
Oct 13, 2006 21:42

In a leased floor of a commercial high-rise in San Francisco, Yuri Ivanovich Mediev conducts his business. A small staff of secretaries answer phones, make appointments, and coordinates talent with clients. Business seems to be booming ( Read more... )

damage, flamebird, nightstar, seeds of eternity, speedy

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Comments 60

damage_granted October 14 2006, 02:10:35 UTC
The two young Titans have been practicing for this meet-and-greet for the last two days; as Nightwing had said during the briefing, they only had one shot at this, and Grant certainy doesn't intend to screw this up. Equipped with one of Blue Beetle's holographic images, his hair, skin, and eye color have been altered, along with the bone structure of his face.

Rory O'Halloran is a red-haired, hazel-eyed Irish-American, a low-level member of the North Jersey Irish Mafia specializing in small arms sales, as well as more...specialized products. Mediev is, no doubt, already familiar with O'Halloran's dossier - why else would he and his assistance have been allowed into the Russian's place of business.

Extending his hand to the older man, O'Halloran - nattily attired in a three-piece suit and tie, carrying an expensive-looking briefcase in his free hand - returns the over-friendly smile with one of his own. "Coffee would be fine," O'Halloran replies. "Thank you for seeing us on such short notice, Mr. Mediev."


mari_grayson October 14 2006, 02:12:33 UTC
"Ciara Kelly" does not sit. Instead, the "black Irish" woman takes up a stance behind and to one side of "Rory O'Halloran." Her face is frozen in a neutral expression. Bodyguard's eyes.


jla_extras October 14 2006, 02:14:46 UTC
"Anya, coffee for Mr. O'Halloran. Cream? Sugar?"

He glances at the bodyguard with the practiced eye of a man who's spent years in the mercenary business, and there's an almost imperceptible nod of approval.


damage_granted October 14 2006, 02:19:12 UTC
"Yes, thank you," O'Halloran replies, releasing the Russian's hand, sitting in one of the heavy chairs in front of Mediev's desk. Setting the briefcase down, Rory shifts in the chair, crossing one leg over the other, his ankle resting on his thigh as he rests his elbow on the armrest. "I'm sure your time is rather limited, " the Irishman explains, regarding the other man with an easy smile. "You are already familiar with the people I represent, Mr. Mediev?"


_bird_of_flame_ October 14 2006, 03:26:34 UTC
On a roof near by, Flamebird is listening to the Titans channel. Some part of her is thrilled to be the person who has been asked to be back up for Mar'i and Grant. Not that they'll need it.

Of course they won't need it.

But if they do, she'll be there. She even has her entrance planned. It would be all dramatic and that. Well, she thinks it would be. Hard to tell until she does it, of course.

Not that she'll need to.


speedy_mia October 14 2006, 03:42:29 UTC
Speedy really likes the idea of teamwork and family. People who are there ready to back your play whether it's just letting you do your thing or jumping into a fight on your side, because it's your side. Either way, she's there for Mar'i and Grant and can see that Flamebird is too. As Speedy come up beside Flamebird she nods to her.


_bird_of_flame_ October 14 2006, 03:49:40 UTC
The nod is returned with a grin. Two blondes in yellow and red. This is gonna be awesome.

When they're needed.

Not that they'll be needed.


damage_granted October 14 2006, 03:56:17 UTC
Leaning back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap, Rory chuckles at Yuri's comment, grinning at the Russian. "I see that you're already somewhat familiar with my firm's business model," the Irishman replies, reaching forward for his coffee once more, taking a sip from the cup, then leaning back again. "Although a drug combination resulting in more permanent effects would fetch a far higher price, there is no incentive for the customer to maintain their relationship with the seller."

"As I'm sure you're aware, Mr. Mediev, there are a number of sellers in the market with...inferior products that have displayed some rather serious side-effects," Rory continues, sipping again from his coffee cup. "In addition to these products, the people I represent are also developing a line of products that can counter some of the more unfortunate aftereffects of these substandard products."


jla_extras October 14 2006, 03:58:53 UTC
"Your point is well-made, Mr. O'Halloran. I have only two questions. Can I have some samples to test, and what are your pricing terms?"


damage_granted October 14 2006, 04:23:33 UTC
Here we go..."Rory" thinks, leaning forward, resting his arms on the rests of the chair, sitting up a little straighter. "Normally, my employers charge a consultation fee for this sort of information," O'Halloran says, lifting a hand, gesturing at the case on the desk and the catalog. "You can imagine the development and production costs of such highly specialized pharmaceuticals."

"This, however, is a special case," he continues. "A certain man has come under the attention of my employers, a man only known to them as 'Boris.' I cannot go into specifics, but the attention that he has drawn is of a...how shall I say this...a rather negative nature. We understand that this man was last seen in the San Francisco area. Therefore...in exchange for these samples, and as a show of good faith, we would appreciate any information you have on this 'Boris' person."


jla_extras October 14 2006, 04:27:06 UTC
Yuri reacts.. interestingly. At first, there's a measure of astonishment, but the expression gives way to one of smug superiority. "Boris suggested I would be very grateful that he kept his identity from me. To a degree, that was confirmed by the reports I have received regarding Mikhail's hospitalization, but he said that I might expect visitors."


Later, at the Titans Tower.... mari_grayson October 14 2006, 05:28:20 UTC
Once they have all returned to the island, Nightstar drops her disguise and takes another look at the message. "It definitely sounds like we're looking for an individual rather than a group," she says thoughtfully, "but I think we need to have everyone look at this--maybe one of the older Titans will recognize something."


Re: Later, at the Titans Tower.... damage_granted October 14 2006, 05:36:55 UTC
Bringing his hand to his wrist, Damage deactivates the holographic imager, the disguise fading away - he looks exhausted. Shrugging out of the suit jacket, Grant lays it over the back of the couch and sighs, running the fingers of his right hand through his hair. "Yeah," he murmurs in response to Mar'i's observation, turning his face toward the Tamaranean, giving her a tired smile.

"I don't have a clue what it could mean, but...well...it's something, anyway." Leaning back against the couch, Emerson sighs heavily, closing his eyes, bringing his hand up to his forehead. "Can't believe we pulled it off."


Re: Later, at the Titans Tower.... _bird_of_flame_ October 14 2006, 05:40:22 UTC
"Of course you pulled it off. I mean, c'mon. No way you'd mess that up." Bette is still in costume but she's currently doing a handstand on the back of the couch.

Yeah. She didn't want to jump in to save them but she'd geared herself up for jumping in and she's still a little keyed up.


Re: Later, at the Titans Tower.... mari_grayson October 14 2006, 05:43:18 UTC
Nightstar gives Flamebird a grin. "Glad you and Speedy were there in case things started getting ugly." She stretches. "I think I want something to eat, and then maybe a swim. Anyone want to grab a snack with me?"


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