It has been a long, somewhat unexpected weekend for me in several ways, and the current work week doesn't promise to get any easier, to say the least
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I just found out I have diabetes too a couple of months ago so I can sympathize with having to watch what you eat and drink. I've even had to go to the extent of doing exercise - which is saying something for me.
I have similar pet peeves with my group, except that it is more to do with the fact they put zero effort into their characters between sessions. Admitedly the sessions are a month apart but still a little effort is appreciated by the GM.
I was diagnosed with diabetes back in late 2004, and have been dealing with it strictly based on oral meds and diet and exercise. This weekend was not a good example of how to live, especially when you add cheetohs into the mix. :)
In terms of the game group, my Friday night group has a lot more...spirit, when it comes to putting effort into the games than does the Sunday afternoon group. Regardless of what system we play. Frankly, this will come back to bite them in the ass if, seven months of play down the road, someone from their past comes back to haunt them and they can't put the clues together because they've been lazy about their note taking. Still, it's not really cool on their part.
Have you tried offering the players a carrot if they take responsibility for note-taking for the session? Rotating an extra experience point or some other shiny as a reward for doing the party journal. I know it really shouldn't be necessary, and isn't in the spirit of the game, and you've probably already thought of it and dismissed it, but if not, might be worth a try. The person who did the last session journal can then be responsible for recapping at the beginning of the next session too. Most of our group don't take notes and I'm frequently the only one who keeps track of details - which does usually lead to things coming back to bite folks if I'm not there on any given week.
Before I answer your question, gonna tell me who you are? :)
The Sunday group players are a mixed bunch in this regard. There are a couple of players who do take notes about the game, but only about the stuff that their characters would know, and that's the way it should be. That said, it's just laziness on the part of the other players, methinks.
As for your solution, it's a pretty good one. However, I had considered it and have dismissed it, since it's not really in the spirit of the game.
Comments 4
I have similar pet peeves with my group, except that it is more to do with the fact they put zero effort into their characters between sessions. Admitedly the sessions are a month apart but still a little effort is appreciated by the GM.
Glad you had a good weekend!
In terms of the game group, my Friday night group has a lot more...spirit, when it comes to putting effort into the games than does the Sunday afternoon group. Regardless of what system we play. Frankly, this will come back to bite them in the ass if, seven months of play down the road, someone from their past comes back to haunt them and they can't put the clues together because they've been lazy about their note taking. Still, it's not really cool on their part.
I'm glad I had a good weekend, too. ;)
The Sunday group players are a mixed bunch in this regard. There are a couple of players who do take notes about the game, but only about the stuff that their characters would know, and that's the way it should be. That said, it's just laziness on the part of the other players, methinks.
As for your solution, it's a pretty good one. However, I had considered it and have dismissed it, since it's not really in the spirit of the game.
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