Ralph Fiennes Cast as Voldemort All right. It's not bad enough that Snape melts my butter, now I'm going to faint at the sight of Voldemort?
And I will faint, believe me. Ralph Fiennes takes my breath away.
Now all they need to do is cast Gabriel Byrne and Christian Bale, and these films will be the most holy objects at the altar of my lustful
Comments 15
So who would you cast Gabriel Byrne and Christian Bale as? I was commenting to a friend a few weeks ago that anyone who's anyone in the UK has been in these movies except for Judi Dench, so I've been trying to figure out who she could be. I imagine she could make an interesting Dolores Umbridge, though I'd rather see her as someone more pleasant.
It occurs to me that I need a Ralph Fiennes icon.
I'm not sure who I would cast Gabriel Byrne or Christian Bale as. GB would have made a great Lupin, now that Em has pointed it out. I'll have to think about this...
You know who would have made a great James Potter, though? Daniel Day-Lewis.
So I'm guessing there's a lot of drool involved when you watch Litte Women? ;)
BTW, I love your icon. And your Hugh Laurie icon is awesome, too!
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