While the merry bells keep ringing, may your every wish come true...

Dec 14, 2006 11:15

When the idea came up for a couple's night out, Sand knew exactly where to take them, especially when Tara said she's ready to eat at "any old diner".

Jerry Lee's, the place in Metropolis that Sand and Corrine discovered, sounded absolutely perfect.

It was as Sand remembered it - only far more festive.  It's Christmastime, you know.

The restaurant ( Read more... )

atomic skull, outsiders, green lantern travis grey, merlynne, sand, green shield, chemo

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Comments 56

green_shield December 14 2006, 17:52:07 UTC

Okay, Travis is not going to get how cool this is until the food arrives, and it better match this place! All American dead cow, french fries, and shakes that involve malt AND ice cream. No weird sushi stuff that costs enough for a small car. Sadly, outside of sneaking off with Amelia for late night chocolate, Tara realizes it's been her only night out in...Well, the hero thing makes time off a bitch.

She's wearing a ball cap with the words, "Strong Will Fix It," jeans, sneakers, a white T-shirt (because her skin now has insulating effects, the cold doesn't get to her much anymore) and her "Pink Lady," jacket her brother Mark got her last Christmas. In short, the tall brunette blends with the place.

"Wow...they have actual bubble lights!"


sand_hawkins December 14 2006, 18:02:58 UTC
"And garland that actually looks fake. That's authenticity."

On the 50's dance floor at the other end of the complex, the jukebox was playing Elvis' version of "Here Comes Santa Claus."


blind_will December 14 2006, 18:57:54 UTC
Travis has all sorts of ways to be impressed. He can smell the food - even now that he knows where he's sleeping nights, knows where his next meal is coming from, and so on, the smell of good food still gets to him every time with the appreciation only those who've nearly starved several times over can really understand ( ... )


damage_girl December 14 2006, 19:53:24 UTC
It's December, which is the same as Christmas, really. At least if you ask Corrine.

"Festive" doesn't begin to cover the outfit. She's been wearing the Santa hat for about two days now, and the red turtleneck fits with the black jeans.

And, yes, the prospect of more root beer floats has her vibrating. "Ice cream!!!" is the only thing she really has to contribute at this point. Anything more requires standing still for half a second.


jla_villains December 20 2006, 17:33:04 UTC
You know...it was supposed to be a good night out.

"EVILDOERS! Get 'em Kenny!"


jla_bellereve December 20 2006, 17:49:36 UTC
"Kenny," the old sidekick type character from "The Atomic Skull," movie series walks like a man, but really really isn't. A bright yellow group of walking chemicals follows where the Skull's gloved hand points - towards a grocery store across the street.


green_shield December 20 2006, 17:56:28 UTC
"Trouble, guys! Travis, time to put the eyes on. Two baddies heading across the street. One of them appears to be an only 8 foot tall version of Dr. Norton's science project -" She stops herself as she realizes...



sand_hawkins December 20 2006, 20:06:28 UTC
"Tara, what the...hell."

Sand rolls his eyes. "Just once, I'd like a nice evening out..."

Then Sand flinches, and his eyes glaze over for a few seconds.

"The other guy's the Atomic Skull. He's one of Superman's opponents. Travis, please tell me you brought your ring."


sand_hawkins December 21 2006, 04:06:39 UTC
"Tara, back him up. He's radioactive and super strong, so do ranged shots. Merlynne, you're with me on Glowworm over there."

He then turns to the waitress. "We'll be right back. You have my credit card, please charge extra for holding the table for us."

She nods, somewhat stunned by everything. The four heroes then headed out into the cold.


green_shield December 21 2006, 18:49:10 UTC
"Yes, sir boss." So out of the diner and into the frigid air, quiver out, blackout bombs at the ready, and headed for the A&P.


jla_villains December 21 2006, 19:38:09 UTC
"A DOPE EXCHANGE!" How this guy is getting this from a clerk and a guy buying cold medicine at the pharmacy counter isn't exactly clear. "Put your illicit money down, lawbreaker!"

He fires a purple blast at the hapless pair.


blind_will December 22 2006, 23:16:13 UTC
Travis is on the move towards the scene. When he detects the radiation blast, he's reacting instantly. Having the ring do the calculations, he creates a shield between the blast and the couple while drawing off the radiation so he can channel it out of the area safely.

He's starting to really hate these radioactive villains.


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