
May 15, 2008 11:39

Theme: 55. Shatter
Pairing: Kangin/Kangin,  Kangin/Eeteuk, Shiwon/Heechul

Written: 6th fic

Kangin was only 5 years old when his powers first appeared.
At that time, his friend Eeteuk was being bullied. Kangin got so angry that things were starting to shake as if there was an earthquake going on. Things that could break were shattered into pieces. When Kangin punched the leader of the bullies, shards went flying towards the other bullies.

When the teacher came after the fighting scene, she gasped as she saw shards sticking into some of her students’ skin, blood was flowing freely and her students were crying in pain. Although in a shock state, she managed to call the ambulance and brought all of the injured students to the hospital.

Kangin was also in a shock state because of what he has done. Other students stood far away from him and cowered in fear. Only Eeteuk was brave enough to touch him and hugged him in comfort. Kangin’s life turned into a mess at that point.

Everybody either despised or feared Kangin even his own parents. Kangin hated it when he can hear his parents talking, thinking that he wasn’t around to listen. His mom would go like “What have we done in our past lifetime to deserve such a child?”. His dad would go like “That child is a monster.”  But in front of Kangin, they would act kind and gentle. Kangin wished he could hate them.

Since that incident, Kangin wasn’t allowed to go outside the house. He didn’t mind it at first since he wants to escape from the looks that his classmates, parents and teacher would give him. But then a month passed by and he was starting to get bored. He wants to be outside again, to play with someone but his parents didn’t allow him. He got angry and his powers appeared again.

Plates, glasses and some furniture were shattered into pieces. Everything was out of place. His parents were so shock and frightened at the moment that they could only stand in a corner and hug each other in fear. After this incident, Kangin took the chance to go outside and ran away from home.

Kangin doesn’t know where to go. He can’t go back home. He doesn’t want to burden his parents any longer and it’s clear to him that his parents doesn’t want him either. All he could do was sit under the tree and cry.


10 years later…

Kangin managed to survive with a group of thieves. He learned to steal stealthily. Sometimes they managed to swindle big time. Kangin also learned to control his powers and it comes really handy when it comes to fighting. Currently, he lives in a small apartment and is able to meet his daily needs. He couldn’t really ask for anything more…except maybe for his parents’ love.

One afternoon…Kangin didn’t really have to do anything for that day so he thought maybe he’ll just steal a wallet. Then he heard a groan of pain, a sound of flesh against flesh. He entered the dark alley and saw a high school student being beaten up by gangster students from another school.

Kangin really hates it when a weak person it being bullied. One of the bullies had glasses. Using his powers, he shattered the glasses and the bully’s face became a bloody mess. The other bullies looked at their friend’s bloody face before noticing Kangin. “What did you do?” One of them asked.

Kangin shrugged. “Nothing much.” Small stones levitated from the ground. “These aren’t bullets from a gun but they can cause as much pain.” The stones flew fast like bullets towards the bullies and embedded themselves in the skin. The bullies got too frightened and were too in pain that all they could do was run for their lives.

“Thank you.” The victim panted out. He was clearly in pain from his crouched position, tattered and a bit bloody clothes. Then he lifted his head up to look at his savior and there was recognition. “Kangin.”

Kangin looked at the bruised face guy before him. “You know me? Am I that popular or something? No, that can’t be…I usually use alias and there’s only a few people who knows my real name…who are you?”

“Same guy you protected years ago…” The victim slowly stood up and leaned against the wall.

“Eeteuk?” Kangin finally got a clear view of the victim’s face. “Is that you?”

“Yeah, the one and only.” Eeteuk chuckled then winced in pain. “I think I broke a rib.”

“Let’s get you to a hospital.” Kangin was strong enough to carry Eeteuk to the street, hailed a cab and went to the hospital with him. They got separated in the hospital but Kangin learned that Eeteuk’s injuries were a bit serious and would be staying in the hospital for the next few days.


“I’m so sorry, Eeteuk!!! It should have been me that the bullies would have after.” Sungmin cried. He was feeling guilty.

“It’s ok, Sungmin. You didn’t do it on purpose.” Eeteuk smiled and patted Sungmin’s head, which is currently on his lap and crying. “Besides, if this didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have seen him again.”

“Who?” Siwon asked.


Eeteuk’s friends all stared at him in shock.

“Are you kidding?” Yesung obviously didn’t believe the name he just heard.

“Who’s Kangin?” Sungmin blinked his tears away.

“He’s a scary kid. He has this some kind of powers. He could break and throw things without using his hands. When we were 5, there were kids that bullied Eeteuk. Kangin got angry that all of the tables and chairs shook, glass and other things shattered and shards went flying towards the bullies. Those bullies were very bloody afterwards. It was really a traumatic experience.” Heechul shivered having to remember the memory.

“Oh come on. You make it sound like he’s a monster or something. He only wanted to protect me back then.” Eeteuk defended.

“We know that, Eeteuk. What we feared is him getting angry and what happened to the bullies might have happened to anyone of us in the class back then. Heck, anyone could have died due to his powers.” Siwon explained.

