=D =D =D =D

May 16, 2008 16:50

'There are no words to describe my feelings toward this...'

Bowl of Oranges by Bright Eyes has always made me happy. Whenever I listened to it, I would just bop my head around & silently squee at the happy of the song. But then I saw this...& there are no words I can say that'll describe how happy it made me. The whole arrangement is just ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

mandy_thewlis May 17 2008, 07:54:59 UTC
I've never heard this song O-O but I quite like it hun - thanks for spreading the music love.

& whoa, the LAPHIL is huge.

LOL Narnia was great in so many ways, the bear is my fav.


jivefish May 17 2008, 08:02:59 UTC

Haha, it's a good song, tis very cute. & No problem.

SERIOUSLY! I love orchestras. =]

MINE TOO! Hahaha!!


mandy_thewlis May 17 2008, 08:18:49 UTC
Be honest.

Katie vs. the Bear.

Which was funnier?


jivefish May 17 2008, 08:22:04 UTC

What is it with you & making me choose!?!?!

I think I'd have to go with the Bear on that...cause I laughed more at the Bear than I did at Katie (it's possible that I laughed more at Narnia...& made inappropriate commnents...).


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