against the greatest warriors in all the universe. Warriors unconstrained by the misguided morals of this world's heroes."

Cicada offers his hand.


shiva_wusan October 21 2010, 20:45:47 UTC
"I bow to no master, even for opportunities such as presented." Shiva smiles faintly, "I have just turned down offers in Hell. Yours are no better."


jla_villains October 21 2010, 20:55:37 UTC
"Hmm, interesting. Surely you cannot believe your soul is not somehow bound to those very pits. Have you ever stopped and really thought about the many people you've killed, the things you've done? Do you you honestly believe that your much vaunted honor will somehow guarantee yourself a reprieve from eternal torment?"


shiva_wusan October 21 2010, 20:58:40 UTC
"I do not seek to avoid nor delay the consequences of my actions." Shiva wears a vaguely confused look on her face, as if she does not understand his line of logic. "All I do is at my own desire and not at the bequest of another."


jla_villains October 21 2010, 21:13:06 UTC
Vaguely the memory of murdering his wife goes though Cicada's mind.

"Yes..your words..make sense..but..."

Robin's flashbang goes off, blinding Cicada, unfortunately it also reasserts the Anti-Life equation's hold over him.

"No! I was justified! Anti-life justifies my hate! It justifies yours as well! I'll prove it you! Brothers and sisters, kill her!"

The crowd charges Shiva.


shiva_wusan October 21 2010, 21:48:57 UTC
This is bizarre. Anti-Life, that does not make any sense as these people are obviously still alive, though for how long seems to be something that will be measured in minutes if they attack Shiva. While there are many of them, Shiva does not feel pressured by the onslaught.

Not yet at least. This is not something anyone can do indefinately.


jla_villains October 21 2010, 23:04:40 UTC
"Before I heard the word of Daecon Blackfire, I worshiped a false god, a man blessed by the lightning, as I was. In my rebirth I acquired the ability to drain the life force of others by touch."

Cicada extends a hand toward Shiva, currently battling the horde of brainwashed Gothamites.

"However, my acceptance of Anti-Life has caused my abilities to evolve. I no longer have to be in physical contact in order to drain your life."

Cicada's grin widens.

"Do you feel it? Your limbs moving slower? Fatigue setting in quicker? How long will you be able to persevere? How long before you have to resort to deadly force in order to survive?"

Cicada's voice rises in tempo.

"These are not warriors, Shiva. They are schoolteachers, bankers, construction workers..innocents. Will your honor allow you to kill innocents to save your life!?"


shiva_wusan October 22 2010, 05:16:20 UTC
"My honor will allow me to do what I need to in order to live."

Shiva can feel the fatigue settling in, it is why she takes a moment to redirect those in the crowd toward him. She will make sure to throw whatever she can toward his head as she's battling the others. It does not seem that this is something she can stop with simple incapacitation.


jla_villains October 22 2010, 19:49:34 UTC
Cicada dodges the initial objects and people thrown his way as he grits his teeth.

"Alright then, let's up the ante. Another evolution of my abilities is not only draining life, but also redistribute it."

The affect is not visible until Shiva notices that her attackers are now faster, stronger, and more durable than before."


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