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Comments 8

inspirethoughts September 16 2009, 18:13:57 UTC
No never heard. Is it for skirts or for shoes?


jixel September 17 2009, 16:09:26 UTC
huh? not sure what you're asking
the vintage album cover was just a random one i chose from the huge set i found on flikr - never heard of the band

as for linksys, that was a geeky tech pun, as they make routers, which are used for connecting to the internet!


inspirethoughts September 18 2009, 14:55:04 UTC
Oh I am sorry. I thought it was ad for something and not an album cover. Now I get it. Silly me! :)


jixel September 18 2009, 14:57:27 UTC
:D aw shux. well i'm just glad you're hear and u read/comment on me!


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