Title: Together Pairing: Hanbin/Jinhwan (Binhwan), side!Bobby/Donghyuk Rating: pg-13 Word count: 3.2kAuthor's note: written for my scout (you know who you are bb ;~; <333)
SCREAMS THIS IS SO CUUUUUUUTE OMG <3 ; A ; I just love how sweet they acted after the match! The hugs and kisses hnng <3 Post this on AFF soon pls. Just gotta subscribe to it. *^* I would be requesting a sequel but when I think about it idek what more there is to write. WAIT NO I TAKE THAT BACK. maybe you can write a sequel of how jinhwan finally becomes the one who initiates everything first and hanbin couldn't decide whether he likes shy or dominant jinhwan more? *^* Oh gosh I just ship them so so so much. Seriously the world needs more binhwan fanfics!
screams u are even cuter <333 im glad you liked it!! i might cross post when i have the time and a sequel huh? ill try to make that happen! yes yes binhwan is life!! ;uuuu; thank you so much for reading and commenting! <333
Comments 4
I just love how sweet they acted after the match! The hugs and kisses hnng <3
Post this on AFF soon pls. Just gotta subscribe to it. *^*
I would be requesting a sequel but when I think about it idek what more there is to write.
WAIT NO I TAKE THAT BACK. maybe you can write a sequel of how jinhwan finally becomes the one who initiates everything first and hanbin couldn't decide whether he likes shy or dominant jinhwan more? *^*
Oh gosh I just ship them so so so much. Seriously the world needs more binhwan fanfics!
im glad you liked it!! i might cross post when i have the time and a sequel huh? ill try to make that happen! yes yes binhwan is life!! ;uuuu; thank you so much for reading and commenting! <333
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