One Month Special Education Program

Aug 20, 2008 19:57

Theme: 47. Stutter
Pairing: Sungmin/Sungmin, Kyuhyun/Sungmin, a very tiny bit of Kihae and Yehwook on the side.

Title: One Month Special Education Program

A/N: Such a long title that doesn’t really mean much anyway >.>
This is a sequel of Time Management

So early in the morning and yet Sungmin already broke a  guy’s heart.
“That’s the third time for this month.” Kibum said as he watched a 4th year student named Choi Siwon walk away with a broken heart.

“Such a pity…that guy really has nice abs…and a body to drool at.” Donghae said with a dreamy sigh which earned him a look from Kibum. “Of course, you have a nice body too, Kibum.” He added quickly after noticing Kibum’s expression.

“Whatever.” A jealous Kibum turned his attention back to Sungmin. “You know, you always complain about not having a boyfriend when all you have to do is just say ‘yes’ to one of those guys courting for you and don’t you even start complaining about how hot guys are going after Ryeowook because all those guys courting you have the looks that all girls would die for and all guys to be jealous of.”

“I just wasn’t interested in him.” Sungmin shrugged. “I want someone who can make me feel nervous as if I have butterflies in my tummy and make me have cold sweat and make my heart beat so wildly against my chest and make me clumsy and stutter and blush and…”

“Okay, okay. I get the point.” Kibum interrupted.

“Ah, here comes Ryeowook and Yesung.” Donghae waved enthusiastically at the couple and his wave paused for a while as he noticed something or rather someone. “There’s a handsome guy with them. Who could it be?”

“Hey, guys.” Ryeowook greeted his friends before introducing them to the handsome stranger. “This is Kyuhyun. He’s pure Korean but he lives in China. He’ll be here for the special education program for one month.” They all exchanged greetings and introductions.

Donghae was very much interested with the Chinese language and asked Kyuhyun to teach him some words and also how to read and write in Chinese. Kibum would ask questions about the Chinese culture. Sungmin had been nice and friendly to Kyuhyun but unlike Donghae and Kibum, he wasn’t interested on getting to know more of Kyuhyun. Instead, he went to talk with Ryeowook after Yesung left.

“Sungmin, Kyuhyun is single!!!” Donghae said as he, Kibum and Sungmin walked home together from school that afternoon.

“So?” Sungmin raised an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes as he saw Donghae continue to smile that implied something. “I’m not interested.” Sungmin added.

Donghae pouts. “But he’s different. He’s Chinese!!!”

“He’s actually a Korean. Not much of a difference.” Sungmin retorted.

“But he’s…”

“Stop it, Donghae or I’ll break your nose. You know how much capable I am in doing that.” Sungmin said in a threatening manner, which made Donghae whimper and hide behind Kibum’s back.

Kibum simply chuckled. “You’re really hard to get, Sungmin. I am so going to throw a party for the guy who can make you his boyfriend.”

“Well, you have a lot of time to save money for the party because it’ll probably be a long time before that happens. See ya guys tomorrow!” Sungmin replied before parting from the couple because his house is at the other direction.


By the start of Kyuhyun’s 3rd week of stay in Korea was also the start of him and Sungmin spending more time together. Sungmin can still safely say that he wasn’t interested in Kyuhyun. He was only hanging out with Kyuhyun in place of Ryeowook, who is spending more time with his boyfriend. But nevertheless, they did become good friends.

Although Donghae took Chinese lessons from Kyuhyun, Sungmin learned more and faster. It’s because they spend more time with each other and that there are times when Kyuhyun would reply to him in Chinese and even if Sungmin doesn’t know what exactly that word was, he would more or less be able to understand. Kyuhyun finds it cute when Sungmin stutters as he tries to talk long sentences in Chinese.

By the 4th week of Kyuhyun’s stay, Sungmin was able to throw back a word or two in Chinese to Kyuhyun’s questions. Kyuhyun seem impress at Sungmin’s fast development. “But I’ll probably just forget what I learned once you go back to China since I won’t have anyone to practice.”

“There’s Donghae.” Kyuhyun replied.

Sungmin snorted. “He doesn’t know much. He even knows less than I do.”

“Then visit me in China.”

“Too expensive.”

“We can always talk on the phone.”

“Phone bills are gonna be expensive.”

“What’s more important, our friendship or money?”

“Of course money.” Sungmin laughed and ducked as Kyuhyun swung a playful punch towards him. Even if he was successful in avoiding the playful punch, he wasn’t successful from escaping Kyuhyun’s hug.

“But seriously,” Kyuhyun breathed out against Sungmin’s ear. “I’ll miss you.”

And for the first time, Sungmin felt his heart skip a beat.


“I think I like someone who’s leaving for China in 5 days.” Sungmin said. He was always the first one to arrived followed by Kibum with sleepy Donghae.

But after hearing what Sungmin said, Donghae’s sleepiness disappeared. “Really?!?! Who?!?!”

Kibum hit Donghae’s head. “It’s obvious, silly.”

“You like Kyuhyun?!?!” Donghae said aloud. It was really lucky for Sungmin that there’s only the 3 of them early birds in the classroom.

“If it weren’t only the three of us here in the classroom, I would definitely kill you for saying that out loud.” Sungmin’s eyebrow twitched.

“So what are you going to do now? He’s leaving in 5 days.” Kibum asked. He’s happy that Sungmin is finally interested in someone but he also feels a bit sad for his friend because that someone in leaving for China in 5 days.

“Nothing. It’s probably just a crush anyway. Whatever I feel right now will probably just fade away in a long run.” Sungmin is aware of his feelings for Kyuhyun but he knows it’s too early and not deep enough to fall in love.

