Ddangkoma's Betrayal

Oct 29, 2009 18:53

dedicated to: sbluesnow  for being such an active commenter and greeting on my birthday~ I love ya!!! ♥

Title: Ddangkoma  Is A Traitor?
Pairing: Kibum/Yesung
“You told Kibum that I like him, didn’t you?!?!” Yesung accused his turtle.

The turtle blinked at Yesung, turned and a walked away…….. So so so slow.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me! I’m not done talking yet!!!” Yesung picked up the turtle and turned it so they could face each other again. “You’re the only one who knows that I like Kibum so from who else was he suppose to know that I like him?!?!?!”

The turtle stared. If he could talk, he would have probably said ‘Kibum is too smart and you’re too obvious.’.

“Stop blaming the turtle. He didn’t tell me anything. It‘s just that the walls are thin and you talk so loud to your turtle that I practically heard everything.” Kibum explained.

Yesung gasped and almost dropped the turtle. “Kibum!!!! How did you get in?!?!”

“The door is unlock. I did knock but you were too busy scolding your turtle. Poor innocent creature.” Kibum patted the turtle’s head lightly with his finger and kissed on it before walking out of the room.

“OMIGAWD!!! Ddangkoma, you know that I like him but you kissed him!! You’re such a traitor!!!” Yesung exclaimed. He threw the turtle to his bed. The turtle simply slipped inside his shell for comfort zone.

“KIBUM!!!” Yesung caught up with Kibum. “Who do you really like, Ddangkoma or me?!?!”

“What’s this? You’re jealous over a turtle?”

“Just tell me damnit!!!”

“You’re so weird.” Kibum sighed but he stepped closer and kissed Yesung. “But I like you anyway.”


A/N: It's the first time I wrote Yesung's beloved turtle which seem to have a major role! lolz XD;;; Comments are loved so please comment!!! ^_^

sj: kibum, sj: yesung

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