Invasion force? What strategic value is a savaged husk of a planet like Thanagar to anyone?
Still, Katar is airborne and biting back his intense dread.
There's no way Pul's army is strong enough to repel any significant alien threat... a sick irony, that karma would return to destroy Pul just as he was taking steps to change his ways... however reluctanty he was doing so...
They're everywhere. Blanketing the Towers with hulking warriors in organized, heavily armed squadrons.
The golden-armored reptilian Gordanians, and the apelike pitch-black brutes of the Citadel.
Built for conquest and domination, they swarm. Strategic strikes on military outposts, and flooding toward the higher society areas. Terrify even the upper class of Thanagar, what little remains of it...
Thanagar is not without strength, and it is not without resolve, anger, and righteous indignation.
The sun is blotted out with Hawkmen, swarming upwards to exploit their strengths as airborne warriors, firing into the invading hordes, some swooping low enough to cave skulls in with their maces and swords...
The streets quite literally begin to run red with blood.
Meanwhile, far below in the Downside, another Green Lantern is present, waiting with Katar's partner for Diana to finish her battle with the Citadelians below.
And his ring explodes with information.
"Son of a bitch!" he barks as his eyes turn sharply to his ring.
Alien warrior hordes invading a world that's been fighting against piddly guerilla tactics for as long as anyone can remember, which isn't much before the entire world was devastated by the dark devil Onimar Syn...
Koltor Zal is using his ring like a sledgehammer, pouring as much power as he can into it to catapult huge swaths of Gordanians into the nearby seas, which cover most of the planet.
The fact that he's genuinely afraid, though, is hampering his effectiveness.
"Hol! They're EVERYWHERE! How could this happen? How did I not see this coming? HOW DID I MISS THIS?!"
Hol's brought out the heavy artillery when he can. It's been a long time since he's had the need to use munitions like this, but this is one time he'll condone creating flashzones.
"ZAL! Use your ring! We need INFORMATION, not self-pity!"
Meanwhile, John Stewart is overhead, backing up Diana and Shayera where he can, but also trying to take care of the bigger picture.
Zal's using his ring like a jackhammer, and he's gonna burn it out WAY too quickly - but since John outranks him, he can tap into Zal's ring and try to regulate the power a bit more.
He's also trying to TALK to Zal, but there's a heavy static field preventing effective communication. They can't call Oa for backup.
Search for Tamaranean. Search for Katar Hol.
From above, he tries to guide the fight paths of Wonder Woman and Hawkwoman toward Zal's position, at least, creating a rotating blunt swath-cutter - essentially a whirling Louisville Slugger on tank treads to force their way through the hordes.
With any luck, they'll at least find Katar, and hopefully he can give the lowdown on what the higher ups are doing to deal with this...
If luck is on their side, it seems to be the only thing.
Shayera's following John's lead, fighting the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as well as the oncoming hoards of attackers - there are so many of them, and the Thanagarians are utterly unprepared.
Save for her.
She's a good shot, cutting down advancing Gordanians. Citadelians. But there are so many.
The invaders are not without guns themselves. Nests of them are firing into the sky, trying to snipe at the Hawktroops while they make futile attempts to stall the advance.
Shayera's red hair makes her a target that draws the eye...
Shayera dodges a shot and fires one back. Picks off a guy about to kill a Wingman in time for the Wingman to take a shot from another advancing Gordanian.
Comments 69
"Invasion force! With BOOM TUBE technology!"
The panic in the rookie Lantern's voice is evident as he soars out of the window to figure out how this could happen...
Still, Katar is airborne and biting back his intense dread.
There's no way Pul's army is strong enough to repel any significant alien threat... a sick irony, that karma would return to destroy Pul just as he was taking steps to change his ways... however reluctanty he was doing so...
The golden-armored reptilian Gordanians, and the apelike pitch-black brutes of the Citadel.
Built for conquest and domination, they swarm. Strategic strikes on military outposts, and flooding toward the higher society areas. Terrify even the upper class of Thanagar, what little remains of it...
The sun is blotted out with Hawkmen, swarming upwards to exploit their strengths as airborne warriors, firing into the invading hordes, some swooping low enough to cave skulls in with their maces and swords...
The streets quite literally begin to run red with blood.
And his ring explodes with information.
"Son of a bitch!" he barks as his eyes turn sharply to his ring.
"What in the hells is going on?"
John gives a look to Diana, to make sure she's all right... and ready for a much bigger fight.
"Zal's there with Katar right now." And instantly, they're up and flying toward the Towers themselves, in a green bubble.
"The Downsiders really got themselves into it - they'd rather end the planet than fix it..."
No... no. Every part of this is overwhelming.
Alien warrior hordes invading a world that's been fighting against piddly guerilla tactics for as long as anyone can remember, which isn't much before the entire world was devastated by the dark devil Onimar Syn...
It's just a slaughter.
Every swoop down to grab someone out from under the massive jackboots is another clang of a club against his helmet.
Every person he rescues drives home the fact that there is nowhere safe to put them. The most he can do is delay their deaths.
So close to his dream, and plunged into a horrifying nightmare.
It doesn't help that he has to keep talking Zal down, either.
The fact that he's genuinely afraid, though, is hampering his effectiveness.
"Hol! They're EVERYWHERE! How could this happen? How did I not see this coming? HOW DID I MISS THIS?!"
"ZAL! Use your ring! We need INFORMATION, not self-pity!"
Zal's using his ring like a jackhammer, and he's gonna burn it out WAY too quickly - but since John outranks him, he can tap into Zal's ring and try to regulate the power a bit more.
He's also trying to TALK to Zal, but there's a heavy static field preventing effective communication. They can't call Oa for backup.
Search for Tamaranean. Search for Katar Hol.
From above, he tries to guide the fight paths of Wonder Woman and Hawkwoman toward Zal's position, at least, creating a rotating blunt swath-cutter - essentially a whirling Louisville Slugger on tank treads to force their way through the hordes.
With any luck, they'll at least find Katar, and hopefully he can give the lowdown on what the higher ups are doing to deal with this...
Shayera's following John's lead, fighting the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as well as the oncoming hoards of attackers - there are so many of them, and the Thanagarians are utterly unprepared.
Save for her.
She's a good shot, cutting down advancing Gordanians. Citadelians. But there are so many.
Shayera's red hair makes her a target that draws the eye...
Until suddenly, the invaders halt their inexorable advance, and start to work on strictly defensive maneuvers while standing their ground.
In unison, as if they were all ordered to do so.
Until eventually they all receive orders through their helm-comms, and they look up toward the central tower, incredulously.
Downsider Lizardkons with flight rigs take THEIR cheap shots at the Hawkmen...
Black and white screens flicker to life. The public address system.
"People of Thanagar. This attack is at an end. There will be no more bloodshed."
His lips thin.
"Thanagar will now enter into a strategic alliance with the forces of Queen Komand'r."
More shots taken against the stunned Hawkmen, and a few more drop.
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