Title: Sleepover Fandom/Pairing: Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles Rating: Mature Author's note: PWP, or as I was calling it as I was writing it, a warm-up. Thanks to
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God, this is GORGEOUS. I've read a few stories where Stiles is kind of disbelieving / slow to trust the notion that Derek is into him, but I love how you write that here - how it's a lovely balance of Stiles not knowing what he's doing and not being sure what he's allowed to ask for, but asking anyway and pushing his luck - making Derek do the same.
“Show me what this means,” Stiles says. His hand covers Derek's on his hip and Derek's fingers squeeze like they had the first time tonight when he told Stiles to go back to sleep. “Because I'm not sure, ok, it could mean a lot, so show me what you mean.”
That was lovely. And nnnnnnngjfkls. Definitely asnjfakdflnajdfa.
UGH I love this, I love the inclusion of magic!Stiles in the beginning and the nice slow quiet buildup and you have a GREAT Stiles voice and I think he's so hard to get right.
Comments 8
Beautifully written and hot as all fuck!
That was lovely. And nnnnnnngjfkls. Definitely asnjfakdflnajdfa.
Derek wanting to be bit and his little compromise comment are pitch perfect.
Yes, yes, make more!
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