Summer Friends

Oct 25, 2010 19:04

Theme: 69. Sailing
Pairing: Kangin/Siwon

Title: Summer Friends

Siwon's parents were both Koreans living in America so they always made it a point to go back to Korea every summer.

Siwon was 6 years old when he met a boy named Kangin for the first time. Kangin was two years older than him. Kangin's family moved to the house right next to their house in Korea 2 months ago. He was the resident bully and a very naughty boy.

Siwon's hangul wasn't that good so he only understand half of what Kangin would say to him which is good because he wouldn't have any idea that Kangin was trying to insult or embarassed him. Kangin did some pranks on him but Siwon never got upset and simply laughed it off. Eventually, they started playing together.

When Siwon's family travel back and forth to Korea, they never use the airplane. They always ride on a ship. Kangin would be standing on the pier while Siwon would be standing behind the railings of the ship as they wave each other goodbye until they couldn't see each other anymore.

When Siwon reached high school, he decided to stay in the states for the summer. His parents were surprised about this. "Don't you want to see Kangin again?" His mother asked.

Siwon felt a bit guilty at that but he really wanted to stay in America and to have more freedom without his parents around. "I'll just see him again next year."

But Siwon learned to love his freedom with the absence of his parents so he decided to do it again next year and the next. He would only apologize to Kangin in his mind and then put it at the back of his head in favor of enjoying the party with his friends in America.

Sure, he was allowed to go on parties even with his parents around but there were always limitations. Do not drink. Be home at 10pm. The real party always starts at 10pm and people usually go home at early dawn. He would be free from those limitations when his parents wouldn't be around because they went to Korea.

"You know, Kangin always used to ask where you are whenever we visited in Korea but this time, he didn't. He also used to be always present in the pier, to wait for us to arrive but this time, he didn't. In fact, I didn't get to see him that much. When I do, he would just greet me politely and go on his way." His mother told Siwon about it when they got back in America.

Siwon felt guilty about this. He hurt his childhood friend while he was enjoying himself with his high school friends. "Will you allow me to go to Korea by myself during Christmas break?"


It was a busy street. There was overflowing traffic and people shopping for Christmas presents. Siwon happened to see Kangin, who changed a lot but Siwon still recognized him. "Kangin!!!"

Kangin stopped walking, turned around to see a stranger walking towards him. "I'm sorry but do I know you?"

Siwon felt hurt by that but wore a smile on his face anyway. "It's me, Siwon."

Kangin frowned. "That's not a funny joke". He turned around and started walking away.

Siwon was stunned for a while. After getting over his shock, he tried to catch up with Kangin again. "Listen, Kangin. I'm sorry that I haven't been visiting Korea for the past few years but don't you think it's a little too harsh to pretend not to know me anymore?"

"I am not pretending to not really know you because I don't!!! The Siwon I knew would only have summer vacation here, which he hadn't done for the past few years, and not on Christmas break!!! You may resemble a bit like him but I won't let you fool me!!!" Kangin walked a way a bit more faster.

This time Siwon didn't try to catch up with him. His heart clenched as he watched Kangin walk away from him without looking back.


Kangin was taken aback when he saw the stranger again with Siwon's parents during summer break.

"I guess you weren't lying after all." Kangin said when Siwon approached him. He didn't know what else to say.

"I even brought a Christmas gift for you." Siwon handed a nicely wrapped present to Kangin.

"I'm sorry for what happened during Christmas. Thanks for the gift. I don't have anything to give to you though." Kangin replied as he accepted the Siwon's gift.

"That's okay.  I probably have more things to apologize to you and don't feel oblige to give a Christmas gift to me." Siwon smiled and stretched his hand again. "Friends?"

Kangin grasped Siwon's hands firmly. "If you ever ditch me again, I won't forgive you easily next time."

"There won't be a next time. I promise." Siwon showed off his dimpled smile. "To compensate. I'll spend the next Christmas break here in Korea too. Don't mistake me as a stranger again, okay?"

Kangin laughed, which was something that Siwon hadn't heard for years. "Okay."


A/N: I tried to write them romantically but as I wrote, they just seem to be more suitable as friends ^_^;;; But I definitely don't mind reading this pair as a couple in other fics. I just don't think I can write them that way XD. Comments please? I'm getting closer to my goal. Just 8 more fics to go.

sj: kangin, sj: siwon

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