Why on earth should anyone vote for me?
Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to consider who you will elect for the LJ Advisory Board. I'd appreciate your support!
The direction that Live Journal is taking in near and long term should be influenced directly and clearly by the members of the massive on-line community that it is. The election process is an opportunity to give the members a voice in that direction. The thoughtfulness that we take in guiding that process is up to you. This advisory board could be very useful or it could be completely lame. At this point the only way to know is to try to be elected to the position.
As someone who has moderated several international communities and travelled extensively outside the United States, I believe I'm well qualified to consider the needs of the membership (Paid, Premium and Free), not just a small slice of LJ. I'm ready and willing to be available to reasonably advise the company while keeping the members at all levels in the information loop to the greatest extent. Most people who have seen me actively involved or managing various communities will agree that I've been a mellow and very responsible moderator or member.
Election Booth:
http://community.livejournal.com/lj_election_en/25463.html My Platform:
If elected, I will work to keep the new owners of LJ from heavily commercializing the community and maintain the character that LJ has attained.
I'll try to suggest ways to improve the friending system so that dead accounts or abusive accounts can be removed from your friends list.
I'll suggest improvements in which moderators can manage their communities better including ways to edit or hide posts.
I'll suggest improvements and means to report abusive or absentee moderators in communities.
I'll suggest improvements to Live Journal Gallery system which has so much potential and has been neglected as a mere afterthought.
LJ has been my sounding board, my art gallery, my place to make acquaintances and in some cases to help out others in need. I'd like to see it stay this way for me and for others. When LJ announces the election candidates, this post will be grand central station for my "campaign." Please copy it and paste is on your LJ's as well if you feel you can support me.
Election Booth link:
http://community.livejournal.com/lj_election_en/25463.html Please feel free to upload this icon to show your support and tell your friends (copy and paste or take it from my Userpics)!