Quiet Places chap. 1

Jun 08, 2008 20:00

Theme: 16. Quiet Places
Pairing: Yesung/ Ryeowook

Written: 9th fic

Chapter 1

Ryeowook and Yesung were neighbors but they don‘t even know each other.
They’re not friends and they go to different schools. But during 2nd year of high school, Yesung transferred to Ryeowook’s school. They’re still not friends and aren’t even classmates but Ryeowook got to know about Yesung’s existence.

Yesung became popular in a short amount of time. The students thought his hairstyle and cross dangling earrings are cool. He also looked like a famous actor named Lee Junki, which is the reason why he became a head turner because people just can’t help but stare at his face. Then they found out what a great dancer he is during PE class and what great voice he possess during music class. He even excelled in academics too even if all he does is sleep during class.

The teachers look for him to ask him favors such as to tutor a student or check some examinations papers. The fan girls or boys look for him to shower him with gifts or to confess or to talk or even get a handshake or whatever crazy ideas they get to think. The members of the music and dance club look for him to convince (more of forcing) him to join the club. Yesung hates the noise they all make so he escapes to quiet places where he can’t be seen.

There’s a dark section in the library. Nobody goes to that section because it is rumored to have ghosts or whatever bad things. The books that are placed in the shelves in the dark section are antique anyway and nobody really needs to borrow those kind of books. That’s where Ryeowook and Yesung first met.

Ryeowook lost in a bet and because he has no money to buy lunch for his friends, they asked him to do a dare instead. The dare is to get a book from the last shelf in the dark section. He’s nervous but he’d rather do this dare because the other dares that his friends came out with are either perverted or embarrassing.

He used the light of his cell phone to light his path. He was near the last shelf when he heard a groan. // What was that? A ghost? An alien? Or what if some scary monster?!?!?! No, Ryeowook snap out of it. You are near the last shelf. All you need to do is get a book and get the hell outta here!!! //

He reached the last shelf when he heard the groan again. He lighted his surroundings to look for the source and found a body. // OMG! Is that a dead body? // He moved the light to the head but there was an opened book covered the head. He was about to reach the book and remove it from the head when a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

His cell phone fell to the ground and the light went off. Another hand covered his mouth to keep him from shouting. “Damnit. Stop struggling. I’m not some rapist or murderer.” Ryeowook calmed down after hearing that. “I’m going to release you. Don’t even think of shouting or running away.” Ryeowook nodded and felt himself being released.

Then there was light again coming from the stranger’s cell phone. Ryeowook got a good look of the stranger now. It was Yesung. “Sorry about your phone.” Yesung picked it up and handed it in Ryeowook. “Is it broken?”

Ryeowook tried to turn on his cell phone. “I guess it’s broken. Anyway, you really scared me. At first, I thought it was some ghost because of the groans and then I thought I found a dead body then I thought I was gonna die because of some serial killer or something!!! It would have been nicer if you just told me that you were there!!!” He scolded Yesung. Never mind that Yesung is popular and the  fans would probably kill him when they know he talked to Yesung that way.

“You’re so noisy. I hate noisy people.” Yesung retorted.

“Were you even listening to me?!?! Ugh…just get my phone fixed.” Ryeowook thrusts his phone on Yesung’s chest, took a book from the shelf and left with angry steps.

“You took quite some time. We thought something might have happened to you.” Eunhyuk expressed his concern.

“Ryeowook is a survivor!!!” Donghae cheered.

“Here’s the book.” Ryeowook handed it to Kibum and left the library with an angry expression. For some reason, Yesung really got into his nerves. Maybe because he really did feel like he was going to die in there thanks to Yesung.

Kibum blinked as he stared at the book on his hands. “What’s up with Ryeowook?” He just arrived in the library and doesn’t have any idea about the dare. Eunhyuk and Donghae just shrugged.


The next morning…

“Ryeowook, I can’t seem to contact you last night. Was there no signal in your cell phone?” Sungmin asked but started to regret asking as he saw Ryeowook’s expression darkened.

“Someone broke my cell phone.” Ryeowook stomped his way to the classroom and didn’t even apologize when his shoulder bumped Kibum’s.

“What’s up with him?” Kibum looked at Ryeowook before shifting his gaze at Sungmin.

“Someone seem to have broken his cell phone.” Sungmin explained. “But I broke his cell phone last year. He didn’t act this way.”

“Maybe he didn’t like the person who broke his cell phone this time.” Kibum analyzed.

