
May 09, 2008 22:04

Theme: 70. Thunderstorm 
Pairing: Kangin/Sungmin

Written: 1st fic

Kangin is a photographer.
Just when his career was looking up, his love life went downhill.

"That's it!!!. I can't take it anymore. You keep on taking pictures on those sexy models that I can't possibly compare with!!! Of course you'll choose your work and those models over me anytime!!!" His boyfriend, Eeteuk, was mad because once again, Kangin was late for their date because of his work.

"Teukie, you know that you're sexier than those models." Kangin grinned, trying to lift up the mood.

"Whatever, Kangin. It's over."  Eeteuk walked out of the restaurant. Some eyes followed Eeteuk's form while others looked accusingly at Kangin. Kangin ignored the people, took a seat and started eating dinner alone.

He thought everything is going to be fine when Eeteuk’s head will cool off. But boy, he was wrong. Eeteuk didn’t try to contact him since that day and he couldn’t contact Eeteuk at all either. He even tried visiting Eeteuk’s house almost everyday. On the first day, Eeteuk was there but refused to answer the door. On the second day, Eeteuk escaped through the backdoor when Kangin broke the front door. On the third day, Eeteuk wasn’t at home. On the fourth day, there was a note on the door that says Eeteuk is going on vacation and told Kangin to fuck off.

How will Kangin deal with this problem? Drink it off. He drank a lot of soju with his friends and one by one, his friends started to pass out from the alcoholic beverages. Kangin was about to take another drink again when he noticed a flash. Something that he was very familiar with. A camera flash. He looked at the source of the flash…the cameraman.

The cameraman took the camera off his face and revealed a childish face with a cute smile. Kangin walked towards the guy and demanded to know why the guy is taking pictures of him. His voice sounded rough and anguish due to the alcohol but the guy was still smiling and replied. “Because you look cute.”

Kangin blinked and laughed. “People told me that I’m manly, handsome or sexy but cute? Hahahaha!!!”

“But I’m serious.” The guy pouted cutely. “You look cute with your face all red from the alcohol.”

“You’re actually the cute one.” Kangin ruffled the guy’s hair. The guy blushed and allowed Kangin to ruin his hairdo. That was the last thing Kangin remembered before he passed out.

A few hours later, Kangin woke up in an unfamiliar place. The first thing his eyes landed on was the clock. It’s suppose to be dawn but…Kangin’s eyes shifted and looked at the window…there was a thunderstorm. The clouds were dark and made it look like it was still night. The wind was strong as it was able to bend some trees. The thunder was thunderous. There were a lot of lightning flashes but he was able to distinguish those lightning flashes from the camera flash.

“What are you doing?” Kangin sat up and asked the guy he met at the bar yesterday night.

“Taking pictures of the lightning. It’s fun trying to catch a picture of something that moves so fast like the lightning.” The guy said as he stretch his hand with the camera towards Kangin. “Wanna try?”

Kangin took the camera and gave it a shot. He didn’t like the outcome so he took a few more shots. “What the heck…this is getting frustrating!” He was tempted to throw the camera when a hand covered his own.

“Let’s take a beautiful picture of the lightning together, shall we?” The guy was sitting behind Kangin and breathing near Kangin’s ear.

“I don’t think that’s possible.” Kangin replied. He didn’t mind the closeness. He was rather liking it.

“I’ll make it possible then we’ll go on a date.” The guy didn’t wait for Kangin’s response. He instantly pressed Kangin’s finger, which pressed the button of the camera. They both looked at the result.

“It’s okay…”

“Admit it! It’s more than okay!”

“People have different opinions.”

“But I want to go on a date with you.”

Kangin blinked at the straightforward attitude of this person. “I don’t even know your name.”



A/N: And that’s the start of their relationship~ This is my first Super Junior fic and I have no beta so please don’t kill me if you think the fic is bad or has a lot of wrong grammar and so-so @_@;; Give the first-timer a chance. X_X

100 fic challenge, sj: kangin, sj: sungmin, kanginxsungmin

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