Hrm, looking back on my data, that looks about right: about a smidge ahead to right on time. That means actually I'd look 1 weekend earlier potentially than the 15th. Probably 3/8-3/9 plus 3/15-3/16, because they were pretty good on both of those weekends.
Actually, looking back at my 2006 data, I guess it could also in theory push late, so you should include 3/22-3/23. I have pictures from Feb 25th that suggested blooming on some trees, but that really peaked later into March.
I think the key is obviously next week. From my observations, the only real hint is: if next weekend there's a lot of buds where you can see the pink coming through, or you see flowers on the verge of budding, then you have to push the timing up the one week to the 8th-9th as best. If not, then the 15th-16th look safer. I admit the 22nd & 23rd are least likely at this moment, so I'm going to focus on those dates, too.
I think it's safe to take your data as the gospel for this weekend, and that safely the weekend of 3/1-3/2 won't be the max bloom. I'll definitely collect some data next week, though, to help. :D
awesome thanks for making this post. do you mind if I link to here from the LA_loligoth community? I'd like to plan a gathering and use your watch as our guide!
Comments 43
Also, that was a horribly fowl pun you pulled.
Hey! People flock to my LJ for the puns, and that one was the latest feather in my cap.
I think it's safe to take your data as the gospel for this weekend, and that safely the weekend of 3/1-3/2 won't be the max bloom. I'll definitely collect some data next week, though, to help. :D
Thanks for posting this.
do you mind if I link to here from the LA_loligoth community?
I'd like to plan a gathering and use your watch as our guide!
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