On vacation but...

Apr 28, 2007 17:50

There is a soft trilling noise from Arisia's ring ( Read more... )

lady blackhawk, green lantern kilowog, green lantern arisia

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kilowog April 29 2007, 08:27:57 UTC
Kilowog gets notified of things that many ringslingers aren't.

His head tilts toward Riz.

Wordlessly expecting an update.


zinda_blackhawk May 3 2007, 02:55:32 UTC
"I didn't come all the way out here unprepared." Not after dealing with Hal. She'll be damned if she's going to allow that to happen again. She breathes deeply. "We need coffee. I got me some luggage to unpack."


kilowog May 3 2007, 04:47:42 UTC
"I can sober ya up with the ring, but that ain't the point," Kilowog chimes in. "This problem ain't your standard-issue bad guy. This freak killed one of our best friends."

His voice goes dark, as he wraps the two of them up and levitates upwards toward their room.

"This is personal."


zinda_blackhawk May 3 2007, 04:53:29 UTC
Zinda exchanges a look with Arisia, her expression decidely somber. "Talk about déja vu."


elfinlantern May 3 2007, 05:02:38 UTC
On one hand, she's been in Zinda's place. Wanting to go against the bad guy - no matter what. Arisia had found the biggest gun she could find and made Guy take her with him.

And now she's on Guy's side of the argument. She frowns a bit and the looks up at Zinda, nodding a bit.


kilowog May 3 2007, 05:05:26 UTC
Kilowog's not sure what that means, but he's got bigger things to worry about.

He's got the ring researching every detail he can get.

"Forgive me for sayin', since I just met you and all, but this might be a bit outta your league anyway."


zinda_blackhawk May 3 2007, 05:10:36 UTC
"A Blackhawk never backs out of a fight." They're back in their room by now, and she's focused on grabbing a suitcase and hauling it up onto the bed. Pieces start coming out of it. Large, black, metal pieces, that look decidedly like the parts to an oversized rifle.

She didn't think she was going to need this on vacation. Not so soon after this mess with Hal. But she believes fully in being prepared. Arisia can yell at her about this later.


elfinlantern May 3 2007, 05:15:59 UTC
Arisia looks at the rifle and looks at Zinda for a few moments in silence. Then she looks at Kilowog.

"Well, if we leave her here, she'll just take over."


kilowog May 3 2007, 05:18:14 UTC
"The place'd be better for it."

Not sure what a gun is gonna do against Star Sapphire, though...


zinda_blackhawk May 3 2007, 05:25:13 UTC
The pieces are coming together, and in short order, a case of cartridges follows. The cartridges look somewhat on the large side - and there aren't many of them. Perhaps ten, in all. It takes about thirty seconds to finish assembling the weapon, then she turns her attention to the cartridges, extracting one from its case.

"Xantha charges," she elaborates after a moment. "A li'l easier to manage than that thing on the Watchtower. I had some contacts throw these together for me - these are prototypes." She loads one, then two. "Got no idea if it'll do a damn thing to this Star Bitch, but it sure as hell is worth a shot, and I want to be there to see it."


elfinlantern May 3 2007, 05:31:20 UTC
Arisia can't help but smile at that, just a little bit. This really is the woman she fell in love with - in one way or another. Making her way forward, Arisia kisses Zinda on the cheek, "This is going to be different. If Kilowog say jump, don't bother asking how high, be jumping already, okay?"

Turning to look at Kilowog, Arisia looks for the words, "And you..."


kilowog May 3 2007, 06:47:37 UTC
He's got his game face on.

"You're takin' point on this, Riz. You've earned it."


elfinlantern May 4 2007, 17:29:50 UTC
Arisia nods.


Pulling in a breath, she lets it back out slowly. "Let me call John and let him know first. Then we'll start tracking her down."


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