Grundymania: And In This Corner...

Feb 19, 2008 20:09

The kiddie class had gone extraordinarily well, Ben thought with amusement. Belt testing days were usually nerve-wracking but this bunch of kids was disciplined and performed extraordinarily well. While Richard was helping on the floor, Ben was grading form and technique and signing certificates of achievement ( Read more... )

lady shiva, grundymania, solomon grundy, bronze tiger, richard dragon

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grundy_smash February 20 2008, 01:28:39 UTC
Grundy stomps down the street, roaring at all he sees. He kicks over a car, knocking it over and sending it sliding across the street to smash into another parked car.

His expression remains one of anger, lightening not at all at the sight of the destruction he's causing. If anything, it only makes him angrier.


uncommon_sensei February 25 2008, 17:00:07 UTC
"No vitals to speak of. Eyes and joints.."

Dragon nods at Shiva's assessment - somehow not surprised by her presence.

He twists, aiming a punishing elbow-strike at Grundy's eye.


grundy_smash February 26 2008, 05:38:49 UTC
Grundy screams as the strike hits.

"SMASH!!!" He grabs the closest object... a motorcycle parked by the side of the street... and swings it at Dragon.


bronze_tiger February 26 2008, 10:59:04 UTC
Ben looked to help his friend out - and exploit the weak-points notion - by aiming his next strike right at Grundy's elbow joint.

With luck, he'd break it like a rotten twig and Grundy'd have to put the bike down before someone got hurt.


uncommon_sensei February 26 2008, 15:37:23 UTC
Dragon's dodge is artful and swift - but not quite agile enough, the bike's tire catching him in the ribs and hurling him backwards with the force of the blow.

He lands on his feet, though, studying his opponent.

"Hnf. This calls for creativity."


shiva_wusan February 26 2008, 16:41:27 UTC
Shiva is standing next to him as he comes to a stop. There is a sharp look toward him - as close to concern as he's likely to see - before she looks back toward Grundy and Tiger.



grundy_smash March 2 2008, 04:26:55 UTC
"GAAAAARRRRHHHHH!" He looks, oddly enough, like the "leave Brittney alone," guy on YouTube and is throwing around the bike is about as big fit.


bronze_tiger March 3 2008, 22:35:30 UTC
Ben was all right up in his face - he'd shrugged off the knee strike and ignored the elbow shot. Time to get drastic.

"HEY! YOU!" he shouted up at the abomination. "Don't you have a grave you should be returning to?" he taunted, waiting for just the right moment to strike at some of the beast's chi points.

A longshot, but it beat being bludgeoned to death.


uncommon_sensei March 3 2008, 23:50:36 UTC
Dragon's eyes narrow.

"Not there, Ben. No living chi.."

He runs back at the beast, lashing out with a finger strike at a point on Grundy's body near the location of a pressure point on the arm, but a few inches below.

"Unliving Chi. Hit him three inches to your left of the center of his chest."


bronze_tiger March 3 2008, 23:53:36 UTC
Ben struck as indicated, a lightning-quick jab of the knuckle square into what he hoped was an "unliving chi" point.

If Richard was wrong about this Ben was going to wind up in several different worlds of hurt.


grundy_smash March 11 2008, 01:48:06 UTC
Grundy snarls, and attempts to backhand the martial artist... but before he can swing his arm, he staggers.


shiva_wusan March 11 2008, 02:15:10 UTC
Shiva slides in, placing two strikes before she slides back out. There is a small smile on her face as she moves back out. This is interesting at the very least.


grundy_smash March 11 2008, 14:48:16 UTC
Grundy bellows again and swings an arm backward towards Shiva. It's slow and clumsy -- more than usual, as his undead Chi flow has been disrupted.


uncommon_sensei March 11 2008, 18:12:05 UTC
Dragon rolls behind the lumbering, ailing Grundy and delivers two savage pressure-strike blows just above where the kidneys would be in a living host.

"You learn something new every day.."


grundy_smash March 31 2008, 00:23:14 UTC
The beast stumbles again, its already-sluggish movements slowing further - finally, it collapses to the ground in a semblance of unconsciousness.


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