“I don’t want to hear bad things about Kangin. If that’s all you can say, then get out of this room.” Eeteuk became angry and moody.

Siwon wanted to explain again but Heechul stopped him. They both went out of the room. “Eeteuk cares about Kangin a lot.” Heechul stated. “It’s better not to talk about Kangin in front of Eeteuk.”

“I know. I still remember Eeteuk crying and being moody for the next few days after knowing that Kangin dropped out of school.” Siwon sighed.

“Really? He did that?”

“Yes, he did…” Siwon turned to look at the owner of the voice. “…Kangin!!!”

Kangin grinned at his childhood friends. “Long time no see, Siwon and Heechul.”

Siwon and Heechul looked at Kangin from head to toe…then back to head again.

“What?” Kangin was getting conscious from the way they look at him.

“So manly…” Heechul commented and touched the muscles on Kangin’s arm.

“Um...thanks?” Kangin stepped away from Heechul’s touch. “He’s not gay, is he?” He whispered to Siwon.

“He’s my boyfriend actually.” Siwon whispered back.

“What?!?! I knew you were close before but I didn’t think you would be this close now. I hope it’s not too late but congratulations!” Kangin said happily to Siwon.

“What’s there to congratulate? Having a relationship with Heechul is like hell.” Siwon rolled his eyes.

“What did you say?” Heechul glared at Siwon.

“Nothing, honey.” Siwon smiled sweetly at his boyfriend.


Sungmin was the only one who didn’t know Kangin because he only became friends with Eeteuk in high school.

“I wish he stayed to see if I’m doing good or what.” Eeteuk sighed.

“Maybe he’ll visit you.” Sungmin tried to lift up Eeteuk’s mood.

As if on cue, the door opened and Heechul’s head popped in. “Eeteuk, you have a surprise visitor!!! Sungmin, come over here so they could have a private moment.”

Sungmin blinked. “Okay.” He obediently left the room and Kangin entered the room.


“Believe it or not. I just had a nice conversation with Siwon and Heechul outside.” Kangin said as he took a seat beside Eeteuk’s bed. “I hope they don’t fear me anymore.”

“We were only 5. They have every right to be scared after what you did to those bullies. But we’re 15 now, they can be more open-minded and understanding. Anyway, I’m glad you visited me. I really wanted to see you again. Didn’t you want to see me?” Eeteuk moved his hand to rest on top of Kangin’s hand.

“I did.” Kangin covered Eeteuk’s hand with his other hand. “But I thought I might mess up your life if I appeared.”

“Silly guy.” Eeteuk’s other hand caressed Kangin’s cheek. “You should make it up to me.”

“Um…Eeteuk…about my parents…” Kangin hesitated to ask.

“At first, they seem relief that you were gone. Then they got worried because you might wreak havoc somewhere. Then they just simply missed you and wondered how you are. They admit that they thought of bad things about you but now, they claim that they were being bad parents. You have a younger brother now, by the way, named Donghae. He’s also a bit special like you.”


After hearing Eeteuk’s talk, Kangin gained a some of courage to walk up to his parents’ house. He was about to knock when the door opened.

“Oppa~!!!” A child hugged Kangin.

“You’re a guy. You should call me hyung.” Kangin said as he carried the child.

“Oh…I get confuse sometimes…Kangin~oppa! I’m Donghae.” The child says and giggled. “I know you’re here for mommy and daddy. They’re going to accept you and we’re going to be a complete happy family again!!! I’m telling the truth!!! I’m a fortune teller!!!”

Kangin was immediately fond of his younger brother and kissed Donghae’s forehead. “So what other things can you tell me, lil fortune teller?” He remembered Eeteuk saying that his younger brother was special too so he figured out that his brother could probably see the future.

“Hmm…” Donghae stared at him intensely. “Eeteuk is going to be your boyfriend!!!”

Kangin blushed at that. If only Kangin was normal and grew up with Eeteuk, they would have probably be in a relationship right now like Siwon and Heechul. But it’s never too late to start something now that they’ve met each other again.


Everything that Donghae said became true. Kangin was accepted into the family again and went to the same high school as Eeteuk and the others. Kangin was still friends with the thieves but he wouldn’t steal or swindle again with them. The thieves were a bit disappointed that they lost a comrade but they wish Kangin the best of luck with his new life.

As for his relationship with Eeteuk…

“You’re in a relationship for a year now and you’re telling me that you still haven’t had sex yet?!?!” Heechul exclaimed.

Eeteuk wished the ground will open up and swallow him. He blushed and explained. “We’ve been in a relationship for a month, not a year.”

Sungmin snorted. “You’ve been officially a couple for a month but heck, you both were already acting like a couple since you met each other again.”

‘So this is what they call peer pressure.’ Kangin thought.


A/N: There could have been a sex scene by the ending but I’m not good at writing those stuff. I think the story is better off this way. ^_^

100 fic challenge, kanginxeeteuk, siwonxheechul, fanfic

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