Playing The Piano @ 7am

Nov 14, 2009 18:38

Theme: 51. Aliens
Pairing: Ryeowook/Kyuhyun

Dedicated to: giinnnzz for you, honey~

Title: Playing The Piano @ 7am
Kyuhyun absolutely hates piano practice. He doesn’t even like to play the piano. He was simply forced to do so because his father is a famous pianist and his mother is a blind pianist so they both wanted him to be a pianist.

The first reason he hated piano practice was because it starts at 7am at the music university. It’s too damn early. People should be sleeping or beginning to wake up in their beds at that time but Kyuhyun has to practice on that ungodly hour. His second reason would be his strict piano teacher, who would hit the back of his hands with a stick whenever he makes a mistake on pressing the wrong key. Sometimes he would yell at Kyuhyun, who thought he would become deaf from all that yelling. The third reason would be Kim Ryeowook.

Ryeowook was a genius pianist. Kyuhyun’s parents absolutely adored him. They always invited him whenever they held parties or whenever his parents felt like it. They even show him off to their friends. It was as if he was their real son and Kyuhyun was forgotten. What really irritated Kyuhyun was that Ryeowook would be wide awake at 7am and smiling brightly. That was something Kyuhyun could never do. Kyuhyun would always arrive with droopy eyes, a yawn and a disheveled hair.

The fourth reason was not always applicable because it only happens when the strict teacher is absent. Ryeowook would usually practice on his own in another room but when Kyuhyun’s teacher becomes absent, he would supervise Kyuhyun instead. He would always mention about the lack of emotions whenever Kyuhyun would play the piano or the lack of gentleness on the way Kyuhyun’s fingers would press on the piano keys. These are the times Kyuhyun would prefer his strict teacher because at least the old guy wouldn’t talk about emotions or gentleness and whatever stuff along those lines.

“Kyuhyun, you’re hurting the piano.” Ryeowook frowned as Kyuhyun used a lot of force on the piano keys.

“It’s just a thing.” Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

“If the piano was a person, you were like punching him!!!”

“Why are you getting angry?!?! It’s just a piano!!! It doesn’t have any feelings!!!” Kyuhyun would have understood if Ryeowook was angry because with the way Kyuhyun was playing, he might break the piano and fixing a piano would cost a lot but Ryeowook was talking about the piano’s feelings as if the piano was alive. He would understand that the piano actually had feelings if it was an alien in disguise or something.

“A person like you doesn’t have any right to play the piano!!!” Ryeowook yelled before walking out of the room.

“It’s not like I wanted to play the piano at the first place.” Kyuhyun kicked the piano’s leg.

Kyuhyun told his friend, Donghae, about what happened earlier. “I’ve never seen that guy angry before. Never thought it would only take such a thing to make him angry. He must really love the piano.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he got married to a piano.” Kyuhyun said sarcastically.

“Well, I think you should stop playing the piano. You’ve got insomnia that won’t allow you to sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning and then you have to force yourself to wake up early to practice playing the piano which is something you don’t like. You already managed to be good at playing it and it’s not like you’re going to take up being a pianist as your job in the future.”

Kyuhyun stared at his friend. At times like these, he thought that perhaps Donghae was invaded by a spirit or an alien because honestly, Donghae was a pretty stupid and clumsy fishy but a lovable one nevertheless so whenever Donghae would say something serious, it was really out of character.

And so Kyuhyun stopped coming to his piano practice sessions. For a while, Kyuhyun made up excuses for his absences but later on, his teacher caught on that Kyuhyun was simply avoiding practice and told his parents about it. Kyuhyun’s parents were angry about it. They even took away Kyuhyun’s beloved computer, PSP and other things that involved such games but Kyuhyun remained stubborn on not playing the piano.

Talk about body clock. Kyuhyun already got used to waking up early to play the piano that even though he stopped attending to practices, he would still wake up early. He wouldn’t mind waking up early if only he had his games to play with but without it, he decided to just go to school early one morning.