During class, Ryeowook took a book from under his desk and a small piece of paper fell to the floor. He picked it up and read. Meet me by the swimming pool. He instantly knew who it was. The swimming pool is currently reconstructed because the school’s owner want to have a bigger pool. But the workers had some kind of strike today so there’s no other people by the pool.

Ryeowook skipped lunch. He was near the swimming pool when he head the sound of the flute. He did his best not to make any sounds as he entered the off-limit area and saw Yesung sitting by the edge of the unfinished pool while playing the flute. He waited for Yesung to finish playing before making his appearance. “If the orchestra knew that you play the flute, I bet all of the members would be chasing you.”

“Which is the reason why I lied and told them I don’t play any instruments. I already have enough members from the glee and dance club chasing after my back.” Yesung said as he placed his flute inside his bag. “You’re early. Were you very excited to see me that you decided to skip lunch?”

“I’m excited to see my cell phone, not you.” Ryeowook’s glare wasn’t effective though because his stomach complained loudly.

“Let’s have lunch. How does Mc Donald’s sound?”

“Mc Donald’s?!?! You’re not thinking of going out of school, are you?”

A few minutes later…they were at Mc Donald’s with burgers, French fries and Coke in front of them. Yesung was eating while Ryeowook was simply staring at him. “What do you think you’re doing dragging me here? We’re still in our uniforms and somebody could report us about not being at school during school hours then we’ll get detention! Are you listen---”

Yesung placed a burger in Ryeowook‘s mouth. “You’re always angry at me. Can’t you at least thank me for the food? I paid for it, you know.”

Ryeowook bit the burger and chewed the food but he was still glaring at Yesung. He finished his food and drink quickly. “Can we go back to school now?”

That’s how they spend lunch together since that day. Yesung would leave a note under Ryeowook’s desk stating for them to meet at some quiet or off-limit place at school. Then he would drag Ryeowook outside school and have lunch somewhere. It’s been a week since they’ve been doing this.

“Where’s my cell phone?” Ryeowook asked with his outstretched hand. “This is the last day I’m spending lunch with you. I‘m not gonna meet up with you again or allow myself to be dragged out of school.”

Yesung placed his cell phone on Ryeowook’s hand. “You can use my cell phone until I can give you a new one.”

Ryeowook blinked. Did he just hear it right? “You’re planning to buy me a new cell phone? Is my cell phone not repairable?”

Yesung shrugged. “It’s old fashion so I want to buy you a new one.”

Ryeowook’s eyebrow twitched. “Fine, be that way. It’s your money anyway.”


Monday came. Ryeowook received a note from Yesung again. // Geez. I already told him that I’m not gonna meet up with him again. // He crumpled the paper before throwing it in the trash bin. He was going to resume to his usual routine of having lunch with friends starting today. He still receives a note in the next following day.

But Friday was different. There was no place written in the note. Instead, there were only 3 words

I miss you.

Ryeowook didn’t crumple the paper or throw it in the trash bin. Instead, he folded it neatly and placed it in his pocket before going to the cafeteria with his friends. // If he really misses me, then he should show up. //

At the cafeteria…

“Looks like I forgot the bring my cell phone. Wookie, can I borrow yours? I just need to send a text message to my mom.” Sungmin said.

“Yeah, sure.” Ryeowook handed the cell phone to Sungmin.

While Sungmin was texting, Kibum was quietly observing the phone. “Is that your new phone?”

“Ryeowook has a new phone?” Donghae looked at the cell phone. “Looks familiar. I think I’ve seen it from somewhere…hmm…I got it!!! It looks like Yesung’s cell phone.”

Some of Yesung’s fans, who were seated beside their table heard this. They stood up and took a good look at Ryeowook’s cell phone and took it from Sungmin’s hand.

“Hey! I wasn’t finished texting…” Sungmin complained but the fan girl ignored him.

“It doesn’t just look like Yesung’s cell phone. It really is his cell phone!!!” Fan girl # 1 declared.

The rest of the fan girls gasped. “Why do you have Yesung~oppa’s cell phone?!?!”

“What’s your relationship with oppa?!?!”

“You’re not his friend!!!”

“You’re not even classmates!!!”

Ryeowook was about to reply when he felt an arm drape over his shoulders.

“He’s my boyfriend.” Yesung declared and smirked in satisfaction as he saw the shock and surprise expression on his fans and other students’ faces.

To be continued…

A/N: I didn’t expect this fic to be long so I decided to make it multi-chapter. I’m not even done writing the whole story. @_@ And classes is gonna start at Tuesday T_T

100 fic challenge, yehwook, sj: yesung, sj: ryeowook, quiet places

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