Kibum nodded. It’s probably better this way. “If you say so.”

“I think Kyuhyun likes you back though he seems to be just denying it.” Donghae said which caused Sungmin to look at him curiously. “Kibum, remember the other day when Sungmin was late? Kyuhyun asked why Sungmin doesn’t have any boyfriend.”

“He’s probably just curious.” Sungmin replied.

“Probably but he probably also be thinking of making you his boyfriend.” Donghae suggested.

“Now where did you get that idea?” Kyuhyun appeared and hit Donghae’s head lightly. “What were you guys talking about anyway that lead to what Donghae was saying?”

Kibum explained, making up a lie while Sungmin breathed out a sigh of relief because Kyuhyun wasn’t able to hear the start of their conversation.


2 days left before Kyuhyun leaves for China. The group of friends decided to have go on a night out which they haven’t done since Kyuhyun came. Kibum, Donghae and Sungmin were going all out on the dance floor. Ryeowook, Yesung and Kyuhyun were drinking alcohol.

“Don’t drink anymore. You’re starting to get drunk.” Yesung took the glass away from Ryeowook, who started to hiccup.

“Let’s dance!” Ryeowook was definitely drunk because he wouldn’t dare to dance if he wasn’t drunk. He managed to drag Yesung to the dance floor which left Kyuhyun to observe his friends. Kyuhyun was probably drunk as well because he made his way to the dance floor and danced with Sungmin.

Sungmin gasped as he felt arms around his waist and his body being pulled back against someone. He turned his head and relaxed when he found out it was only Kyuhyun. “I thought you don’t dance.”

“I don’t. I’m just using it as an excuse to touch you.” Kyuhyun’s hands went underneath Sungmin’s shirt.

“Then I shall use this opportunity to touch you back.” Sungmin turned around so he was now facing Kyuhyun. He shivered a bit as Kyuhyun’s hand made a trail on his spine. He stepped closer and grinded his hips against Kyuhyun’s.


The next morning Sungmin woke up in his room but there was something different. There was a body named Kyuhyun right next to him breathing against his neck and an arm on his waist. He was relieve though that they still had clothes on which meant nothing other than making out and probably petting happened between them.

“You have a hickey on your neck.” A husky voice whispered against his ear. “Did I do that?” The tone of voice changed into an innocent one but it was obviously just pretending to be innocent.

Sungmin turned and saw a smirk on Kyuhyun’s face. “Why did you do what you did last night?” He asked seriously because he really wanted to know. “You were drunk but please don’t use that as an excuse because even if you were drunk, I’m sure you wouldn’t have approached me if there was so reason.”

The smirk on Kyuhyun’s face fade away and his expression turned serious. “I wish we live in the same country then we could have more time together then maybe my feelings for you will grow then maybe I can ask you out. Long distance relationship rarely works out, don’t you think?”

“I wish for the same thing too.” Sungmin said softly. He closed his eyes as he received a chaste kiss from Kyuhyun.


Nothing really changed between Sungmin and Kyuhyun except for maybe a few secret kisses exchanged in private. Then the day that Kyuhyun would leave for China finally came. It wasn’t an emotional departure like in the movies or dramas. Kyuhyun exchanged goodbyes with the others and with Sungmin the last. They simply hugged and exchanged a brief kiss before Kyuhyun left. No words were spoken between them.

“What was that all about?” Yesung asked. They all witnessed the brief kiss and were quite shock and surprise about it.

“It turns out that we like each other.” Sungmin replied with a small smile. “But long distance relationships are such a hassle and there are a lot of handsome guys or beautiful girls a.k.a. temptation out there so we didn’t bother to make our relationship official. Whatever we had ends right now.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, Sungmin.” Ryeowook hugged his friend in comfort.

“Kyuhyun had another reason for not asking me out.” Sungmin said as he stepped out from Ryeowook’s hug.

“What is it?” Kibum asked.

“His time management.” Sungmin replied. “It doesn’t allow him to have time for a love life yet.”



A/N: So that’s it…I’m sorry if it’s not really a happy ending that you’ve been expecting for. It took me one whole day to write this one because I get distracted (poupee girl and soju m interview vids) or I run out of ideas. I can’t help but think there isn’t really much of a feeling in this fic. I usually feel whatever my characters are feeling but for some reason , I just feel really.. um…apathetic? Right now…oh well..

SURPRISE!!!! It’s not the end yet =P

In China, Kyuhyun walked on the familiar path on his way to school. If he wouldn’t hurry up, he’s going to be late but he really couldn’t bring himself to run. He walked slowly because he was feeling depressed. He still felt sad leaving his friends in Korea…leaving Sungmin. He came hear students running on their way to the school gate, afraid that the gate would close before they could enter. Someone bump on his back and he nearly fell.

“I’m sorry!!! Are you alright?”

The voice sounded strangely familiar to Kyuhyun’s ears. He slowly looked up and saw a familiar face. “Sungmin?”

“If you don’t hurry up, we’re going to be late for school.” Sungmin grabbed Kyuhyun’s hand and they ran their way to school.

They reached just in time. The school gate closed right behind them. They both took their time to catch their breaths.

“What are you doing here?” Kyuhyun asked after regaining his breath.

“One month special education program.” Sungmin replied with a smile and moved closer to Kyuhyun. “And maybe I’m not ready to end whatever we had yet.” He tiptoed to place a kiss on Kyuhyun’s lips.


A/N: Okay, that’s the real end XD. I could make another chapter but really, I shouldn’t. I need to move on to another fic so I can continue with the 100 challenge fic. I still have around 80+ to go.

100 fic challenge, sj: kyuhyun, sj: sungmin, kyumin

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