The sound of the piano coming from the first music room. It was Ryeowook’s practice room. He took a peak from the slightly opened door. The door creaked and opened a bit more because Kyuhyun was leaning a bit heavily against it. This caught Ryeowook’s attention and his head instantly turned to look at the source.

“Long time no see.” Ryeowook said. He stopped playing the piano and turned around on his seat so he was facing Kyuhyun now. “Your parents wanted me to convince you to go back to playing the piano but why should I waste my time convincing someone like you?”

“I think you should just shut up and go back to playing the piano. After all, it’s a waste of time talking to me.” Kyuhyun slammed the door shut as he left. It was a bad decision to go to school early in the morning after all.

But he did the same thing the next day anyway. However, this time he went to his own practice room. He sat on the chair and stared at the piano. “Because of you, I’m no longer able to play games. The title of being the Game King was taken away from me.” Kyuhyun glared at the piano for a while before blinking and sighing. “I must be going crazy because I’m talking to you.”

Kyuhyun placed his hands on the piano keys. Automatically, he started to play. His fingers were stiff. He did a lot of mistakes. He was obviously out of practice. But still, he thought it was pretty good for someone who lacks practice.

“That was horrible.” Ryeowook thought otherwise. “You really should just stay away from the piano.”

“Afraid that I’ll hurt your beloved piano again?” Kyuhyun purposely slammed his hands on the piano keys. The loud sound resonated within the four walls of the room.

“Why do you keep on hurting the piano?!?!?!”

“At least, I paid attention to the piano. At least, I played the piano even if it isn‘t the way you like with the lack of emotions as you always like to blabber about, even if it sounded horrible with the lack of practice. That’s better than being ignored and being displayed in a fancy house. Don’t you think?”

Ryeowook stared at Kyuhyun in surprise. He thought that Kyuhyun simply hated the piano but it seems there was something deeper going on. It didn’t seem like Kyuhyun hated the piano as much as he had showed to people. “You know how a piano feels…” Ryeowook stated softly.

Kyuhyun was about to argue again about how the piano was only a thing and how it shouldn’t be able to feel anything but the look in Ryeowook’s eyes was different. Suddenly, it wasn’t about the piano anymore. It was just about Ryeowook whose parents only like to show off their son’s talent. They don’t care what Ryeowook would do as long as he takes care of his hands and be able to continue to play the piano wonderfully. They only worry about Ryeowook’s reputation as a young genius pianist and not really Ryeowook himself.

“Why don’t you hate the piano?” Kyuhyun asked.

“I would get nothing from hating the piano. Why don’t you love the piano?” Ryeowook threw back the question.

“Loving the piano would be like loving you. That’s something that would never happen.”

On that day, Kyuhyun’s games and computer were returned to him so he doesn’t really have the reason to be bored when he wakes up early morning, right? He could just stay at home and play with his games until it’s time to get ready to school. That’s exactly what he did. A few minutes after 7am, he received a call from Ryeowook.

There was no morning greeting when Kyuhyun answered the phone. “What are you doing calling me when you could just be playing the piano?”

“I’m sorry. It was wrong of me to tell you that you have no right to play the piano.” Ryeowook apologized.

“What’s with the sudden apology?”

“I want you to come back, to play again and to try to love the piano.”

His own parents, who took his games and computer away, wasn’t even able to convince Kyuhyun to return to playing the piano again. They even surrendered and gave the computer and games back to Kyuhyun already. Ryeowook was one of the reasons he hated piano practice and shouldn’t be able to convince him to come back to play again.

And yet, he found himself on the music room early morning the next day. “I didn’t come here to play or to start practicing again.” Kyuhyun wanted to clarify things with his presence. “It’s just that from the way you called yesterday, it seemed like you miss my presence so I decided to show myself today.”

“Whatever you say. Come, take a seat.” Ryeowook smiled and offered a seat to Kyuhyun.

