oh FUCK yes.

Jun 05, 2008 15:30

'We're not walking?'


Second of all, meme stolen from teh slodwick...cos srsly.

You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:
1. one weapon.
2. one song blasting on the speakers.
3. one famous person to fight alongside you.* Weapon can be real or fictional; you may assume endless ammo if ( Read more... )

beirut, amanda, pokemon, indiana jones, meme meme meme meme, a day in the life

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Comments 4

mandy_thewlis June 6 2008, 04:56:47 UTC
I'm a nanny for a few weeks, did you forget? Haha. I'm looking after two kids under the age of three, if I turn my back for a second they could possibly get into loads of trouble, so I've got to keep an eye on them, even if that means being off LJ for a week. I KNEW you were going to wonder where I was & you know why? Because secretly I know you can't live without me. Why? Because I'm the only one who comments on your LJ & you know it. HAha!

Pokemon & Indiana Jones? Great Sam, you've officially out-nerded yourself, I'll never forget this.


jivefish June 6 2008, 21:59:50 UTC

Hahah, no, I knew you were a nanny. I just didn't know it was gonna be so much, lolz.
Oh, how did you know? Now I just feel so silly. Lolz.

Hahaha, whatever man, I'm proud to say I'm a nerd, mmkaay? At least I didn't throw in WoW. Actually, I don't even play WoW, so I wouldn't know how to add that in. But you do know that Pokemon & Indiana Jones is such a badass combo.


mandy_thewlis June 10 2008, 20:35:22 UTC
Its tougher then I thought. You know what its like, you've probably had to look after your niece a few times, kids that age have to be constantly looked after.

LOL don't tell Elise that, she'll get defensive! Its alright, we both went berserk in that 'bust' store with all the nerdy stuff in it, we're even.


jivefish June 10 2008, 21:40:48 UTC

Yeah, & then put her together with my little cousins, too many little kids to count.

Hahah! It's true. Luckily, I wasn't Star Wars crazy when we went otherwise...


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