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Comments 6

bradleyclark_47 March 19 2016, 02:37:03 UTC
Hi John
Long time lurker, reading your journal has been part of my daily routine for quite some time now. In fact I just started my own LJ account.
Noticed you were interested in Polaris....I wish the shipping to Nova Scotia wasn't 45 euros. The game has so many genres I really Like, I may yet...Anyways....just wanted to say hi

Brad Clark


jkahane March 19 2016, 04:09:18 UTC
Hey, Brad! Another Canadian, and another Polaris fan! Good stuff! :)

The shipping on the game to Canada is 45 Euros. I did hear in one of the early conversations in the comments there's talk of possibly working something out to make it a bit cheaper, but we'll have to wait and see.

Still working my way through the Beta, but am enjoying reading it though I have to do so in spurts as I get headaches from staring at computer for too long.
Really like the Mediterranean Union and the Coral Republic. :)

So, which pledge level did you go for? :)


bradleyclark_47 March 19 2016, 05:00:13 UTC
Haven't committed yet....those damn shipping costs is what's holding me back and while I could get the PDF level, I am kind of old fashioned and prefer books. If they do drop the shipping I am aiming for the Core level. Just finished backing 7th Sea (since All for One doesn't seem to be going anywhere....) so I am looking forward to that as well ( ... )


jkahane March 19 2016, 21:04:54 UTC
Hullo, Brad ( ... )


bradleyclark_47 March 20 2016, 00:42:30 UTC
Hey John
For me supporting a KS generally boils down to genres I am interested in. So far I backed 7th Sea, Weird War One, Spy, First Contact, Northern Crown,Infinity, Road to Armageddon, Dracula Dossier, Infected and Sleeper. I did back The Grand Tome of Adversaries for Witch Hunter but that didn't fund. Sleeper was a disappointment (Had a superhero feel) and Road to Armageddon was ok. Dracula Dossier for Nights Black Agents is an excellent campaign. I just got to run it lol.
We were in Ottawa last year for the girls March Break and had a great time and we plan to come back just not this year. Who knows about 2017 though...when we do count on me getting in touch with you.
As for that store....it could have been on Bank but its one of these hazy memories that you wonder if it actually happened. I just wished I remembered more....


jkahane March 22 2016, 01:16:37 UTC
Hullo, Brad,

It's about genres for me as well, but I like to think that I've gotten more picky about game systems as I've hit my mid-50s and then 60s. Over the few years I've been involved with KS, I've back some games that I regret backing (Shadows of Esteren, Hillfolk, Rosemont Bay), and more than a few that I backed knowing I wouldn't run them or that my players might not be willing to play them (City of Clocks, City of the Dead, River of Heaven, the new Atlantis: The Second Age), but there are others that I have no regrets about (Chill 3rd Edition, TimeWatch, Sorcerers of Ur-Turuk, now Polaris). It's really down to a matter of taste, and how much one is willing to shell out.

Shame that you won't be up for the Victoria Day weekend. I'll be running Primeval, DragonQuest, and Chill 3rd Edition at the convention this year. :)

As for the store, remember the store name at all?


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