Music Store Closes @ 10pm

May 09, 2009 20:13

Theme: 57. Scales
Pairing: Donghae/Kyuhyun

Dedicated to kyuhyunlover3   because I promise and she had been an active commenter ^_^

Title: Music Store Closes @ 10pm

The music store closes at 10pm. An hour or two before closing time, there usually wouldn’t be any customers so Donghae would start playing with his PSP, read a book, text or call a friend by his cellphone and whatever stuff he could think of. Heck, there are even times when he would even put the radio on full volume and start dancing. His boss wasn’t strict anyway and would always leave way too early so he doesn’t know about Donghae’s antics.

Thirty minutes before closing time, Donghae never expected a customer. The customer stared at him for a while and Donghae blushed in embarrassment and turned off the radio. He was caught dancing. “Um…you didn’t see that.” Donghae said sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

“If you say so.” The customer replied and proceeded to walk on the aisle. For 10 minutes, he was looking at the CDs. After picking up 2 CDs, he placed one in the radio with headphones attached. He wore the headphone and leaned against the table while listening. A few minutes later, he changed the CD to the second CD he picked.

When Donghae approached the customer, he was able to observe how the customer looked young with milky white skin and a handsome face. The customer had his eyes closed while listening to the music so Donghae had to poke him a few times on the shoulder. “Store is about to close in 2 minutes.”

“Okay.” The customer, who didn’t really turn out to be a customer since he didn’t buy anything, placed the headphones and CDs back in place before leaving the music store.

The next night, Donghae was feeling bored and lazy so he fell asleep in the music store without noticing. He was awoken by a light shake on his shoulder. “You shouldn’t be sleeping during work.”

“YES BOSS, SORRY BOSS!!!!!!!!” Donghae instantly stood up, only to find out that it wasn’t his boss who woke him up. It was the person from yesterday. “Whew! It’s just you.” Donghae sighed in relief before starting to blush. “You always seem to catch me during embarrassing moments.”

“I find it very amusing.” The person smirked before going to the aisle. He did the same routine as yesterday night. Then when it was almost time to close the store, Donghae approached the person but he found himself observing or more like staring at the person for far too long. As if sensing someone else presence, the person opened his eyes and stared straight at Donghae’s eyes.

Donghae looked away and cough, trying to hide his forming blush. “Um…store is about to close.” He looked at his watch. “Actually, it should be closed already.” It was 15 minutes past 10pm. Was he really staring that long towards the person?

“Okay.” Like yesterday night, the person placed the headphones and CDs back in its place before leaving the music store.

The next night…”You have some ketchup on the right side of your lips.” Donghae hastily wiped the mess on the side of his lips. That was just really embarrassing. “You didn’t wipe it properly.” The person used his thumb to wipe away the ketchup. Donghae became even more embarrassed. His face probably have the same color as the ketchup by now.

This time the person didn’t look at the Cds. Instead, he was looking at piano music sheets. He chose one and placed it on the piano. He did a few exercises for his fingers on the piano before starting to play the music piece he chose. Donghae closed his eyes while listening and just when he was starting to get absorbed, the music suddenly stopped. He opened his eyes and caught the person staring at him but for some reason, Donghae felt embarrassed.

“It’s time for you to close the shop.” The person said as he close the lid of the piano and placed the music sheet back in its place. Once again, he left the music store without buying anything.

The next night, Donghae was simply staring at the clock, wishing for it to be 9:30pm, waiting for that person to arrive. “I’m a bit disappointed. You don’t seem to have an embarrassing moment tonight.” The person said as he arrived.

“I don’t want to die of embarrassment.” Donghae replied. While the person was looking at the music sheets, Donghae couldn’t contain his curiosity anymore and started to ask. “Won’t you ever buy anything?”

“Are you going to kick me out of the store if I won’t buy anything?”


“Then I’m not buying anything.” The person seem to lost interest on the music sheets and moved on to the musical instruments. “I’m actually in a bad mood right now. I hope you don’t mind if I bash off my feelings on the drums.”

“As long as you don’t destroy the drums, you can do as much ‘free testing’ or should I say “bashing off your feelings’ on the drums.” Donghae said and instantly became amazed the at the drumming skills. “If you always play THIS good when you’re in a bad mood, then you should always be in a bad mood!!!”

Despite the person’s bad mood, he managed to chuckle. “I don’t want to get wrinkles as such a young age.” Then he placed everything back in place and left the store a bit earlier than the closing time so Donghae didn’t even have the chance to tell him that it’s almost closing time.