As soon as Kyuhyun took a seat, Ryeowook started to play the piano. It was the first time Kyuhyun heard Ryeowook playing the piano with mistakes and the tune of the melody was sounding different from what it should be. It was his chance to say ‘that was horrible’ as Ryeowook told him a few days ago.

But Ryeowook first said it to himself anyway. “That was horrible. Probably much worse from how you played a few days ago.”

Kyuhyun felt suspicious around Ryeowook because there’s no way a genius pianist would purposely mess himself up, right? Then he saw Ryeowook’s hand. Some parts of the hand and some of the fingers were covered with band-aid. “What happened to your hands?”

“I took up cooking lessons so until I get better at cooking, I think I should stop practicing the piano for a while.” Ryeowook said.

“Why are you taking up cooking lessons? The piano might get jealous at the frying pan, you know.”

Kyuhyun was surprised how Ryeowook easily laughed at his figure of speech and the laugh actually sounded nice to his ears. “Someday, maybe I might love cooking more than playing the piano but the fact that won’t change is that I loved the piano first.”

The next day, Kyuhyun visited the music room, which was empty. It felt strange not being able to see or hear Ryeowook playing the piano early in the morning. “I guess he must really be serious with his cooking lessons.” Kyuhyun sat and started to play the piano. That’s when he realized that he actually missed playing the piano.

One afternoon, Kyuhyun decided to visit the Home Economics room. He saw Ryeowook who was concentrating on slicing the vegetables. He seem to have a partner, who he would laugh and talk with sometimes. Ryeowook managed to blush when the partner held his hand and taught him how to cut fast.

This had angered Kyuhyun. “You! What do you think you’re doing?!?!” He pushed Ryeowook’s partner away from Ryeowook. “Do you know that this guy is a pianist? Sure you may be an expert in cutting the vegetables but accidents still happen. What if one of Ryeowook’s finger got cut off accidentally?!?!”

Ryeowook grabbed Kyuhyun’s arm, apologized to his partner before dragging Kyuhyun out of the room. “What the heck, Kyuhyun!?!?!”

“Are you really here for cooking lessons or for that guy?!?!”

It took Ryeowook a few seconds to realize that Kyuhyun was jealous. “Has the piano become jealous of the frying pan?”

Kyuhyun understood exactly what Ryeowook meant. “No. I was just…”

“Just what?” Ryeowook waited patient because it looked like Kyuhyun was having a hard time forming words and coming up with a reply.

“The piano doesn’t feel the same without you.”

Ryeowook didn’t fail to show up 7am the next morning. He simply watched and listened to Kyuhyun play the piano from the slightly opened door. It was only after Kyuhyun finished playing the piece that Ryeowook decided to speak. “You played wonderfully.”

Kyuhyun whipped his head to find Ryeowook standing by the door. “How long have you been standing there? You should have entered and took a seat.”

“Like I said, you play wonderfully so I didn’t want to interrupt.” Ryeowook finally stepped inside the room and approached Kyuhyun. “Looks like you can handle the piano much more lovingly now.”

“The piano is still angry that you left him for a frying pan.”

“Do you know that you’re being cute today?” Ryeowook reached out and pinched Kyuhyun’s cheek.

“What?!?! I’m not cute.” Kyuhyun rubbed his cheek that received a pinched from Ryeowook.

“I think it’s cute that the piano is jealous over the frying pan.” Ryeowook took Kyuhyun’s hand away from the cheek and kissed on the cheek. “Let’s have piano practice again starting tomorrow onwards.”

Piano practice doesn’t seem so bad anymore. Waking up early already became a habit. Watching Ryeowook’s bright smile only made Kyuhyun’s morning brighter. Having Ryeowook as his piano teacher brought them closer. Kyuhyun no longer lacked the emotions as he was starting to love the piano as he was falling for Ryeowook.


A/N: Finally back to posting fics. Comments please? ^_^ Oh and if you could suggests plots or prompts? @_@ Coz I'm kinda plotless~ Having a headache for the past 2 weeks certainly hindered my imagination >.<;

sj: kyuhyun, sj: ryeowook

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