The next night, Donghae sighed in disappointment because the clock striked 10pm and still, there was no sign of the person. He closed the store. Just when he was about to leave, he saw the person standing right in front of the store. “You’re late. The store just closed.”

“No, I’m not late. Just almost late.”


“I didn’t come to listen or play music today. If I came just a few minutes later, you would have left already.”

Donghae had to use one full minute to let that sink in his mind. “You wanted to see me?” The person simply smirked before leaving. He also left Donghae in confusion.

The next day, they got a new supply of Cds from a new artist. Donghae looked at the cover. It was a boy band and one of the members look familiar. “Nah…he couldn’t be that person.” Donghae denied. As he started to put and arrange the Cds on the rack, the last CD that was in the box had a writing.

To Donghae
From Kyuhyun

Donghae blinked…once…twice…and a lot more times. He couldn’t believe it that the person who kept on visiting in the music store for the last few nights was actually a member of the new boy band. He opened the CD and started listening to the song. He thought that it was really good and that this group would definitely become famous, not to mention that all of the members looked really handsome so they could easily get the female population plainly with their looks but it’s always good to have lots of talent to pair with their good looks.

He thought that since Kyuhyun was going to be famous that the person wouldn’t be visiting anymore but he thought wrong because that night, just 5 minutes before the store would be closing, Kyuhyun actually showed up. “Why are you here?” Donghae asked.

“Did you get the CD?”

“Yeah and how did you even know my name?”

“Your boss is my father.”

“Oh.” Donghae thought that he really had a lot of shock today. How much more shock could he get?

“Because of the upcoming debut, I’ve been stressed lately so that’s why I’ve been coming here to relieve my stress.” Kyuhyun started to explain. “When I see you in your embarrassing state, I would totally forget how tiring and stressful my day had me. During the short times we get to stare at each other though I would have to say you usually stare at me far longer, I really found you cute. I guess it’s safe to say that I’m forming a crush on you.”

“Crush. I could say the same thing on how I feel towards you but I guess that’s all we’ll ever be to each other. You’re going to be famous. You’ll meet a lot of artists, fan girls or staff and crew. You’ll eventually have a long list of crushes and crush me out in the process. After all, I’m just someone working in this music store.” Donghae jingled the keys that locked the store before putting it in his pocket.

“And because you work in the music store, there are probably a lot of customers flirting on you considering that you are cute and handsome at the same time. Who knows how many beautiful customers would come here? You might eventually have a long list of crushes and crush me out in the process.”

“Hey, you’re copying me.”

“But that’s how I feel too.”

“Then I guess we’ll just have to see where these feelings would take us.”

Usually, new artists would debut as single. Heck, most idols would claim that they don’t have boyfriends and aren’t dating. But Kyuhyun was different because he decided to take the risk by admitting to public that he is exclusively dating someone. Even the members of Kyuhyun’s boy band were shock about this.

“I’m not in a relationship but I’m currently exclusively dating someone. Although I’m just a new artist, I don’t want my career to stop the possibility of having a relationship with the person that I’ve really come to like but we’re still trying to see how far these feelings would take us, how far it would last. I’m sure some fans would be disappointed. I’m also quite aware that I might lose fans but that’s okay because I don’t want fans that would only go for my looks and my availability. I want fans…well, necessarily fans, I just want people to appreciate my talents and accept me for who I am and respect my decisions.”

That’s what Kyuhyun said in a show and also during interviews which were printed on the newspapers. Instead of losing fans, he actually gained more fans and attention for being honest. He was even labeled as Fighter of Love because they got the impression that Kyuhyun would fight for his love and probably choose love over career if the situation comes.

“Are you sure that what you feel for me is just a crush because it doesn’t seem like it.” Donghae said while reading the newspaper. Currently, he and Kyuhyun were having breakfast together in the music store. Because it was very early, the music store was still closed and the two of them were the only ones inside.

“We’ve been dating for a while. My feelings had developed into something more than just a crush.” Kyuhyun admitted. “How about you? What do you feel for me?”

“I think it’s about time we should make it official.”

Kyuhyun really felt so happy when he heard what Donghae said that he really couldn’t believe what he had just head. “You didn’t answer my question though.”

“Should I have a press conference and tell all the news reporters out there that I’m the one you’ve been exclusively dating and that I’ve come to really love you so I want to make it official?”

“No. I just want a kiss.”

“Then a kiss you shall have.”

The bitter aftertaste that the coffee had left on Kyuhyun’s tongue didn’t taste bitter anymore after the kiss he and Donghae shared. That was one of the best breakfasts Kyuhyun had.


A/N: For once...I don't really have anything to say...>.>  Comments please?

sj: kyuhyun, sj: donghae

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